FOREIGN GRAIN. 60 52 54 54 64 55 Phillings per Quarter. WHEAT, Danzig, mixed.....56 to 58...extra...... Konigsberg... .55 58.........extra Rostock 53 56.........old.. ...... Pomera, Meckberg, and Ghirka 47 to 48... Russian, hard, 48 to 52, Saxonska 52 Danish and Holstein, red — American 50 Chilian, white, 00...Californian50 52...Australian 54 East Indian, No. 1 Club white 52 to 63; No. 2 ... 19 Ord. white 46 to 18; red 44 to 16; hard 44 BARLEY, grinding, 25 to 26........ .distilling 30 OATS, Dutch, brewing and Polands 22 to 24......feed 22 Danish and Swedish, feed 20 to 23 ..Straslund 22 Canada 00 to 00......Riga 19 to 20......Petersburg... 20 BEANS, Friesland and Holstein 50 46 24 24 38 36 .28 29... Mixed American 24 44...Spanish, p. sack 60...American barrel 24 25 38 April 12. FLOUR, per sack, French 38 Hungarian, per sack...45 TARES, Spring............... The arrivals of grain laden vessels at ports of call during the past week have been moderate. The disturbing influence of the general election has continued throughout the week, and the course of trade has remained very quiet. The decline in cargoes of Wheat off coast noticed last week has made further progress, and prices must be written 18. to 1s. 6d. per qr. lower, with only a moderate demand at the decline. It is, however, noticeable that the Continent has taken a considerable proportion of the late arrivals. Maize has gone steadily into consumption at last week's prices, but the tone at the close is weaker. Wheat for shipment has been offered freely, but buyers have continued to exhibit an indisposition to to operate, and values have receded fully 1s. 6d. per qr. Maize has met a restricted demand at about 6d. per qr. less money. The arrivals into London during the past week have been: English Wheat, 2,161 qrs.; Scotch, 44 qrs. ; foreign, 72,055 qrs. Exports, 205 qrs. The supply of English Wheat fresh up to market this morning was again very small, and the few samples of suitable milling quality changed hands slowly at barely late rates; inferior parcels were practically unsaleable; of foreign the arrrivals were large, and, with a fair attendance of millers, a steady consumptive demand was experienced, at at a decline of 1s. 6d. on the week. Country Flour 12,896 sacks; Foreign, 8,583 sacks, 2,828 brls. Sales were difficult to effect even at a reduction of 6d. per barrel and 1s. per sack on last Monday's currencies. English Barley, 417 qrs. Scotch, 840 qrs.; Foreign, 5,159 qrs. Malting qualities were unsaleable, and grind. ing sorts favoured buyers to the extent of 6d per qr. Malt: English 13,097; Scotch, 320 qrs.; Irish 75 qrs. Exports 1,181 qrs. There was no quotable change in the trade, which ruled quiet at about late rates. April 19. With a daily decline in quotations from America, combined with favourable weather for the growing crops both here and on the Continent, and heavy arrivals at ports of call, the off-coast Wheat trade has been depressed, and prices have fallen 2s. to 3s. per qr., the full reduction being on white descriptions. The demand throughout the week has been quiet, with only a very moderate continental inquiry. Maize has met a steady sale at slowly yielding prices, closing 6d. per qr. on the week. Wheat for shipment has also given way 28. to 3s. per qr., but has not been freely offered at the decline. At the same time buyers have held almost entirely aloof. Maize has receded 6d. to 9d. per qr. without attracting attention, and the business passing has been on a most restricted scale. The arrivala during the past week have been: English Wheat 3,333 qrs., foreign 36,555 qrs., Exports 3,056 qrs. There was a rather more liberal supply of English Wheat at market this morning, and notwithstanding the generally good condition of the samples, sales were exceedingly difficult to effect at a reduction of 23. per qr. Of foreign the arrivals were fair, and with a moderate attendance of millers a quiet consumptive demand was experienced at a decline of 2s. to 3s. per qr. on white sorts and 1s. to 23. on Russian and American reds. Country Flour, 15,193 sacks; foreign, 986 sacks and 1,911 barrels. Under the influence of the depressed state of the Wheat trade, prices receded 1s. per sack and barrel on the week. English Barley, 706 qrs.; Scotch, 450 qrs.; foreign, 6,783 qrs. Business was exceedingly inactive, and next to nothing was done in either malting or grinding sorts. April 26. The arrivals of grain-laden vessels at ports of call heavy decline in the price of wheat had the result of during the past week have again been large. The receut bringing forward buyers, and a large demand has been experienced throughout the week, prices recovering 6d. to 1s. on red descriptions, and 1s. to ls. 6d. on white, the latter having previously given way most. There has only been a moderate Continental demand. A quiet trade has been done in maize, and prices have coutinued their downward course; to-day's value is 24s. 6d. for perfect cargoes of mixed American, showing a decline of 18. per qr. The offers of Wheat for shipment from America have continued restricted, and with the recovery in the value of arrived cargoes quoted above quotations have advanced ls. to ls 6d. per qr. Some little business in red winter on passage has been done at 48s. 6d. to 49s. 3d. per qr., but buyers in general displayed the same indisposition to operate which has been noted for a considerable time past Maize has remained very dull and must again be written the turn lower. Barley has also been exceedingly inactive with prices tending in buyers' favour. The arrivals during the past week have been: English Wheat, 3,676 qrs.; Foreign, 78,430 qrs.; Exports, 2,859 qrs. The small supply of home-grown Wheat