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" Many examples may be put of the force of custom, both upon mind and body ; therefore, since custom is the principal magistrate of man's life, let men by all means endeavour to obtain good customs. Certainly, custom is most perfect when it beginneth in... "
A New Home - Who'll Follow? Or, Glimpses of Western Life? - Page 78
de Caroline Matilda Kirkland - 1839 - 317 pages
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The European Magazine, and London Review, Volume 43

1803 - 542 pages
...maxim inculcated by the immortal В icon, in his ElTays, with which 1 mall conclude. " Since cu'.tom is the principal magistrate of man's life, let men by all means endeavour to obtain good culloms." AH PIND. NEM. У. mpooc . ' ¿it' ¿ya »OÇ Ор/ЛСУ ftÇûLtUt vi¡í^'tivTa, xxi Xijrafo...
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Essays, Moral, Economical, and Political

Francis Bacon - 1812 - 348 pages
...may be put of the force of custom, both upon 202 OF CUSTOM AND EDUCATION. mind and body: therefore, since custom is the principal magistrate of man' by all means endeavour to obtain good customs. Certainly, custom is most perfect when it beginneth in young years: this we call education, which is...
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The Works of Francis Bacon, Volume 1

Francis Bacon - 1815 - 302 pages
...with hard ice. Many examples may be put of the force of custom, both upon mind and body: therefore, since' custom is the principal magistrate of man' by all means endeavour to obtain good customs. Certainly, custom is most perfect when it beginneth in young years: this we ca!l education, which is,...
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The Principles of Population and Production as They are Affected by the ...

John Weyland - 1816 - 556 pages
...done before; as if they were dead images and engines, moved only by the wheels of custom. Therefore, since custom is the principal magistrate of man' by all means endeavour to obtain good customs ! Certainly custom is most perfect when it beginneth in young years : this we call education, which...
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The Principles of Population and Production

John Weyland - 1816 - 538 pages
...done before; as if they were dead images and engines, moved only by the wheels of custom. Therefore, since custom is the principal magistrate of man' by all means endeavour to obtain good customs ! Certainly custom is most perfect when it beginneth in young years : this we call education, which...
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The Essays Or Counsels, Moral, Economical and Political: With Elegant ...

Francis Bacon - 1818 - 312 pages
...hard ice. Many examples may be put down of the force of Custom, both upon mind and body. Therefore since Custom is the principal magistrate of man' by all means endeavour to obtain good Customs. Certainly Custom is most perfect when it beginneth in young years : this we call Education, which is...
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The essays; or, Counsels moral, economical, and political, by sir F. Bacon

Francis Bacon (visct. St. Albans.) - 1818 - 310 pages
...hard ice. Many examples may be put down of the force of Custom, both upon mind and body. Therefore since Custom is the principal magistrate of man' by all means endeavour to obtain good Customs. Certainly Custom is most perfect when it beginneth in young years : this we call Education, which is...
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Sylva sylvarum (century IX-X) Physiological remains. Medical remains ...

Francis Bacon - 1819 - 580 pages
...with hard ice. Many examples may be put of the force of custom, both upon mind and body. Therefore since custom is the principal magistrate of man' by all means endeavour to obtain good customs. Certainly custom is most perfect, when it beginneth in young years : this we call education, ,which...
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Essays moral, economical and political

Francis Bacon (visct. St. Albans.) - 1819 - 214 pages
...with hard ice. Many examples may be put of the force of custom, both upon mind and body : therefore, since custom is the principal magistrate of man's life, let men by all fheans endeavour to obtain good customs. Certainly, custom is most perfect when it beginneth in young...
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Essays by Lords Bacon and Clarendon: Two Volumes in One, Volumes 1 à 2

Francis Bacon - 1820 - 548 pages
...with hard ice. Many examples may be put of the force of custom, both upon mind and body: therefore, since custom is th~e principal magistrate of man' by all means endeavour to obtain good customs. Certainly, custom is most perfect when it beginneth in young years: this we call education, which is,...
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