A NEW HOME-WHO 'LL FOLLOW! OR, GLIMPSES OF WESTERN LIFE. BY Kailand, now. Carolina natida Ca MRS. MARY CLAVERS, f AN ACTUAL SETTLER. Ladies-or fair ladies-I would wish you-or I would request you, or I would entreat you, A shew, as it were, of an accompanible solitariness, and of a civil wildness. Sidney's Arcadia. Second Edition. NEW-YORK: C. S. FRANCIS, 252 BROADWAY. BOSTON: J. H. FRANCIS, No. 128 WASHINGTON STREET. 1840. 566 K58 Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1839, BY CHARLES S. FRANCIS, In the Clerk's Office of the Southern District of New-York. gl 1-13:38 add. PREFACE. I AM glad to be told by those who live in the world, that it has lately become fashionable to read prefaces. I wished to say a few words, by way of introduction, to a work which may be deemed too slight to need a preface, but which will doubtless be acknowledged to require some recommendation. I claim for these straggling and cloudy crayon sketches of life and manners in the remoter parts of Michigan, the merit of general truth of outline. Beyond this I venture not to aspire. I felt somewhat tempted to set forth my little book as being entirely, what it is very nearly-a veritable history; an unimpeachable transcript of reality; a rough picture, in detached parts, but pentagraphed from the life; a sort of "Emigrant's Guide : "-considering with myself that these my adventurous journeyings and tarryings beyond the confines of civilization, might fairly be held to confer the traveller's privilege. But conscience prevailed, and I must honestly confess, that there be glosses, and colorings, and lights, if not shadows, for which the author is alone accountable. Journals published entire and unaltered, should be Parthian darts, sent abroad only when one's back is turned. To throw them in the teeth of one's every-day associates might diminish one's popularity rather inconveniently. I would desire the courteous reader to bear in mind, however, that whatever is quite unnatural, or absolutely incredible, in the few incidents which |