The Resurrection Life Study BibleXulon Press, 2007 - 602 pages Have you ever found the New Testament difficult to understand? Do you appreciate the King James Bible, but struggle with some of its archaic English? Have you ever wished you understood what Paul was really saying? The Resurrection Life Study BibleTM is a unique Bible structured in two different parallel formats: First, as a traditional King James New Testament with detailed study notes. Secondly, as an easy-to-read paraphrase amplifying the text to bring out its cultural and historical background, helping the student gain a deeper understanding of the Scriptures in a natural, free-flowing manner that clarifies hosts of difficult-to-understand verses such as Matthew 12:27. KJV: And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? Therefore they shall be your judges. Paraphrase: And if my power comes from Beelzebub, where does your (Pharisee movement's) power come from? (In other words, when is the last time any of you cast out a demon by God's power? The answer is, of course, that you can't cast demons out at all!) So these fleeing demons are showing who really is, and is not, of God! Written from an evangelical perspective cutting across denominational lines while retaining a balanced acknowledgement of the Jewish background of the New Testament, also included are: An article explaining who and what the two competing groups of Pharisees were, and their influence over events in the Gospels and Acts. An article explaining how the Law worked differently for Jews and Gentiles. The ultimate article on the Unforgivable Sin. An article answering typical Jewish objections to Christian beliefs. An article on what the devil is capable of doing. So whether one is Catholic, Protestant, or Messianic, student or theologian, there is a wealth of information in this unique version of the New Testament. |
Table des matières
hitroduction Page | 2 |
What you never knew about the Pharisees Page | 10 |
What you never knew about the New Testaments view of the Law Page | 16 |
How to overcome being mad at God Page | 27 |
Mark Page | 95 |
Luke Page | 131 |
Page | 193 |
Acts Page | 239 |
The Epistle to Marcus Sestius Philemon 6163 AD Page | 408 |
The Epistle to the Philippians 6163 AD Page | 420 |
The Epistle of 1st Timothy 6265 AD Page | 426 |
The Epistle of 1st Peter 6566 AD Page | 434 |
The Epistle to Titus 66 AD Page | 442 |
The Epistle of 2nd Peter 6567 AD Page | 449 |
The Epistle of 2nd Timothy 6667 Page | 476 |
Revelation 96 Page | 490 |
The Epistle to the Galatians 4849 AD Page | 298 |
The Epistle of Jacob James 4955 AD Page | 309 |
The Epistles of 1st 2nd Thessalonians 5152 AD i Page | 318 |
The Epistle of 1st Corinthians 5455 AD Page | 326 |
The Epistle of 2nd Corinthians 5556 AD Page | 355 |
The Epistle to the Romans 5557 AD Page | 372 |
The Epistle to the Colossians 6163 AD Page | 402 |
Appendix IFor Christian Jews and Moslem converts only Page | 514 |
What the devil can do Page | 525 |
Appendix IIIThe real Sabbath truth Page | 536 |
Appendix IVAbrahamour paradigm for justificationwho never kept the Sabbath | 543 |
Law Page | 553 |
Appendix V Where no Law is there is no transgression Page | 564 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
accepted according Acts actually angels answered apostles asked authority behold believe blessed body brethren bring brother brought called cast cause CHAPTER chief Christian church coming commandments dead death disciples earth enter esus evil eyes fact faith Father first flesh followed gave Gentiles give given glory God’s Gospel grace hand hath hear heard heart heaven Holy Holy Spirit Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ Jewish Jews John judge judgment keep King kingdom live look Lord means Messiah mind never pass Paul person Peter Pharisees pray preached priests prophets receive refers righteousness Sabbath saith saved say unto saying Scripture sent servant sins speak Spirit stand teaching tell Temple thee things thou told took Torah true truth understand unto verse walk whole woman written