REVIEW OF THE CORN TRADE. From The Mark Lane Express for the week ending December 22. Some indications of a thaw were apparent during the earlier days of the week, but the ice had only partially disappeared when frost once more asserted its supremacy, and the subsequent weather has been of that severe character with which we are wont to associate the approach of an old-fashioned Christmas. The sun has, however, sulked behind leaden skies; and fogs, dense and depressing have endangered the safety of pedestrians and impeded locomotion generally, not to mention the rendering of business on the old Corn Exchange, in its present dilapidated condition, practically futile. At this season of the year agricultural affairs furnish few features for comment. With the land in its present state, the carting of manure and the trimming of edges are about the only outdoor operations that can be carried on, the termination of wheat sowing being necessarily adjourned "sine die." Distress is, unnappily, on the increase both in the agricultural and manufacturing districts, a fact which is the more to be deplored at the return of that season which should be fraught with happiness to mankind, and which goes far to prove how slight has been the revival of trade which was so anxiously looked for. Cattle are also suffering severely from the inclement weather, and need the utmost care and attention to keep them in any thing like condition. With such a poor stock of roots and winter fodder they are likely to fall upon hard times ere Spring comes round again. Thrashing has been carried on steadily, as the increased deliveries from farmers at the principal markets testify, but, notwithstanding the somewhat improved condition of the offerings, provincial trade has been far from active, owing to the disinclination of millers to add to their stock at the close of the year. Nor has business at Mark Lane been much better, although an occasional advance of 1s. per qr. was obtained for English wheat at the beginning of the week, in spite of a fog which not only prevented buyers from examining samples, but almost defied personal recognition. Narly five-sixths of the imports of foreign wheat into London last week were from American Atlantic ports, and supplies from these sources have continued to reach our shores on a scale far in excess of our immediate requirements; still prices keep up, and confidence in the future is the prominent feature in the trade. Prices have gone on advancing in America without any response from Europe; indeed most of the Old World markets have been rather depressed than otherwise of late, so that the basis of the present high range of values for Wheat on the other side is necessarily a fictitious one, as it rests almost entirely on speculative enterprise. The speculation is, however, unusually wide-spread; indeed, it seems that everyone with any money to invest has been eager to put it into Wheat; consequently the capitalists and financiers in America feels confident of being able to "corner" wheat, or, in other words, to dictate prices to Europe. Such is the present state of the trade, but it cannot last long, as prices here are already sufficiently high to attr ct supplies from all wheat producing-countries in the world, of which Australia and India, as well as some others that might be named, are not likely to withhold shipments until America has succeeded in establishing a fictitious value in the European markets. The actual amount of business done during the week has been small on account of the fog and the approaching holidays, but Monday's quotations have been repeated on the subsequent market days for allarticles except Maize, which has been difficult to sell, except at a slight reduction. Having entered a most interesting phase, the trade closed firm but quiet, and it remains to be seen how far the lead of America will be followed by Europe. The sales of English wheat noted last week were 41,787 qrs., at 463. 6d. against 51,419 qrs. at 40s. 8d. in the previous year. The London average for the week ending December 19th was 50s. 11d. on 942 qrs. The imports into the United Kingdom for the week ending December 13th were 1,237,417 cwt. of wheat, and 193,232 cwt. of flour. Last Monday's market was fairly attended by millers and country dealers, and the tone of the trade was steady, although business was rendered almost impracticable owing to the dense fog which enveloped the city like a pall throughout the day. Occasionally the form of a buyer loomed into the fitful gleam cast by the candles which factors were obliged to use to enable them to see their market books, and the few sales that were effected were made entirely on the faith of sellers' representations, as it was quite impossible to judge of samples except by artificial light, which is always puzzling. The return showed the week's arrivals of home-grown wheat to have amounted to 4,407 qrs., and the supply fresh up to market was again quite moderate. Factors held for 1s. per qr. more money, but the advance was only occasionally obtainable from necessitious buyers. Of foreign the arrivals were fair, in all something over 65,000 qrs., of which quantity upwards of 49,000 qrs. were from the United States and Canada. Germany contributed about 10,000 qrs. and India 4,229, the remainder of the supply being from North