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Second, £5, Thos. Close, jun., Stamford.
Highly commended—J. H. Wingfield, Stamford.
Commended-Chas. Sell, Bassingbourne.


Class 42.-Fat Wether Sheep of the Kentish or Romney
Marsh breed, 1 year old (under 23 months).

First prize, £20, to J. S. S. Godwin, Hazlewood

Second, £15, to H. Page, Walmer.

Third, £5, to F. Neame, jun., Macknater, Kent.
Highly commended.-H. Rigden, Lyminge, Kent.
Commended.-H. Page, Walmer.

Class 43.-Fat Ewes of the Kentish or Romney Marsh
breed above 3 years old.

First prize, £10, to J. S. S. Godwin, Hazlewood, Kent.
Second, £5, to H. Page, Walmer.
Highly commended.-H. Rigden, Lymige.
Commended.-J. S. S. Godwin, Hazlewood.


Class 44.-Fat Wether Sheep of the Southdown breed,
1 year old (under 23 months).

First prize, £20, to H. Humphrey, Ashington, Pulborough
Second, £15, Lord Walsingham, Merton, Thetford.
Third, £5, Lord Walsingham.

Commended.-HR.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G.

Class 51.-Fat Ewes of the Shropshire breed, above 3 years old.

First prize, £10, to The Baron W. von Schröder, Nantwich.

Second, £5, to G. Cooke, Linton.

Class 52.-Fat Wether Lambs of the Shropshire breed,
born in the year 1879.

First prize, £10, to Thos. Nock, Sutton Maddock.
Second, £5, to The Baron W. von Schroder.

Class 53.-Fat Wether Sheep of the Oxfordshire breed,
1 year old (under 23 months).

First prize, £20, to Wm. Cooper, Honghton Regis.
Second, £15, to Albert Brassey, Chipping Norton.
Third, £5, to Albert Brassey.

Highly commended.-Wm. Cooper, Houghton Regis ;
Colonel R. Loyd Lindsay, V.C., M.P., George Street,

Commended.-Henry F. Hill, Watford, and the Earl of
Jersey, near Bicester.

Class 54.-Fat Ewes of the Oxfordshire breed, above
3 years old.

First prize, £10, to Albert Brassey, Chipping Norton.
Second, £5, to J. P. Case, Testerton, Fakenham.
Commended.-George Adams, Faringdon.

Class 55.-Fat Wether Lambs of the Oxfordshire breed
born in the year 1879.

Class 45.-Fat Ewes of the Sonthdown breed, above 3 First prize, £10, to A. Brassey, Chipping Norton.

years old.

First prize, £10, to the Right Hon. the Earl of Suffolk.
Second, £5, Lord Walsingham.

Highly commended, H. R.H. the Prince of Wales.

Second, £5, J. and F. Howard, Bedford.
Highly commended.-W. Cooper, Houghton Regis.
Commended.-J. and F. Howard, Bedford.


Commended, Hugh H. Penfold, Chichester; Chas. Chap- Class 56.-Fat Wether Sheep of the Cheviot breed, of man, Stonehouse.

Class 46.-Fat Wether Lambs of the Southdown breed, First prize, £15, to his
born in the year 1879.

First prize, £10, J. and A. Heasman, Angmering.
Second, £5, to J, and A. Heasman.
Highly commended.-J. J. Colman, M.P., Norwich.

Class 47.-Fat Wether Sheep of the Hampshire or Wilt-
skire Down breed, 1 year old (under 23 months).
First prize, £20, to Alfred Morrison, Tisbury.
Second, £15, to Alfred Morrison.

Third, £5, Withheld.

Highly commended.- Charles Sell, Bassingbourne,

Class 48.-Fat Ewes of the Hampshire or Wiltshire Down
breed, above 3 years old.

First prize, £10, to F. R. Moore, Pewsey.
Second, £5, to Lewis Lloyd, Addington.
Highly commended.-J. Read, Homington.
Commended.-W. Newton, Crowmarsh, Battle.

Class 49.-Fat Wether Lambs, of the Hampshire breed,
born in the year 1879.

