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This, of course, will be a pre-eminent part of the grand restoration of the chosen people. It strikes me as being described to take place, at the very time when the anti-christian armies are employed on their last fatal expedition in Palestine. I believe that "the tidings out of the north and out of the east," which the victorious king hears in Egypt, have some connection with this approach of a divinely conducted people, and, perhaps, also that oracle, which, in the drying up of the waters of the Euphrates, saw a way prepared, for "the kings from the sun-risings."

are numerous.

The scriptures which disclose this second Exodus The lxviii. Psalm is very express and particular, and may serve as an introduction to the other scriptures, which will illustrate its meaning. "The song opens with that solemn invocation, which was used by the Israelites in the wilderness, in the time of Moses, when the tent of the tabernacle was struck, and the Levites set forward with the sacred burden upon their shoulders."

"Let Elohim arise, his enemies be scattered;

And they that hate him flee before him."

They shall be dispersed as smoke is dispersed;

As wax is melted before the fire,

The wicked shall perish from the presence of Elohim.

But the righteous shall rejoice,

They shall be glad at the presence of Elohim,

They shall exult with rejoicings :

Sing ye Elohim, chant his name.

Prepare ye the way for him that rideth through the deserts;

In Jah his name, and rejoice before him,

Father of the fatherless, defender of widows,
Elohim in his holy habitation.

Elohim is restoring the destitute to a home,
Bringing forth prisoners into scenes of plenty :
But the refractory * remain on the dry-rock.+

Elohim, when thou wentest before thy people,
When thou marchedst through the desert,
The earth trembled; ah, the heavens dropped;
At the presence of Elohim Sinai itself,

At the presence of Elohim, the Elohim of Israel!

Thou didst scatter, Elohim, a plenteous shower,
And established thy fainting heritage;

Thy food settled upon it,

Of thy goodness thou preparedst for the poor-afflicted,

Elohim, Adonai‡ hath given the word,

The spreaders-of-the-tidings, are, a numerous host!

'Kings of armies flee—they flee!

And she that stayeth at home divideth the spoil.

Though ye have been lying among the pots,

'Ye shall be' like the wings of a dove, covered with silver,

And her pinions with verdant gold.

When Shadai has scattered kings,

Then shall she be white as the snow in Salmon.'

The hill of Bashan is the hill of God!

The hill of Bashan a hill of swelling heights!

Why look ye so enviously, ye swelling hills?
This is the hill which Elohim has desired to dwell in,
Ah, Jehovah fixeth his dwelling here for ever.

* Or "the rebellious," or "revolters shall inhabit the dry-rock.

↑ Or parched.

Adonai, the Master "

Lord," or

Sovereign Lord.

Elohim rideth on, amidst myriads, thousands of thousands.*
Adonai is among them, 'as in' Sinai, in the sanctuary.

Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive,
Thou hast received gifts for men ; †
Ah, even the rebellious shall be for a habitation of Jah

Blessed be Adonai from day to day;

The El of our salvation loadeth us with benefits.‡
The El is with us, El to accomplish' salvations,
And to Jehovah Adonai belong the issues of death. §

Ah, El will strike the head of his enemies,

The hairy scalp of him that goeth on still in his guilt.

I will turn him' back, hath Adonai said, from Bashan,
I will turn him back from the shores of the sea.

So that thou shalt plunge thy foot in blood,

The tongue of thy dogs 'is' the enemies' portion.

They saw thy processions, O Elohim,

Thy processions, my El, my King, in the sanctuary.
The singers were first, last the harpers,

In the midst the virgins with' timbrels.

From the congregations they blessed Elohim,
Adonai from the stock of Israel.

There was Benjamin the younger son, 'with' their ruler,

* Or, thousands of happy followers. Compare lxx. and Bishop Horsley.

+ Some render these lines,

Thou hast received gifts in man,

Ah, the rebellious for a habitation of Jah Elohim.

But compare St. Paul, Eph. iv. 8, and verse 8 of this psalm. Perhaps we should render, "But shall the rebellious be a habitation for Jah Elohim?"-Alluding to those who perish in the desert; compare Ezek. xx. 33, &c. quoted below.

Or, hath borne the burden for us.

§ "Of death the goings-forth," "And to Jehovah we owe our escapes from death."

Princes of Judah with their defence,
Princes of Zebulon, princes of Naphtali.

Command, O Elohim, thy strength,

Strengthen, O Elohim, this that thou hast wrought for us.
At thy temple, unto Jerusalem

Shall kings bring thee a present.

He hath checked the beast of the reed, the assembly of bulls, With the calves of the nations, disturbing with their feet the silvery streams;

He has dispersed the nations that delight in war.

Chiefs came out of Egypt,

His hand urged Ethiopia against Elohim!

Ye kingdoms of the earth, sing ye Elohim,

Chant ye Adonai. Selah.

Him who rideth upon the heaven of heavens from the east,†
Lo, he uttereth a mighty sound with his voice!

Ascribe ye power unto Elohim,

His majesty is over Israel,

And his power in the skies!

Awful art thou, O Elohim, in thy sanctuary,

El of Israel!

He giveth strength and power to his people;
Blessed be Elohim!

Whatever difficulties may appear in the interpretation of this psalm, its general application will not be doubted, when we shall find the future fact of a second Exodus and passage through the desert, established by other prophecies, and ascertain by comparison that the march of the Divine Presence here described agrees not in its circumstances with the exodus from Egypt, and far less with the return of the children of the captivity * Compare Simonis Lex.

+ Or, "as of old."

from Babylon. This is clearly told us Hosea i. 11. We read in the first chapter:

"And the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel shall be

gathered together,

And shall appoint to themselves one head;

And shall come up out of the land;

For great shall be the day of Jezreel.”

Then, in the second chapter, after a prediction of the rejection of Israel, and desolation of their country, under the metaphor of a faithless wife given up to shame and poverty by her husband; we read: (xi. 14.)

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"Notwithstanding, lo, I myself will' allure her,

And will lead her 'in' the desert,

And will speak cheeringly to her :

And I will give her thence, her cultivated country,
Even the valley of Achor for a door of hope.

And there shall she join in responsive song, as in the days of her youth,

Even in the day when she came up from the land of Egypt.

And it shall come to pass in that day, saith Jehovah,
That thou shalt call me, my Husband,

Thou shalt no more call me, my Master.

For I will take away the name of masters out of her mouth, And the name of them they shall mention no more.”

Ezekiel xx. 33, &c. is both parallel and explanatory :

"As I live, saith Jehovah Elohim, surely with a mighty hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with fury poured out, will I rule over you: and I will bring you out of the peoples,

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