19. Three players cutting cards of equal value cut again; should the fourth (or remaining) card be the highest, the two lowest of the new cut are partners, the lower of those two the dealer; should the fourth card be the lowest, the two highest are partners, the original lowest the dealer. Cutting Out. 20. At the end of a rubber, should admission be claimed by any one, or by two candidates, he who has, or they who have, played a greater number of consecutive rubbers than the others is, or are, out; but when all have played the same number, they must cut to decide upon the out-goers; the highest are out. Entry and Re-Entry. 21. A candidate wishing to enter a table must declare such intention prior to any of the players having cut a card, either for the purpose of commencing a fresh rubber, or of cutting out. 22. In the formation of fresh tables, those candidates who have neither belonged to, nor played at any other table, have the prior right of entry; the others decide their right of admission by cutting. 23. Any one quitting a table prior to the conclusion of a rubber may, with consent of the other three players, appoint a substitute in his absence during that rubber. 24. A player cutting into one table, whilst belonging to another, loses his right of reentry into that latter, and takes his chance of cutting in, as if he were a fresh candidate. 25. If any one break up a table, the remaining players have the prior right to him of entry into any other, and should there not be sufficient vacancies at such other table to admit all those candidates, they settle their precedence by cutting. Shuffling. 26. The pack must neither be shuffled below the table nor so that the face of any card be seen. 27. The pack must not be shuffled during the play of the hand. 28. A pack, having been played with, must neither be shuffled, by dealing it into packets, nor across the table. 29. Each player has a right to shuffle, once only, except as provided by Rule 32, prior to a deal, after a false cut, or when a new deal has occurred. 30. The dealer's partner must collect the cards for the ensuing deal, and has the first right to shuffle that pack. 31. Each player after shuffling must place the cards properly collected, and face downwards, to the left of the player about to deal. 32. The dealer has always the right to shuffle last; but should a card or cards be seen during his shuffling, or whilst giving the pack to be cut, he may be compelled to re-shuffle. The Deal. 33. Each player deals in his turn; the right of dealing goes to the left. 34. The player on the dealer's right cuts the pack, and in dividing it, must not leave fewer than four cards in either packet; if in cutting, or in replacing one of the two packets on the other, a card be exposed, or if there be any confusion of the cards, or a doubt as to the exact place in which the pack was divided, there must be a fresh cut. 35. When a player, whose duty it is to cut, has once separated the pack, he cannot alter his intention; he can neither re-shuffle nor re-cut the cards. 36. When the pack is cut, should the dealer shuffle the cards, he loses his deal. A New Deal. 37. There must be a new deal— I. If during a deal, or during the play of a hand, the pack be proved incorrect or imperfect. II. If any card, excepting the last, be faced in the pack. 38. If, whilst dealing, a card be exposed by |