First prize, £10, to Alfred Mor's n, Tisbury'
Second, £5, to Wm. Newton, jan., Benson, Oxon.
Highly commended.-W. Parson, Micheldever.
Commended.-W. Newton, Wallingford.


Class 50.-Fat Wether Sheep of the Shropshire breed, 1
year old (under 23 months).

First prize, £20, to Lord Chesham, Latimer, Chesham.
Second, £15, to Thos. Nock, Sutton Maddock.

Third, £5, to Lord Chesham.

Commended, G. Cooke, Linton.


any age

Grace the Duke of Roxburgh,

Second, £10, to his Grace the Duke of Roxburgh. Highly commended.-T. Irving, Curriestanes, in two entries.


(N.B.-No Animal or Pen of Animals eligible to compete in any of the other Classes can be allowed to compete in the Cross-bred Classes.)

Class 62. Cross-bred Fat Wether Sheep, 1 year old (under 23 months).

First prize, £20, to D. Buttar, Corston.

Second, £15, to J. R. Overman, Burnham, Sutton.
Third, £10, to W. Robinson, Knotting Green, Bedford.
Fourth, £5, to J. W. Sharman, Fakenham.
Commended, J. Overman, Burnham, Sutton; E. Suther-
land, Linkwood, Elgin; J. W. Sharman, Fakenham.
Class 63.-Fat Wether Cross-bred Lambs, born in the
year 1879.

First prize, £10, to E. Burbidge, Wraxhall.
Second, £5, J. B. Ellis, jun., West Barsham.
Commended, E. Burbidge, Wrax hall.



Class 64.-Pigs of any white breed not exceeding 9
months old.

First prize, £10, to J. Saunders, of Northleaze, Castle

Second, £5, to the Right Hon. the Earl of Radnor

Highly commended,-Jas. and Fredk. Howard, Bedford.

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Silver Cup value £40, for the best Short-horn Beast, to Richd. Stratton, Newport, Mon.

Silver Cup value £40, for the best Sussex beast, to J. Kirkpatrick, Hythe.

Silver Cup value £40, for the best Scotch Beast, to Sir W. W. G. Cumming, Bart.

Silver Cup value £40, for the best cross-bred Beast, or any other breed not before specified (ie., not being Devon, Hereford, Shorthorn, Sussex, or Scotch), to Lord Lovat, Beauly, Inverness.


Silver Cup value £20, for the best pen of Leicester, to

John Green and Son, Silsden.

Silver Cup value £20, for the best pen of Cotswold, to Robt. Jacobs, Burford.

Class 67.-Pigs of any black breed, not exceeding 9 Silver Cup value £20, for the best pen of Lincoln, to

months old.

First prize, £10, H. D. de Vitre, Wantage.

Class 68.-Pigs, of any black breed, above 9 and not

exceeding 12 months cld.

Thos. Close, juor., Stamford.

Silver Cup value £20, for the best pen of South Down to H. Humphrey, Ashington.

Silver Cup, value £20, for the best pen of Hampshire or Wiltshire Downs, to Alfred Morrison, Tisbury.

First prize, £10, W. Wheeler, Long Compton, Shipston- Silver Cup, value £20, for the best pen of Shropshire, to


Second, £5, withheld.

Class 69.- Pigs, of any black breed, above 12 and not exceeding 18 months old.

First prize, £10, W. Wheeler, Long Compton.
Second, £5, withheld.


Class 70.-Pigs of the Berkshire breed, not exceeding 9 months old.

First prize, £10, to J. P. King, North Stoke.
Second, £5, to W. and E. Harris, Coleshill.

Class 71.-Pigs, of the Berkshire breed, above 9 and no exceeding 12 months old.

Lord Chesham, Latimer.

Silver Cup, value £20, for the best pen of Oxfordshire, to
Wm. Cooper, Houghton Regis.

