SERMONS PREACHED ON Several Occasions. By THOMAS SECKER, LL. D. Printed for JOHN RIVINGTON, at the Bible and MDCCLXVI. THE CONTENT S. SERMON I. PREACHED before the University of Oxford on Act Sunday, July 8, 1733DEUT. xxxii. 46, 47. And be faid unto them, Set your Hearts unto all the Words, which I teftify among you this Day; which ye fhall command your Children to obferve to do, all the Words of this Law. For it is not a vain Thing for you: because it your Life; and through this Thing ye shall prolong your Days in the Land whither go over Jordan to poffefs it. is SERMON II. ye Page 1. Preached on the 30th of January, 1733-4. Is A. xxvi. 9. When thy Judgments are in the Earth, the Inhabitants of the World will learn Righte oufness. A 2 Page 28. SER |