fresh up to market this morning was held by factors for last Monday's prices, but sales were difficult to effect except at a slight reduc tion; of foreign the arrivals were large and with a good attendance of millers a quiet demand was experienced at the quotations of this day week, the intervening depres sion of Wednesday last having been recovered. Country Flour, 15,906 sacks; foreign, 15,029 sacks and 3,724 barrels. The trade ruled quiet at about late rates for both sacks and barrels. The nominal top price of town-made was reduced from 50s. to 47s. per sack. English Barley, 979 qrs.; Scotch, 269 qrs.; foreign, 4,274 qrs. There was no business passing in malting descriptions, and prices were the turn easier where sales of grinding sorts were pressed. Malt English, 16,110 qrs.; Scotch, 351 qrs. Ex ports, 1,223 qrs. A dull trade at about last week's currencies. Maize, 49,117 qrs. Mixed American was 1s. per q'. cheaper ex ship, but buyers came forward at the reduction and a considerable quantity of corn changed hands during the day. English Oats, 326 qrs.; Scotch, 20 qrs.; Foreign, 33,101 qrs. There was a rather better demand for all descriptions, and in some instances a slight advance was obtainable. Printed by HAZELL, WATSON, & VINEY, 265, Strand, London' JUNE, 1880. PLATE. A TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE. In consequence of the continued depression and great cry against the over preservation of game, we determined to set a good example and sallied forth with our rifles and two pretty dogs to make "ground game" of the only stag on our domain-positively the last. But, not knowing, reader, whether to send you his head or send you his tail, a neck or the haunch, we have sent you the whole carcase, with a foreground of wild flowers, and a gentle-flowing rill, which with the pyramid-like mountains rising in the background may, perhaps, bring an offer from you to take it off our hands and stock it with mountain goats, or, to mind the words of a poet who flourished more than two thousand years ago, and sang somewhat in this strain : "The same hand rears the violet, and guides the tiny That pour'd the waters round the globe and lifted up And strew'd with gold the azure vault where Luna THE CONTAGIOUS DISEASES (ANIMALS) ACT. The Annual Report of the Veterinary Department | of the Privy Council Office for the year 1879 contains the usual summary by Professor Brown,and an appendix of statistic tables relating to the preva. lence of contagious diseases of animals in Great Britain and the importation of foreign animals. It is now rather more than sixteen months since the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act of 1878 came into full operation, and Professor Brown considers that, whilst the time has not been of sufficient duration to form an accurate opinion as to the value of the whole measure as a piece of sanitary legislation, there has been sufficient evidence to justify the statement that "it has worked well whenever its provisions have been applied with promptitude and decision." No doubt that is so, for the Act, so far as it relates to the repression of home diseases, is based on a principle upon which it would be hard to improve The isolation of disease, by declaring its surroundings to be an infected place out of which no animal can be removed, and when necessary the further definition of an area or district outside the infected place in which the movement of animals is under the control of the executive authorities, is a commou-sense measure, the success of which we have never LD SERIES doubted. The one shortcoming of the Act is, as we have frequently pointed out, in respect of its provisions for the importation of foreign animals. The principle on which this part of the Act was based is that of slaughter at the ports of landing, and it was the intention of the framers of the Act to make this principle absolute. They were, however, overruled, and the principle is consequently applied in part only. Now that the nature of the chief contagious diseases of animals is so well understood there is no difficulty whatever in determining the character and scope of the legisla tion which could deal with them effectually. If pleuro pneumonia is not communicable by any form of mediate contagion, it is, of course, possible to confine the contagion of that disease-or rather to annihilate it-within the limits of the defined parts of certain ports called foreign animals' wharves, where foreign animals so affected are slaughtered, and in practice this would appear to be the case. Foot-and-mouth disease, being communicable by more than one form of mediate contagion, may, in spite of every precaution, escape from foreign animals' wharves, and be communicated to home stock; and it is impossible to deny that this is a danger to which the Act constantly exposes us. Sheep-pox is another disease which is not likely to be kept within the artificial boundaries of defined parts of ports. And the most dreaded of all the contagious diseases to which horned stock are subject, cattle plague, is of so subtle a nature, and so readily communicable by every possible form of mediate contagion, that it is practically uncontrollable at ports of landing. These are simple facts which cannot be controverted, and from them may be deduced the opinion, which we have on previous occasions so freely expressed, that no measure can render the herds and flocks of this country perfectly safe from the diseases abovementioned which does not provide for the total prohibition of all foreign living animals for food purposes. We believe the day will come when such a measure as this will be rendered imperatively necessary, and that public opinion will