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" Shall, on conviction thereof by a court of summary jurisdiction, or on indictment as hereinafter mentioned, be liable either to pay a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, or to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding three months, with or without hard... "
Reports of Cases in Criminal Law Argued and Determined in All the Courts in ... - Page 656
publié par - 1882
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Hansard's Parliamentary Debates

Great Britain. Parliament - 1875 - 1082 pages year. I may here point out that the penalties under the Act of 1866 were these — A woman might be imprisoned for a term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour, for infringing the provisions of the Act, and for illegally quitting the hospital to which she was...
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Gazette of fashion, and cutting-room companion [afterw.] Minister's gazette ...

Minister and co, ltd - 1875 - 456 pages
...summary jurisdiction, or on indictment, be liable to pay a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, or be imprisoned for a term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour. " Merely watching a house or place to obtain or communicate information, not to be deemed watching...
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The Statutes of the United Kingdom of Great Britain ..., Volume 90 ;Volume 1225

Great Britain - 1850 - 900 pages
...a Second or subsequent Offence shall, in addition to any such Compensation, be liable to a Fine not exceeding Twenty Pounds, or to be imprisoned for a Term not exceeding Twelve Months : Any Person who shall steal or damage with Intent to steal any Part of any live or dead...
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Statutes at Large ...: (37 v.) A collection of the public general statutes ...

Great Britain - 1851 - 932 pages
...Bridge, Pipe, Arch, or Gullet belonging to any public Road, shall be liable to a Fine not exceeding Ten Pounds, or to be imprisoned for a Term not exceeding Three Months : 8. It shall be lawful for any Two Justices of the County, Using new upon Application of the County...
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Acts of the Parliament of South Australia

South Australia - 1878 - 392 pages be seriously or permanently injured, he shall on conviction be liable either to pay a penalty not exceeding Twenty Pounds, or to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding six months with or without hard labor. 7. Whenever and as often as any person who, with a view to Penalty...
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Criminal Law Consolidation: The Public General Statutes Consolidating the ...

Great Britain - 1868 - 244 pages stolen, or the amount of the injury done, and shall also be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds, or to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding three months. 6. Whenever any credible witness shall prove upon oath , before a justice of the peace, that there...
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The Rights and Dangers of Property: A Sermon Delivered Before the Executive ...

Andrew Preston Peabody - 1884 - 604 pages
...summary jurisdiction, or on indictment, as hereinafter mentioned, be liable either to pay a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, or to be imprisoned for a...exceeding three months, with or without hard labour. Attending at or near the house or place where a person resides, or works, or carries on business, or...
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The Laws as to Licensing Inns, &c. &c: Containing the Licensing Act, 1872 ...

George Colwell Oke - 1872 - 404 pages
...second and any subsequent offence to a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour, and to be declared to be a disqualified person for a period of not less than two years nor exceeding...
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The Licensing Act, 1872, with Explanatory Intr., and Notes

William Andrews Holdsworth - 1872 - 200 pages
...second and any subsequent offence to a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour, and to be declared to be a disqualified person for a period of not less than two years nor exceeding...
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Law Relating to Public Health and Local Government

William Cunningham Glen - 1873 - 144 pages
...second and any subsequent offence to a penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour, and to be declared to be a disqualified person for a period of not less than two years nor exceeding...
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