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" It were good therefore that men in their innovations would follow the example of time itself, which indeed innovateth greatly, but quietly and by degrees scarce to be perceived... "
A New Home - Who'll Follow? Or, Glimpses of Western Life? - Page 107
de Caroline Matilda Kirkland - 1839 - 317 pages
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The Orthodox churchman's magazine; or, A Treasury of divine and ..., Volume 7

1804 - 508 pages
...scorn to the new. It were good therefore, that men, in their innovations, would follow the exarople of time itself, which indeed innovateth greatly, but quietly, and by degrees scarce to be perceived : for, otherwise, whatsoever is new is unlookpd for; and even it mends sp.ip^ Sfld impairs others....
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Auntient lere, a selection of aphoristical and preceptive passages from the ...

Ancient learning - 1812 - 322 pages
...then look about us and " discover what is the straight and right way, and " so to walk in it." IBID. IT were good that men in their innovations would follow...but quietly and by degrees, scarce to be perceived. IBID. GENERALLY, let princes and states choose such ministers as are more sensible of duty than of...
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Historical Reflections on the Constitution and Representative System of ...

James Jopp - 1812 - 460 pages
...Great Britain. that reverence too much old times are but a scorn to the new. It were good therefore, that men in their innovations would follow the example...but quietly and by degrees scarce to be perceived ; for otherwise whatsoever is new is unlocked for ; and ever it mends some, and pairs other : and he...
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Essays, Moral, Economical, and Political

Francis Bacon - 1812 - 348 pages
...innovation; and they that reverence too much old times, are but a scorn to the new. It were good, therefore, that men, in their innovations, would follow the example...but quietly, and by degrees scarce to be perceived; for otherwise, whatsoever is new is unlocked for; and ever it mends some, and pairs others ; and he...
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The Works of Francis Bacon: Miscellaneous writings in philosophy, morality ...

Francis Bacon - 1815 - 294 pages ; remember thou art God's vicegerent. The one bridleth their power, and the other their will. " It were good that men, in their innovations, would...but quietly, and by degrees scarce to be perceived. " The best governments are always subject to be like the fairest crystals, where every icicle or grain...
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The Works of Francis Bacon, Volume 1

Francis Bacon - 1815 - 302 pages
...innovation ; and they that reverence too much old times are but a scorn to the new. It were good, therefore, that men in their innovations would follow the example...but quietly and by degrees scarce to be perceived ; for otherwise, whatsoever is new is unlooked for ; and ever it mends some, and pairs others : and...
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The essays; or, Counsels moral, economical, and political, by sir F. Bacon

Francis Bacon (visct. St. Albans.) - 1818 - 310 pages
...were but to roast their eggs. 73. New things, like strangers, are more admired, and less favoured. 74. It were good that men, in their innovations, would...but quietly, and by degrees scarce to be perceived. 75. They that reverence too much old time, are but a scorn to the new. 76. The Spaniards and Spartans...
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The British Review, and London Critical Journal, Volume 11

1818 - 596 pages
...innovation ; and they that reverence old times are but a scorn to the new. It were good, therefore, that men in their innovations would follow the example...but quietly, and by degrees scarce to be perceived; for, otherwise, whatsoever is new is unlocked for. — It is good also not to try experiments in states,...
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The Essays Or Counsels, Moral, Economical and Political: With Elegant ...

Francis Bacon - 1818 - 312 pages
...: and they that reverence too much old times, are but a scorn to the new. It were good, therefore, that men in their Innovations would follow the example...itself; which indeed innovateth greatly, but quietly, 'ind by degrees scarce to be perceived: for otherwise whatsoever is new, is unlocked for ; and ever...
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Sylva sylvarum (century IX-X) Physiological remains. Medical remains ...

Francis Bacon - 1819 - 580 pages
...were but to rost their eggs. 38. New things, like strangers, are more admired, and less favoured. '39. It were good that men, in their innovations, would follow the example of time itself, which in* deed innovateth greatly, but quietly, and by degrees scarce to be perceived. 40. They that reverence...
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