Silver Cup, value £20, for the best pen of Cross-bred of
any kind, to David Butter, Corston, Forfarshire.
Silver Cup value £10, for the best pen of Cheviot or other
Mountain bred, to Mrs. M. Langdon, North Molton.
Silver Cup, value £20, for the best Kentish, Ryeland,
Dorset, or any other pure bred, not before specified, to
J. S. S. Godwin, Tunbridge,


Silver Cup value £15, for the best pen of Pigs of any White breed, to the Right Hon. the Earl of Radnor. Silver Cup value £15, for the best pen of Pigs of any Black breed, to Wm. Wheeler, Long Compton.

First prize, £10, to Messrs. Harris and Biggs, Cablington Silver Cup value £15, for the best pen of Pigs of the Second, £5, to T. C. Baker, Blandford.

Commended, E. Coles, Yeovil.

Class 72.-Pigs, of the Berkshire breed, above 12 and not exceeding 18 months old.

First Prize, £10, to Lord Chesham, Latimer.
Second, £5, to R. Fowler, near Aylesbury.
Commended, J. P. King, North Stoke.


(No Pigs qualified for the preceding Classes can be shown in this Division.)

Class 73.-Pigs, of any other breed, not exceeding 9 months old.

First prize, £10, to Tom Coate, Newton.
Second, £5, J. Saunders, Northleaze.

Class 74.-Pigs, of any other breed, above 9 an duo exceeding 12 months old.

First prize, £10, to Tom Coate, Newton. Class 75.-Pigs, of any other breed, above 12 and not exceeding 18 months old.

No entry.

Class 76.-Single Pigs, of any breed or age. First prize, £8, to Richard Fowler, near Aylesbury. Second, £4, to the Right Hon. the Earl of Radnor. Commended.-Sir H. Verney, Bart., Winslow; J. Pittman King, North Stoke.


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The annual meeting of the members was held on Tuesday Dec. 9th, at the Agricultural Hall, and was well attended among those present being Lord Chesham, Lord Tredegar, Mr. Moore, Mr. H. Trethewy, Mr. Ffolkes, Mr. E. Little, Mr. Charles Howard, Mr. J. Druce, Mr. Bennett, Mr. O. Wallis, Professor Symonds, Mr. J. Brown, Mr. John Thompson, &c.

The HON. SECRETARY (Sir Brandreth Gibbs) read the following Report of the Council.

The Council begs to lay before the members the following Three annual report of its proceedings during the past year. meetings have been held, all of which were well attended. In addition to the ordinary business of the Club, and matters connected with the past and the present shows, the following subjects have had the careful consideration of the Council:1. The preparation in February last of the prize sheet and rules of exhibtion for this year's show. The Council is happy to be able to report that, in consequence of the improvement

in the health of live stock throughout the country, it felt justified in removing the restriction which for some years it had been compelled to enforce, prohibiting animals exhibited elsewhere within one month of the Club's show being admitted. In erder, however, as far as possible to guard against danger, the rule which requires the exhibitors to sign a certificate that each animal has not been for fourteen days in contact with any animal suffering from contagious or infections disease, has been retained, as also that requiring all animals to undergo a veterinary examination previous to their being admitted at the doors of the Agricultural Hall. The Council has great satisfaction in having been enabled to remove restrictions which mast in past years have had the effect of keeping many The meritorious animals from being sent for exhibition. rules have been amended so as to give the Council the power of dealing more fully than hitherto with cases in which the exhibitors or breeders fail to prove the correctness of the certificates signed by them when called upon to do so by the stewards.

In order to prevent frivolous protests being lodged, the protestor is now required to deposit the sum of £5; and if on investigation the protest is not sustained to the satisfaction of the stewards the sum thus deposited will, at the discretion of the Council, be forfeited to the funds of the Club.

In re-adjusting the prize sheet, the following is the principal alteration made for the present show:-The exemption from furnishing a breeder's certificate for Scotch cattle now applies only to the Scotch Higbland breed, and not, as heretofore, to all Scotch cattle.

The Agricultural Hall Company have acquiesced in the champion prize being taken, 30 guineas in a large gold medal and 70 guineas in money, or entirely in plate, as in past years, at the option of the winner.

The proprietors of cattle conveyances being required by law to cleanse and disinfect their vehicles, the arrangement made with them for some years has been discontinued, and exhibitors have thus been left free to make their own terms for the carting of their animals to the show. It is hoped that a saving of expense, both to exhibitors and the Club, will thus be efected.

