THE LONDON MAGAZINE. JANUARY το JUNE, 1824. Why should not divers studies, at divers hours, delight, when the BEN JONSON'S Discoveries. VOL. IX. London: 1 PRINTED FOR TAYLOR AND HESSEY, 93, FLEET STREET, AND 13, WATERLOO PLACE, PALL MALL. ALPHABETICAL TABLE Anecdotes of Ghosts, 255, 256. Architecture, French work on, 213-Ger- Ariosto, Rose's Translation of, 623-his immorality, 624-compared with Dante and Tasso, ib. his characteristic merits, Callcott, Dr. memoir of, 306. Chatterton, Richard, Letters to the Coun- Children, young, death of, 117. Colman, Mr., refuses to license Shee's Association, the Kildare Street, Dublin, Connubia Florum, on the author of that Bacon, his error in rejecting Aristotelian logic, 310-his New Atlantis, 652. Baphomet, the Symbol of the Knights' Batavian Anthology, review of, 300. Bird in a darkened cage, complaint of, 117. Brasbridge's Fruits of Experience, 417. Buhle, his work on the Free Masons, 5. Bullock's Mexican Museum, 521. Byron, Lord, 276-remarks on his trans- Dahlmann, Professor, his historical re- Dale, Commodore, 629-his account of R. Payne Knight, Bishop Buckner, Delafield, Rev. Thos, 397, note. Delavigne, French poet, his Ecole des Devil in Ireland, 453. Dialogues of Three Templars, on Political Drama: Covent Garden, Vespers of Pa- lermo, 92-Miss F. H. Kelly, 94-the King's Visits to the Theatres, ditto- Grimaldi, 95-the Pantomimes, 197- Covent Garden, Harlequin and Poor Robin, 198-Grimaldi; Drury Lane, Harlequin and the Flying Chest, 200- Philandering, Young's Sir Pertinax, Simpson and Co. 201-Surrey and Co- burg Theatres, the Hertfordshire Tra- gedy, 202-Covent Garden, Native Land, 311-Misses Paton, Love, and Tree, 312 The Poachers, ib. Drury Lane, Merry Wives of Windsor, ib. -Mr. Colman, refusal to license Mr. Shee's Alasco, 313-Mr. Young at Exe- ter, 314-Covent Garden, Pride shall have a fall, 429-English Opera House, Matthews, 430-the Easter Spectacles, 567-Covent Garden; Henry IV. - Dramatists, Postscript to Letters to, 60. Dublin, bay of, 454-city, 457. Dutch, poetry, 300-character, 384. Easter feast, at Naples, 124, 126. Education, 410-Madras system, 410- character of the new system, 412-school government, 414, 503-grammar, 505 -mental arithmetic, 509-themes, 509 -rewards and punishments, 511-best mode of acquiring languages, 512-clo- Elizabeth, wretched state of Ireland in her English character, 67, 383-physiology, 646. Esquimaux, 475-Iligliuk, an Esquimaux Essayist, young, advice to, 501. Etiquette, punctilious, of naval comman- Euripides, supposed Drama of Richard the Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 663. Facetiæ Bibliographicæ, No. IV. Demo- Featherstonhaugh, C. F., Memoirs of, 133. Forgiveness, 119. Franco di Girolamo, a Jesuit, beatification Free-masons and Rosicrucians, origin of, 5 Poets, Early, F. Vauquelin, 26- Modern, C. Delavigne, 153. Ghost-player's Guide, 368-Observations Goethe, his dedication to his poems, 186 -translation from, 285-another ver- Good, Dr., on melancholy madness, 378. Grammars, defects of those in use, 508. Grose, Capt, his collection of curious ad- Hamlet, the character of the Ghost, the most difficult of any in Shakspeare, 368 -on the madness of Hamlet, 373-his Hargrove, Frank, a character, 523-his L 229. Imaginary Conversations, Landor's, 523. Imitations and plagiarisms, recent, poetical, 277-Scott, 277-Southey, 278-Mont- gomery, 281-Crabbe, Graham, Milman, Intellect, superior, an object of admiration, Jones, Paul, sketches of, 492 his action Ireland, the Devil in, 453-the Kildare- Italy, recollections of, 21-walk to Pæs- tum, &c. 122-number of ruins of the Jurisprudence, foreign publications on, 330. Kant, in what degree obscure, 344-on National character in relation to the sense for the sublime and beautiful, 381-on Labour, the quantity of, the ground of va- Lacy, J., his reply to Terentius Secundus, 469. Lancasterian system of education, Mr. Cole- Day to J. Lacy, 272-reply to, 469. Lion's Head, 3, 115, 227, 339, 451, 581. Madras system of Education, 410. Maier, Mich. writer on the Rosicrucian So- Malthus, Mr., his objections against Ri- cardo, 343-his doctrine of value, 551 -objections to Ricardo's theory of va- lue, 557-errors of his table illustrating the invariable value of labour, 562. Man, a misanthrope by nature, 67. Maynard's "Twelve Wonders,” extracts Memoir of C. F. Featherstonhaugh, 133. Captain Rock, ditto, 583. 572. Miracles, by Franco di Girolamo, 233. vertisement of, 287. Montgomery, poetical imitations by, 281. Moore, poetical imitations by, 282. Music: Provincial Concerts, Manchester, &c. Warminster, 96-Italian Opera at Bath, Sir G. Smart's Concerts at ditto, Norwich Musical Festival, King's The- atre, Performers, Rossini's Zelmira, 97 -Mr. Sinclair at Covent Garden, Stei- belt's death, Viganoni's, H. Smart's, 98-New Music, 99-King's Theatre, Rossini, his Zelmira, 208-his appear- ance at the opera, 209-Garcia, Signora Colbran Rossini, Concerts, 210-New Music, 211-Madame Catalani, 304- Miss D. Travis, the Bristol Harmonic Institution, Mr. Cummins' Lectures on Music, Oratorio at Drury-lane, 305- Dr. Callcott's Glees, and memoir of that Royal Academy, 405-Remarks on the expensiveness of Concerts, Oratorios, 406 Stadler's Oratorio of Jerusalem Delivered, Concerts at the Opera-house, 407-Catalani, Il Fanatico per la mu- sica,' 408-New Music, 409-Oratorios, the Star of Bethlehem, the Prophecy, General success of the season, the Misses Cawes, 542-Defects of Braham and Sinclair, King's Theatre, Clementi, |