position of the Evans Gambit, that the general opinion was against accepting the offered Pawn on the fourth move, when, in the spring of 1868, Anderssen, the most accomplished master of this attack, proposed, as a new defence, a variation of a line of play which had for a long time been abandoned as ruinous. The bold capture of the three Pawns (compromittirte Vertheidigung) in connection with a later Counter Gambit, should excite more doubts of the soundness of the Evans Gambit than any previous defence. The fruits of my studies on the subject are given in the following analysis: 6 P to Q 4 7 Castles 5 B to R 4 6 P takes P Before we examine the course of the usual and best move 8 Q to Kt 3-in the position illustrated by diagram II., we may first see the results of two others-8 P to K 5, recommended by Stanley; and 8 B to R 3, played several times by P. Morphy. 8 P to K 5 8 K Kt to K 2 (A) 9 Kt takes P 10 Kt takes Kt 9 Kt to Kt 5 (or B) 10 K Kt takes P II B takes Kt ch 12 Q to R 5 ch 13 Q takes B II K takes B 12 P to Kt 3 13 P to Q 4 (a) 14 Q takes P at B 3 15 B to Kt 2 16 Q to Kt 3 ch 17 Q takes P (b) WHITE. 14 Kt to B 3 16 B to K 3 17 Q to Q 2 17 Q R to K sq 10 Kt to Kt 3 18 R to K 3 Black has a safe position and is two Pawns ahead. 18 Kt to B sq Black can play here also 8 Kt to R 3, but should not play 8 P to Q3, which leads after 9 P to K 5, 9 P takes P to immediate loss by 10 B takes P ch, 10 K takes B, 11 Kt takes P ch, 11 K to K sq, 12 Q to R 5 ch, 12 P to Kt 3, 13 K Kt takes P, 13 Kt to B 3, 14 R to K sq ch, 14 K to B 2, and White mates in six moves. 8 Q to Kt 3 9 P to K 5 If 10 B to Q3, 10 Q to R 4, and if 10 Kt to R 4, 10 Q to K 5. 10 K Kt to K 2 II Kt takes P See the continuation on 3 in the following analysis of the chief attack. (See Diagram II.) 8 Q to B 3 III.--BLACK. WHITE. Position after Black's 10th move. OUR PROBLEMS REVIEWED. No. 374, by J. W. ABBOTT.-"The mate with the Queen is elegant," J. N. K.-"The Black pieces are too much pinned,' C. P." Neat and rather original," H. J. C. A.—“ Class A, a very beautiful problem,” J. A. M.-"A fair problem, but the position of the BQ points to the solution," R. W. Johnson.Very cramped," T. R. H.-"Interesting and pretty, but it is obvious that the R on K 4 is the first piece to be moved," W. J. N. Brown." Novel and ingenious; it is the best I have yet seen by this composer," W. Nash. No. 375, by F. HEALEY.- "This problem can unfortunately be solved in two ways, c.g., by IR to Q8 (the author's method) and IR to Q 6. No. 376, by H. E. KIDSON.-"I have never before seen this idea carried out so well in a three-move problem," J. N. K."Yields easily to analysis," C. P.-" A well constructed and pleasing stratagem," H. J. C. A.-" An excellent problem capitally expressed," R. W. Johnson."Neat, but rather obvious," W. J. N. B.-"What oft was thought, but never so well expressed," W. Nash. No. 378, by J. MENZIES.-"Too obvious," J. N. K."Several dual mates,' C. P.-"Pretty, but somewhat too obvious," H. J. C. A.-“A poor problem for this ingenious composer," J. A. M.-" Easy," R. W. Johnson." One varia tion requires two White Queens on the board at the same time, which I conceive to be objectionable," T. R. H.-“A fair problem," W. J. N. B.-" Very fair," W. Nash. No. 380, by Dr. GOLD.-" Some of the mates are very neat and the problem is difficult," J. N. K. — “A grand problem," C. P.-"Less difficult than this author's problems usually are, but very pretty indeed," H. J. C. A. -"Rather weak,” J. A. M. "An elegant and difficult problem," R. W. J.-" Difficult,' T. R. H.- An excellent stratagem," W. J. N. B."A perfect gem, exquisitely set," W. Nash. No. 381, by C. CALLANDER.-"Very neat; the freedom of the B. K. is deceptive," J. N. K.-" A pretty piece of Knight play," C. P. "One of the best in this number," H. J. C. A. "Class A. A very fine problem," J. A. M.-"Very pretty,' R. W. J.-"Neat and pretty," W. J. N. B.-"A novelty; the first move spoils an otherwise ingenious problem," W. Nash. No. 382, by C. W. M. DALE. - -"This problem admits of more than one solution, eg. 1 Kt to Q Kt 7 (the author's) and Kt takes P."-J. N. K. sends a solution commencing IQ takes B, and A. C. P. points out one by 1 Kt to Kt 3. R. W. Johnson, H. J. C. Andrews, and W. J. Ñ. B., note all. No. 383, by W. COATES.-"This problem admits of more than one solution, e.g. 1 R to Q Kt 8 (the author's), I R to K B 8, IR to Q R 8, and even 1 K to R 4. No. 384, by G. E. BARBIER.—“Very easy, but nevertheless instructive," J. N. K.-“ A Puzzle, C. P.-"A fair study, a la Kling and Horwitz," H. J. C. A.-"A very ingenious problem, Class A," J. A. M.-"A Puzzle only," R. W. Johnson."Squaring the Circle,” T. R. H. Ingenious and pretty," W. J. N. B.—“Very good," W. Nash. 66 No. 385, by R. W. JOHNSON.-"This problem cannot be solved in five moves. The author appears to have overlooked the power of the White Queen to interpose on the fifth move. He has, since its publication, informed us that a BP at Q 7 would correct this, but does this not leave a second solution open?" "No. 386, by H. J. C. ANDREWS.-"The gem of the number," R. W. Johnson." Pleasing and instructive, the best in the number," W. J. N. B.-"A masterly problem. White appears to have but one line of play to prevent Black from winning. The checks and counter checks are cleverly managed," W. Nash. |