II. The Council have had under its earnest consideration the best means of encouraging early maturity in live stock, and in order that this subject should be fully investigated, a Special Committee was appointed to take evidence and report. A letter was aldressed by the Honorary Secretary to every member of the Club, stating the object for which the Committee had been appointed, and naming the day, the hour, and the place of meeting; and inviting those who might desire to Also, in appear and give evidence to send in their names. order to give those who did not wish to appear personally, the opportunity of stating their views, the members were informed that any written communication received by a fixed date would be printed for the use of the Committee. Twentyfour communications were received, and four gentlemen were so good as to attend before the Committee and give evidence, After mature which was taken down by a shorthand writer.

deliberation the Committee presented its report, which the Council unanimously adopted, and which has been published in the agricultural papers as part of the proceedings of the November Council meeting.

The chief points are that in the divisions for Devons, Herefords, Shorthorns, Sussex, and Cross-bred cattle, there shall be 3 classes of steers-viz., 1st, not exceeding 2 years; 2nd, above 2 and not exceeding 3 years; 3rd, above 3 and not exceeding 4 years. In the divisions for Norfolk and Suffolk breeds, and for Scotch Polled breeds-1st, steers not exceeding 3 years; 2nd, steers above 3 and not exceeding 4 years. In the Open or Extra classes-steers not exceeding 4 years old; heifers or cows not qualified for any of the other Heifer or Cow classes; the animals must not have been exhibited at any fat stock show during the previous year 1879. This clause, therefore, will prevent a heifer or cow that has won prizes as a fat animal in the previous year being kept over for an additional year, instead of being killed, in order to compete for the Champion Plate; it having been felt that such animals being kept in a fat state for two consecutive years cannot be considered either as examples of early maturity or as coming within the object for which the Club was originally established. The Report also regulates the amount of prizes to be given in each class. In any class where at least 10 entries are actually exhibited, the judges will have the power, if there be special merit, to

recommend to the stewards that an additional prize shall be given, to the amount of two-thirds of the last prize offered in that class. A separate Breed Cup, value £10, will be given tor the Kentish or Marsh breed, and also for the Ryeland, Dorset, &c., breeds of sheep.

It has been determined that the Club's Chompion Cup for Sheep may be taken by the exhibitor either in plate or money, or in the Club's gold medal and money, and that the silver medals to the breeders of the first prize animals in each class be given in all cases as form erly instead of as recently, only when the breeder is not the exhibitor.

III. The Council, has, in accordance with the Bye Laws, prepared as usual the list of 16 members of the Club, from whom it recommend eight for election by the members of the Club to serve on the Council, and to succeed the eight who retire annually by rotation and are not re-eligible for one year.

IV. The Council lays before the general meeting the usual printed balance sheet up to December 1st, which has been duly audited; this shows balance in hand amounting to £2,694 10s. 34d. The Club has to receive £1,355 from the Agricultural Hall Company Limited for the present exhibition. Against these amounts there will be, as usual, the payment of the prizes and other expenses connected with the present show. The total amount offered in prizes and cups for comyear is Cattle, £1,320; Sheep, £755; petition this Pigs, £192; Champion, £155'; other plate, £590. Total £3,012.

It is satisfactory that a further investment of Life Compositions amounting to £782 58., has been made in the names of the trustees in the 3 per cent. Consols, thus making the total invested capital of the Club £5,148 12s. 9d. stock.

The Council regret that in consequence of the continued severe illness of the assistant secretary, he has been unable to attend his duties during the last year. The hon. sec, has, however, with the temporary assistance before sanctioned by the Council, carried out all the details during that period, and personally undertaken and superintended the preparations for the present show. The Council has determined, in consideration of Mr. Pullen's faithful services to the Club, to grant him a pension of 50 guineas per annum, to commence at Christmas. The Council has, subject to the necessary arrangements, authorised the appointment of an assistant secretary, on the same terms as heretofore in Mr. Pullen's case.

