SER M. CCXIX. Of the nature of faith in general. SERM. CCXXV. Of the christian faith, the means of it's conveyance, But thefe are written, that ye might believe that JESUS But thefe are written, that ye might believe that JESUS SERM. The condition of the gofpel-covenant, and the me- JOHN xx. 31. But thefe are written, that ye might believe that JESUS SER M. CCXXIX, CCXXX, CCXXXI. Of the miracles wrought in confirmation of christi- anity. HE B. ii. 4. GOD alfo bearing them witness, both with figns and SERM. CCXXXII, CXXXIII. 1 JOHN iv. 4, 5. SERM. CCXXXIV, CCXXXV, CCXXXVI, CCXXXVII. The evidences of the truth of the chriftian religion, 2 COR. iv. 3, 4. But if our gospel be bid, it is hid to them that are loft: in whom the god of this world bath blinded the minds of them which believe not, left the light of The END of the ELEVENTH VOLUME mb. |