demption through his blood, even the forgiveness of fins. After the conclusion of the whole action. Bless the Lord, O my foul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my foul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgiveth all thine iniquities, and healeth all thy diseases; who redeemeth thy life from destruction, and crowneth thee with loving-kindness and tender mercies; who fatisfieth thy mouth with good things. Bless the Lord, O my foul. A prayer to be used in private afterwards. I praise and magnify thy great and glorious name, O Lord, my God, for the blessed opportunity afforded to me this day, of commemorating thy infinite goodness and mercy to me and all mankind, in sending thy only Son into the world to take our nature upon him, to submit to the infirmities and miseries of it, to live amongst us, and to dy for us : And to preferve the memory of this great love and goodness of thine to us for ever in our hearts, that thou hast been pleased to appoint the blessed sacrament, for a folemn remembrance of it. Grant, O Lord, that I may faithfully keep and perform that holy covenant which I have this day so solemnly renewed and confirmed in thy presence, and at thy table. Let it be an eternal obligation upon me, of perpetual love and obedience to thee. Let nothing seem hard for me to do, or grievous for me to fuffer for thy fake, who whilft I was a finner, and an enemy to thee, lovedst me at such a rate as never any man did his friend. Grant that by this facrament there may be conveyed to my foul new spiritual life and strength, and fuch a measure of thy grace and assistance, as may enable me to a greater care of my duty for the future : future: That I may henceforth live as becomes the redeemed of the Lord; even to him who died for my fins, and rose again for my justification, and is now fet down on the right hand of the throne of God, to make interceffion for me. In his holy name and words I conclude my imperfect prayers : Othy name. UR Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that have trespassed against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil : For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. AN TABLE OF THE Chief MATTERS OF THINGS CONTAINED IN THE First Three VOLUMES. * The letters denote the volumes, the figures the pages. T A HE God of Abraham, Ifaac and Jacob. What the ex- Abraham's religion. The antiquity of it, ii. 143. Age. The gospel-age, or last-age, i. 68. Afflictions, i. 73. How born, i. 106, 219. Why sent, i. 165. Whence, i. 168. Amelius, the Platonist, a more indifferent judge of the Holy Angels, or Dæmons, iii. 88. Antiquity. The vanity of the church of Rome's pretence to it, ii. 197. M. Antoninus. An excellent saying of his about the confideration of our ways, i. 236. Apollinaris, and his followers. Their heresies concerning our blessed Saviour, iii. 25. 74. Apostacy. The nature of that fin, i. 299. Apotheofes, or canonizing of the Heathen, iii. 88. VOL. X, a Argu Arguments; how to be used, ii. 26, 30. Arians. On what texts of H. Scripture they conceit the eternal Son of God to be a creature, iii. 35. That false opi. nion, and the Socinians confuted, iii. 39. Arian heresies, iii. 35. Arianism, far greatest part of the Christian world fell to it, iii. 333. The Ariftotelian Atheist, i. 11. ! Aristotle, the first who asserted the world's eternity, i. 14. That falfe opinion fully answered, in feq. Arnauld (Monfieur) his ways of demonstration of doctrines rejected, ii. 116. His absurdities for transubstantiation, ii. 129. Afia and Africa. A relation of the Christans there, iii. 336. Arts and learning; their original, and benefit to mankind, i. 18.1 Affurance. With reference to a man's future good condition, and true grounds of it, i. 256, &c. Atheism. The kinds of it, i. 1o. And the unreasonableness thereof; particularly of speculative atheism. The danger, i. 35. The fo The folly and madness of the same, i. 40, 41, 210. Its progrefs and power, i. 79. Destructive of human focieties, ii. 134. The unreasonableness of it. See p. 7, &c. of the preface. Atheists. Their great danger if their opinions prove false, i. 63. Their mifery here, and hereafter, ibid. Their vain opinions when clearly discovered, ii. 383. Atoms, according to Epicurus, i. 22. His account in making them the original of the world, fully examined, ibid. and confuted, vid. 44. The Divine Attributes, ii. 397. and the happiness in firm belief of them, in feq. St. Auguftine noted concerning tradition, iii. 411. B Babylon Ba Modern and mystical Babylon The obligation therein, i. 138. And profession, i. 191. Infant baptifm, iii. 185. Whereon the benefit of that H. facrament depends, ii. 120. Bafilides, his heresies, iii. 28. Batramus, or Bertram. His opposing the doctrine of tranfubstantiation, ii. 117. Berengarius, his recantation of the doctrine and error of transubstantiation, ii. 115. Belief and Believers: Of what comprehenfive fignification those terms are in H. Scripture, i. 2. In religion: The proper grounds of it, i. 367. Bellarmine's (Cardinal) errors for transubstantiation, ii. 113. ! His two goodly marks of the Church, universality and Bishop of Rome, vid. church of Rome, iii. 157, & in feq. Blood of Christ. Whence called, the blood of the covenant, iii. 112. Books. Pious books: The charity in bestowing them, ii. 48. C C Abbala of the Jews; called Gematry, iii, 374- 3.5.. Cafar. Julius Cæfar: A remark on him, ii. 303. Cenfors of doctrines at Rome, iii. 392. Ceremonies of the Jewish religion, ii. 156. Of the church, vanity, ii. 156. Cerinthus's heresy, iii. 28. Chaldean philofophy. The antiquity thereof, iii. 28. Chance could not make the world, i. 23. Chance, ii. 299, 300. Charity. An essential mark of the true church, i. 202. The want of it in the church of Rome, i. 285. The abuse of it, i. 310. The profit in this life, i. 318. Exhortation to it, the nature of it, i. 339. To our neighbour, ii. 310. The promises made to charity, ii. 39. To the poor, i. 318, 319. ii. 311. To be joined with religious fasting, ii. 365, 367. To the poor directed, and the benefits, i. 316, 317. To mens fouls, how exercised, i. 305. Whence learnt, iii. 121. How to be extended, ii. 64. Difference between concessions of charity and necessity. ii. 145. In what sense a new commandment, i. 338. The degrees and measures of it, i. 340. The obligations to it, ibid. Chastity, i. 73. iii. 192. Chiliafts, in J. Martyr's time, the perfuafion of all orthodox Children. Education of them. The duty and interest there- 22 |