The Council is glad to be able to congratulate the members on the continued and general prosperity of the Club. The number of members now on the register remains about the same as hitherto. The Council, however, renews its recommendation that each member should do his utmost to induce others to join, in order that the national objects of the Club may be extended to a still further degree than they have been ap to the present time.

(Signed) By order of the Council,


The CHAIRMAN in moving the adoption of the Report said the Council invited discussion upon it, but he trusted that it was so satisfactory that little need be said.

The motion having been seconded,

Mr. WREN complained of having been improperly interfered with and treated with discourtesy by the superintendent in charge of the police during the visit of the Prince and Princess of Wales the day before, and inquired whether any special orders were given to the police.

The CHAIRMAN replied that no orders were given to the police, but they were simply left to make the usual arrangements for a Royal visit (Hear, hear).

The next business being the election of the President for 1881, the CHAIRMAN said he had very great pleasure in proposing a name which he was sure would be acceptable to the members generally-the Duke of Manchester.

Mr. FFOULKES seconded the motion, and it was adopted without any discussion.

Lord TREDEGAR then said it was possible that his Grace might not accept the offer, and in order, therefore, that they might have another string to their bow, he would also propose Mr. Foljambe, M.P.

Lord CHESHAM said he had great pleasure in seconding that motion, Mr. Foljambe being well known to all of them as a very great breeder of Shorthorns and an exhibitor, and, he might add, a master of hounds.

The motion was then agreed to.

The vice-presidents were re-elected, and the names of Mr. Walter, M.P., and the Earl of Jersey were added to the list.

The trustees, Mr. Charles Howard, Mr. W. Sanday, and Mr. J. Druce, having been re-elected trustees,

Lord TREDEGAR said he had now to propose the re-election of Sir Brandreth Gibbs as honorary secretary, and he did so with the greatest pleasure. During this year that gentleman besides his own duties, had performed those of the assistantsecretary, without any additional cost to the Club (cheers).

Mr. W. PAINTER seconded the motion, which was carried amid cheers, and briefly acknowledged by Sir Brandreth Gibbs. The following gentlemen were elected members of the Council in place of those who retired by rotation :-Mr. A. F. Milton Druce, Mr. Thomas Duckham Mr. Robert Garne, Mr. James E. Ransome, Mr. Joseph Shuttleworth, Mr. Jos. S ratton, Mr. Martin John Sutton, and Mr. Jonas Webb. The retiring members were-Mr. Hugh Aylmer, Mr. Edward Beck, Mr. Richard Garrett, Mr. Robert H. Masfen, Mr. Jas. E. Rawlence, Mr. John Thompson, Mr. Henry Webb, and Mr. Jacob Wilson.

The annual audited balance-sheet was then presented;

after which several members were elected.

Mr. FFOULKES said it was his pleasing duty to propose that their best thanks should be given to the President for the manner in which he had conducted the business of the Club, and for his valuable services during the present year. They had all known Colonel Kingscote for a great many years, and he was sure that the more they saw of him the better they liked him (cheers).

Mr. R. STRATTON, in seconding the motion, said he was quite sure all present would agree with him that no man in England had rendered greater services to agriculture than Colonel Kingscote (cheers).

The motion having been carried by acclamation,

The CHAIRMAN said-My lords and gentlemen, I am extremely obliged for the very kind way in which the vote has been proposed and carried. It has given me great pleasure to be the President of this Club-a Club which is doing so much good both to agriculture and to the community at large. I cannot help thinking that during this last year the Club has not only taken a step forward, but has also recovered a step hackward; for, thanks to immunity from disease, it has been able to open its doors wider this year than it had done for two or three years before. There are many gentlemen connected with the Club now present in the room to whom we are greatly indebted for what has taken place in legislation for the prevention of disease among animals-legislation which has been attended with great success. Irrespective of politics it always afforded me pleasure to do what I could to pro. mote the passing of an efficient measure for preventing the spread of contagious diseases. On the other hand, the Club has made a good stride forward in reducing the ages of animals, and trying to promote early maturity. I have hardly heard a single dissentient voice in this matter. I was amused to read the other day in a newspaper that a Welshman had declared that a great deal of the agricultural distress which had been experienced was due to the fact that the Welsh farmers had not got five-year-old sheep and five-year-old beasts (laughter). He tried to argue that ont, but I could not help smiling at his argument. I thought that if farmers could get rid of their stock quicker they could make more money and do good to themselves as well as to the public, as I hope this Club is doing by offering prizes for early maturity. I trust that this Club may long prosper; and if I have been able, as a member of the Council, or in any other capacity, to help forward its interests, I am amply repaid by being connected with the Council, and meeting there so many business-like men whose object is the same as my own.

