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The Rubber.

1. THE rubber is the best of three games. If the first two games be won by the same players, the third game is not played.


2. A game consists of five points. Each trick above six counts one point.

3. Honours, i.e., Ace, King, Queen, and Knave of trumps are thus reckoned :

If a player and his partner, either separately or conjointly, hold—

I. The four honours, they score four points.

II. Any three honours, they score two


III. Only two honours, they do not


4. Those players who, at the commencement of a deal, are at the score of four, cannot score honours.

5. The penalty for a revoke takes precedence of all other scores. Tricks score next. Honours last.

6. Honours, unless claimed before the trump card of the following deal is turned up, cannot be scored.

7. To score honours is not sufficient; they must be called at the end of the hand; if so called, they may be scored at any time during the game.

8. The winners gain—

I. A treble, or game of three points, when their adversaries have not


II. A double, or game of two points, when their adversaries have scored

less than three.

III. A single, or game of one point, when their adversaries have scored three, or four.

9. The winners of the rubber gain two points (commonly called the rubber points), in addition to the value of their games.

10. Should the rubber have consisted of three games, the value of the losers' game is deducted from the gross number of points gained by their opponents.

II. If an erroneous score be proved, such mistake can be corrected prior to the con

clusion of the game in which it occurred, and such game is not concluded until the trump card of the following deal has been turned up.

12. If an erroneous score, affecting the amount of the rubber, be proved, such mistake can be rectified at any time during the rubber.


13. The Ace is the lowest card.

14. In all cases, every one must cut from the same pack.

15. Should a player expose more than one card, he must cut again.

Formation of Table.

16. If there are more than four candidates, the players are selected by cutting: those first in the room having the preference. The

four who cut the lowest cards play first, and again cut to decide on partners; the two lowest play against the two highest; the lowest is the dealer, who has choice of cards and seats, and, having once made his selection, must abide by it.

17. When there are more than six candidates, those who cut the two next lowest cards belong to the table, which is complete with six players; on the retirement of one of those six players, the candidate who cut the next lowest card has a prior right to any aftercomer to enter the table.

Cutting Cards of Equal Value.

18. Two players cutting cards of equal value, unless such cards are the two highest, cut again; should they be the two lowest, a fresh cut is necessary to decide which of those two deals.


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