SERM. Now the predictions of our SAVIOUR were many; CCXXXVII and those very plain, and punctual, and particular; and fuch as all or most of them had their accomplishment in that age. That we may take a more distinct view of them, I shall reduce them to these five heads. 1. Those that foretold his death, and the circumstances of it. 2. His refurrection, and the particular circumstances of that. 3. The defcent of the holy Ghost upon the apo stlcs, with the circumstances belonging to that. 4. The deftruction of Hierufalem before the end of that age, with the signs foregoing it, and the concomitant circumstances of that. 5. Those that foretold the fate of the gospel in the world, the oppofition it should meet with, and yet the admirable success it should have, notwithstanding that oppofition. 1. Those that foretel his death, and the circumstances of it. This he did very particularly, and at feveral times, Matt. xvi. 21. he told his difciples, " that he must go unto Jerufalem, and there suffer " many things of the elders, and chief priests, and "scribes, and be killed." Mark x. 33, 34. and Matt, xx. 18, 19. he foretels more particularly the manner of their proceedings against him, that "the " chief priests and scribes should condemn him " to death;" but that they should not put him to death, but " deliver him to the Gentiles, to "mock, and scourge, and crucify him," which was afterwards done by Pilate the Roman governor. He foretold likewife the manner how this fhould be brought about, Matt. xx. 18. that he should be دو "be CCXXXVII. " betrayed into the hands of men." And he didSERM. particularly point out before-hand the man that was to betray him, Matt. xxvi. 23. "He that dippeth " his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray 66 me." He foretold that his disciples should forfake him, Matt. xxvi. 31. "All of you shall be "offended because of me this night; for it is " written, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep "shall be scattered." And when Peter declared his confident resolution to stick to him, he foretold that he should deny him, with very particular circumstances of the time and manner of it, Matt. xiv. 30. "This night before the cock crow twice, thou " shalt deny me thrice;" which was all punctually accomplished. 2. He punctually foretold his resurrection, with the circumstances of it, that "he should rise again "the third day," Matt. xvi. 21. and that, “ after " he was risen, he would go before them into Ga 66 lilee," Matt. xxvi. 32. which was accomplished, Matt. xxviii. 16. 3. He foretold likewise the descent of the holy Ghoft upon the apostles, in miraculous powers and gifts, Luke xxiv. 49. "Behold, I fend the promife " of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city " of Jerufalem, until ye be endowed with power " from on high." He specifies the place where the holy Ghost should defcend; and what the effects of this descent of the holy Ghost upon them should be, he tells them particularly, Mark xvi. 17, 18. " And these signs shall follow them that " believe: in my name shall they cast out de 66 vils, and they shall speak with new tongues; "they shall take up ferpents, and if they drink "any SERM.،، any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they CCXXXVII. " shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall re " cover." All which was punctually fulfilled in the second of the Acts, and the following part of that hiftory. There are yet two other instances of our SAVIOur's prophetical spirit, which I mentioned; but those I referve for the next difcourie, THE
THE CONTENTS. SERM. CCVIII, CCIX. TIT. ii. 8. HIS is a faithful saying, and these things I will believed in God, might be careful to maintain good SERM. ССХ. Of doing all to the glory of God. 1 COR. Χ. 31. SERM. CCXI. Doing good, a security against injuries from men. 1 PET. iii. 13. : SERM. ССХІІ. Of diligence in our general and particular calling. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy SERM. ССХІІІ. Of the blessedness of giving, more than that of receiving. ACTS xx. 35. And to remember the words of the LORD JESUS, how The whole verse runs thus, I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring, ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth; p. 92. SERM. |