Mr. R. STRATTON said, before the meeting separated he would like to have the opinion of the exhibitors first, on the question whether it was not desirable to have a duly-appointed salesman for the sale of their stock. Great difficulty was now experienced in meeting with a salesman; and, speaking for himself as an exhibitor, he might say that he scarcely knew one. They had no office in which to meet a salesman, and he thought it would be well if the Club adopted the system which had been in operation for several years at the Birmingham Show, and have a regular salesman of their own.


Mr. GUERRIER was glad to hear the observations of Mi Stratton. It had long been felt as a nuisance at the Smith field Club Show that there was no office for salesmen. H himself was a salesman, as well as an old member of th Club. He did not desire the post of salesman to the Club, an in his opinion such an appointment would not work well but he thought it would be well to have a place where the exhibitors could meet a salesman, as was the case at Bir mingham. That they had no such place he fancied was the fault of the Agricultural Society (Hear, hear)-and h mentioned the matter as one that deserved the attention o the Council, who might urge upon the Hall Company that proper provision should be made for the accommodation o salesmen, similar to that made for the foreman of the yard. That official was supplied with a place in which he could carry on his duties, whilst the exhibitors in want of such a place were buffeted about from pillar to post from Monday afternoon till Friday night, when the Show closed. The result was, that when he as a salesman might be wanted about the sheep, he was among the pigs, and vice versa, and thus lost his customers. It was a disgrace to the Agricultural Hall Company that they did not make some provision, and he earnestly hoped the Council would take the matter in hand.

Sir BRANDRETH GIBBS could only say that in the schedule of requirements, that was of things to be provided by the Agricultural Hall Company, a salesman's office was included, and that schedule was communicated to the Secretary of the Company many weeks ago.

Mr. GUERRIER said he did not mean to imply any reflection upon the Honorary Secretary. Sir Brandreth Gibbs, he was sure, had done everything in his power to meet the wishes both of exhibitors and salesmen.

The meeting then separated.

NATURAL FIRE. The so-called "eternal fire" on the peninsula of Apscheron is perhaps the only phenomenon of the kind in the whole world. It burns in a hollow space of irregular form. The hollow never becomes deeper by the emission of this continually-burning fire, the stones at the bottom resist its action. Nevertheless, the limestones become friable, and are easily reduced to powder. The "eternal fire" produces neither smoke nor smell, and exists within a circumference of two versts. Wherever a hole is dug the fire kindles up and burns with a quick flame until covered over with earth. The fire in the largest hollow could, no doubt, be extinguished in the same way, but would burn up again whenever free vent were given it. It is remarkable that grass grows green and fresh on the borders of this burning hollow, and that at some little distance there are two wells of excellent water and a large produc ive garden. Some fire worshippers are always to be found near the principal foens of the fire, descendants of the ancient Parsees, who regard all fire as a symbol of the Deity. These people live in little huts near the hollow. In the middle of each hut there is a hollow made, encircled by a border of stones, on which a cauldron to cook their food is placed. Straw or dried herbs are collected, which, lit at the "eternal fire" outside, are then placed under the cauldron. The hollow ignites immediately, and keeps burning on, without smoke or smell. Thus a kitchen fire is lit much more rapidly than with wood. The hollow is afterwards covered with felt, and the flame thereby extinguished. Hermits during the winter warn themselves at these burning hollows; nor do they require any other light than that which it affords. This country offers yet another phenomenon. During the fine days of autumn, when the evening air is warm and sultry, the fields round Baku appear on fire; sometimes flames of considerable size are seen to glide along the summit of the rocks, whilst the surrounding mountains emit a bluish light. Innumerable tongues of flame, sometimes separated, sometimes uniting, cover the plains when the nights are dark and warm, terrifying the horses, mules, and, indeed, all animals. But this singular phenomenon lasts for four hours only, and generally during the months of October and November. After sunset, should a strong easterly wind prevail, they are no longer discernible; and this ae ial element-if we may so call it will not burn inflammable matter as other fires will. The reeds and rushes never take fire-a most singular circumstance--though the surface of the earth be covered with flames. And, more than this, if you place yourself in the midst of these fires you do not feel any heat from them!-Hansteen's Travels in Siberia.