overrule minor interests and pass it. The next visitation of cattle plague will be likely to accelerate matters in this direction. Meanwhile, we have to put up with an imperfect measure. The home re-occurred during the year 1879, except that of strictions are excellent, and of themselves are of great practical value to the country, quite independent of possible and probable importations of diseases from abroad; but the strength of a chain is only equal to that of its weakest link, and whilst that part of the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act of 1878 which relates to the importation of disease is capable of admitting contagion at any time, "the value of the whole measure as a piece of sanitary legislation "-to use Professor Brown's own terms-is only equal to that of this one weak point. Nevertheless, the Act is a measure of reform. It has worked well hitherto, and until it breaks down unmistakably in its weak point we are perfectly aware of the futility of urging the extension of its present provisions to the full scope of the principle on which it is constructed. In reviewing the history of the working of the Act during the first year of its existence, Professor Brown points out that the one great difficulty hitherto experienced has been in connection with the varied action of local authorities. The provisions of the Act are so clear that there is no room for error; but outside the Act itself there is room for discretion, and local authorities vary very considerably as to the amount of discretion they exercise. Absolute uniformity must never be hoped for so long as local authorities have the carrying out of the provisions of the Act, and in the end it is probable that the whole executive will have to be undertaken by the Veterinary Department of the Privy Council. Mean while Professor Brown suggests that certain broad principles of action might be resorted to by local authorities with great advantage. "It might be universally agreed upon," he says, "as a basis of all procedure, that every reported outbreak of disease should be critically investigated with the assistance of a competent veterinary surgeon, whenever such aid could be obtained; next, that arrangements be made in every district for the establishment of an Executive Committee, with a sufficient number of members to render it a matter of certainty that a quorum, which might be small in number, should be at all necessary times available; further, it might be determined that authority should be so delegated to responsi ble officers that no delay need occur in carrying the law into effect as soon as the existence of disease was ascertained." We commend these suggestions to the attention of local authorities, as being likely to save them trouble and add to their usefulness. Of the 6,000 railway stations in Great Britain, at which there are pens for the detention of animals during or in connection with traffic, about 5,650 have been paved to allow of their being properly cleansed; but in the remainder the absence of such pavement prevents the regula tions of the Act from being properly complied with. The regulations affecting the conveyance of animals by sea have, on the whole, been properly carried out. But no marked improvement has taken place as to the general cleanliness of markets, saleyards, and other places where animals are frequently congregated; only 41 of the 415 local authorities have exercised their powers in this respect. No extensive outbreak of disease has swine-fever, of which no less than 17,000 cases were reported, and which continued to prevail at its close. Losses have been exceptionally severe from "diseases which depend on climatic influences," which do not, of course, come under the provisions of the Act. Pleuro-pneumonia increased to a material extent in England, but diminished in Scotland and Wales; the total number of cases reported in Great Britain being 180 less than the total for 1878. The counties in which the chief increase of this disease has occurred are Kent, Lancashire, and the West Riding of Yorkshire; a decrease has taken place in Durham, Cheshire, Warwickshire and Northumberland; whilst Bedfordshire, Cornwall, Devonshire, Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire, Somersetshire, Westmoreland and Wiltshire remained free at the end of the year. Foot-andmouth disease increased a little at the commencement of the year, but declined greatly towards its close; only three cases being reported for the whole of Great Britain during the last week in December. In Cambridgeshire it was found necessary to declare an infected "area" or district by order of Council, and this was productive of "considerable opposition" on the part of stock owners who found the restrictions to be irksome. This was the only case in which an infected area had to be defined under the provisions of the Act during the year. European countries from which animals are imported have been "tolerably free" from the more serious contagious diseases of animals, so far as information goes; but from the United States of America there were imported 137 cattle affected with pleuro-pneumonia, 33 sheep affected with foot-and-mouth disease, 37 with sheep-scab, and 974 pigs affected with swine-fever; the number of cattle affected with pleuro-pneumonia from the United States being "far in excess of the total number of cases of the disease which have been detected among cattle imported in the same period from the Continent of Europe." The total number of imported cattle, sheep and swine from all countries which were affected with contagious diseases was 1,006; namely 147 cases of pleuro-pneumonia, 162 cases of foot-and-mouth disease, amongst cattle, sheep |