A Collection of the Public General Statutes Passed in the ... Year of the Reign of ...

G. W. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode, Printers to the Queen, 1848

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Fréquemment cités

Page 568 - ... and give this Act and the special matter in evidence at any trial to be had thereupon...
Page 573 - Bounty (that is, the governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne for the Augmentation of the Maintenance of the Poor Clergy).
Page 114 - ... a certificate containing the substance and effect only (omitting the formal part) of the indictment and conviction for such offence, purporting to be signed by the clerk of the Court, or other officer having the custody of the records of the Court where the offender was convicted, or by the deputy of such clerk or officer...
Page 68 - Felony, without otherwise describing the previous felony ; and a certificate containing the substance and effect only, (omitting the formal part) of the Indictment and conviction for the previous Felony, purporting to be signed by the Clerk of the Court or other Officer having the custody of the Records of the Court where the offender was first convicted...
Page 169 - An Act for the further security of His Majesty's person and Government, and the succession of the Crown in the Heirs of the late Princess Sophia, being Protestants, and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales, and his open and secret abettors...
Page 157 - ... upon any account, at any time whatsoever, disclose or discover the vote or opinion of any particular member of the court-martial, unless required to give evidence thereof as a witness by a court of justice, in a due course of law. So help you God.
Page 406 - AB, and if within the space of days after the making of such distress the said last-mentioned sums, together with the reasonable charges of taking and keeping the said distress, shall not be paid, that then you do sell the said goods and chattels so by you distrained, and...
Page 135 - Felony, purporting to be signed by the Clerk of the Court or other Officer having the custody of the Records of the Court where the offender was first convicted, or by the Deputy of such Clerk or Officer...
Page 134 - ... to the house of correction, there to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding one calendar month.
Page 568 - Fact committed, and not otherwise; and Notice in Writing of such Action, and of the Cause thereof, shall be given to the Defendant One Calendar Month at least before the Commencement of the Action...

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