In his speech at Dalkeith on November 26, Mr. Glad stone, after referring to questions of foreign policy aud other topics, passed on to subjects of agricultural interest. First dealing with the Law of Hypothec, he said :


MR GLADSTONE ON AGRICULTURAL party you find it to be as follows:-For the abolition of the law in March last, after all your Scotch Tories had been converted, there voted 56 Tories; and for maintaing the old law there vo ed 77 Tories, constituting the whole minority. Consequently if your law had been dealt with by the Tory party, what would it signify to you that your Scotch Tory members voted for the abolition of the law when they have to they trust to the votes of the majority of the colleagues from England and Ireland to nullify their votes and maintain the law you wanted to get rid of? This is a most curious system, thoroughly understood in the Tory party. You have no idea how tolerant that party is in certain circumstances. When the progress of a particular opinion, a given measure, is necessary for gaining a seat, there are no bounds to the toleration of Tories (laughter). For that reason members favourable to the abolition of Hypothec are allowed to stand as Tories, and ars accepted as good and sound Torics if they come from Scotland. Members favourable to Home Rule are allowed to be good and sound Tories if they come from Ireland, on the same principle. I remember the days before the ballot was law, when a Tory was accepted as a good and sound Tory, though he voted for ballot, that he might gain a seat for the town of Stockport, You are good enough arithmeticians and observers to see how it works. A certain number of Tories are returned as adverse to hypothec from Scotland, knowing that their brother Tories in the other two countries will destroy the effect of their voice (Hear, hear). A certain number of Tories are and may be returned as Home Rulers in Ireland, because it is known that the votes of Englishmen and Scotchmen, including all your hypothec men from Scotland, will neutralize the Home Rilers from Ireland, as the Home Rulers contributed to neutraliz your hypothec nen from Scotland. With the ballot it is the The Tory majority is that which carries on the affairs of the country, and you will, if you are wise, well look to the conduct of that majority, and not be satisfied with the concession of the individual member in regard to the particular question, knowing that his particular vore will be neutralized, and is meant to be neutralized. A majority of his friends elsewhere, where no local interest is felt, will join in maintaining the law that you disapprove. My noble friend Lord Rosebery, speaking to me the other day on the subject, sadand 1 think with great force-of Mr. Vans Agnew's Bill, that it was a Tulchan Bill (aughter and cheers). You know gentlemen-for you understand it better than I do-you know whit a Tulchan Bishop was (laughter and cheers). Lord Rosebery, departing from the figure of the Tulchan Bishons, speaks of a Tulchan Bil. We can all understand it. know what the Tulchan calf was (laughter). Why, it was the figure of a calf stuffed with straw (loud laughter). The practice-an old Scottish practice, 1 dont know whether it still prevails-but the practice, as I understand it, was to place this calf stuffed with straw under the cow in order to induce the cow to give milk (laughter); aul Lord Rosebery's idea is that the Bil of Mr. Aguew is the Tulchan calf (laughter); the cow is the Liberal party or the Scotch farmer, and the Tulehan Bill is placed near the Scotch farmer-(laughter) -in order to induce him to give milk-(renewed laughter)-in the shape of votes for the Tory party (laughter and loud cheers). Now, I do believe, gentlemen, that the illustration is a perfectly just and plain illustration. In the same way Home Rule is a Tulchian suject in Ireland, because it is meant to induce the Irish to give their milk, or, in other words, their votes, to men wh, while voting for Home Rule, shall in other respects be Tories working with the Tory party in everything but that particular question. Well, gentlemen, there is so much to say that I will not dwell longer upon the subject, except to say that I really do think that a very curions illustration is shown of the working of party organization by this me hod of toleration shown in the case Conservative of your Scotch members. After referring to other topics Mr. Gladstone went on to say: Well, gentlemen, there is one question yet on which I hink it is quite necessary that I should still detain yon, though time passes by, and there is no reason why I should be long. And This question, gentlemen, is the great and important question of the condition of the laud of this country (cheers). In concluding the address I have had the honour to make now to you I propose to consider for a few moments matters in connection with the various points which touch the interest of the cultivators of the land-the responsible cultivators of the land-viz., he tenant farmers of the country. I will

I am not going to discuss the merits of the question in itself. Happily, it is unnecessary, because opinion has reached a Brage and a condition in Scotland in which all parties, it may be said, are agreed that the Law of Hypothec ought to be done away with (cheers). That being so, I accept the conclusion, and I do not waste your time in the discussion. But I do occupy, and I hope not altogether waste, your time in calling your attention to the way in which that question has bren worked. A catechism has been sent to me in print which it is proposed to administer, I believe, to me upon some convesient opportunity (laughter); bot, at any rate, it is complained in this catechism that when the Liberal Government. was in uffice it did not abolish the Law of Hypothee. Well, I am bound to say that there was a great deal of legislative work that it was quite imposible for us to achieve, and the question which, as reasonable men, you will put to us and to yourselves is, not whether we did everything that it was desirable to do, but whether we manfully and seriously employed our time and spent our energies in doing as much as we could (cheers). But I must say it is rather hard that this reproach should come from the opposite side, when I consider that at the last election, when we were dismissed from office by the verdiet of the constituencies, in the address of Lord Beaconsfeld (then Mr. Disraeli) which was the manifesto of the party, it was distinctly complained of that we had neglected foreign affairs and had been too active in home legislation. Well, now, I want to know whether you are satisfied with the manner in which this question of hypothec has worked in Scotland (cheers). How has it worked P All your Tory members, with one or two exceptions, vo e for its abolition (cheers). Is not that very delightful? (laughter). Does that give you entire satisfaction? (cheers). What complaint can you make when you find them so rational as this? (laughter). Let me call your attention to a closer examination of the nject, which I will endeavour to make by the help of the political microscope (a laugh). When I look into it I find Mr. Vans Agnew, a stout Conservative, moved the Bil for the abolition of hypothec-nay, more, he has moved it for several years; and, as far as I can ser, if the present Government and present Parliament could happily continue, he would trga arly go on moving it from year to year for your satis. fetion-(laughter)-till old age or the breakdown of his faergies or ceath should remove him from this mortal scese (laughter and cheers). He moved the Bill on some day early in the Session and carried the second reading of it by 201 eyes to 77 nues, and sent no doubt a thrill of pleasure through the minds and rearts of the farmers of Sco land, who were pretty much ani ed on this suljet. But his Bill, though read a second time on some day in March or April, was never heard more of, The Government had control of the business of the House. The Sexsi n was very litle advanced, and yet no Let us examine thre attempt was made to carry it forward. division lists-most interesting documents, division lists, sometires (laughter). The Lord Advocate warmly supported the Bil, and he supported it with such a warmth that he convinced five of his colleagues. Five of his colleagues voted with him for the Bill abolishing the law of hypothee; but he also, uafor un tely, convinced 11 of them the other way (laughter). You were told that the Government had become fave arable to the abolition of the Law of Hypothee; but if is had depended on the votes of the members of the Govern bent, there would have been ayes 6 and noes 11, and the Bill would have been condemned and turned out of the House of Commons by a majority of five. I make a further examination xad I find this-that, I think, every lory member for Scotad, excepting two, voted for the abolition of the Law of llypothec; ad I really have rather a respect for those twoLord Elcho was one of them-because I feel that their votes must have been, at any rate, their very sincere and concleations votes in the circumstances. The Tory members for Scotland voted for the abolition of the Law of Hypothec, and Thirteen of them supposed you can ask nothing more. eted for it, and when you examine the position of the Tory



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