Russia. Considering the state of the atmosphere a fair amount of business was done, the demand being of a retail consumptive charac ter, at an advance of about 1s. per qr on the week, red winter American and Russian varieties attracting most attention. The exports were 3,783 qrs. against 1,029 qrs. in the preceeding week. There were 5,504 qrs. of home-grown barley and 11,966 qrs. of foreign. The trade ruled quiet but steady, and the full prices of the previous week were obtainable for both malting and grinding descriptions. Maize, with an arrival of little over 8,500 qrs., met an active demand at an advance of 6d. per qr. on the currencies of the previous Monday. The imports of oats were 44,667 qrs., and a slow sale was experienced for all varieties at a decline of 3d. to 6d. per. qr. on the week. There was no further supply of English wheat on Wednesday, h 46,700 qrs. of foreign were reported. The w was again very foggy, and the attendar Few sales of either wheat or feedi be made, but no quotable altera+* prices, Maize was, if anythin per sack dearer, and full rates were obtained for barley, for which, however, the demand was by no means lively. Oats were in better request at 6d. per qr. more money, and other sorts of feeding corn ruled firm. At Glasgow the week's imports have been fair, and at Wednesday's market the previous advance in wheat and flour was lost, but former and spring corn maintained currencies. maize At Dublin the weather has been cold and frosty, and the grain trade steady. Wheat has maintained last week's prices, with a quiet demand, and maize has been the turn in sellers' favour. At Cork there has been a some. what improved inquiry for wheat at 1s. per qr. more money, although sales have been chiefly in retail. The consumption of maize has been steadily improving, and sellers have succeeded in establishing an advance of 6d. per qr. was difficult to move, and prices favoured buyers. Friday the return showed 420 qrs. of English The weather At Leith the return of milder weather has enabled wheat and 49,340 qrs. of foreign. The farmers to make some progress with such outdoor was rather milder, and there was less fog. work as had been delayed by the frost. Wheat attendance was small, and a moderate retail dehas shown considerable firmness during the week, mand was experienced for Wheat at Wednesday's currencies. Maize was steady at 20s. 3d. per 480 while spring corn has brought 6d. per qr. more lb. ex ship for mixed American. The imports of money. At market on Wednesday Scotch wheat flour into the United Kingdom for the week ending sold readily at an advance of 1s. per qr., and December 13th were 193,232 cwt., against 209,699 foreign was firmly held, but sales were not practicFlour was 1s. cwt. in the previous week. The receipts into Lon-able at any quotable improvement. don were 19,947 sacks of English, and 10,696 sacks and 2,649 barrels of foreign. An advance cf Gd. per barrel and 1s. per sack was quoted last Monday, since which time the improvement has been fairly maintained. American flour for shipment has also realised rather higher prices. The week's arrivals of beans were 35,430 cwt. and of peas 85,150 cwt., showing a decrease of 47,431 cwt. on the former, and an increase o f4,667 cwt. on the latter. There has not been much inquiry for beans, but in the limited business passing previous quotations have been supported. Peas have likewise met a slow The week's sale at about former currencies. deliveries of malt were 16,824 qrs. and the exports 1,026 qrs. No alteration has taken place in values, as business has been very quiet, and is expected to remain so until after the turn of the year. A healthy tone has characterised the agricultural seed trade, although, as is usual at this time of year, the amount of business done has been light, and previous quotations have been supported for nearly all varieties. Rather more inquiry has been experienced for red clover, owing to the rise in America, but there has been no change in white clover or alsyke. There has been some speculative demand for Italian ryegrass, and canary has favoured sellers, owing to an improved export movement to America, but other varieties offer no fresh subject for remark. With moderate supplies at the country markets, BEANS, Mazagan... 31 provincial trade has been rather quieter during the past week, but the recent advance has been maintained in most instances for both wheat and maize. At Liverpool, on Tuesday, the market was thinly attended, and the trade by no means active. The demand for wheat was slight, but prices were 28. per cental dearer on the week. Flour was firmly held, but sales could not have been effected except Oats gave way 1d. per at a slight reduction. cental in the absence of inquiry, but Egyptian beans were the turn dearer. Part of the recent advance PRICES CURRENT OF BRITISH GRAIN AND FLOUR OATS, English, feed 23 to 25 Irish, feed, white 26 28 26 37 Harrow 25 new 44 55 new 50 56 52 38 48 50 52 32 36 .Potato...... 25 29 Potato. Best country households FOREIGN GRAIN. WHEAT, Danzig, mixed......60 to 62.........extra..... 56 Pomera, Meckberg, and Uckermrk. 36 BARLEY, grinding, 25 to 26. distiiling 23 24 Danish and Swedish, feed 22 to 23..Straslund Canada 00 to 00......Riga 18 to 19...... Petersburg... 19 BEANS, Friesland and Holstein Italian... ..37 to 39. Egyptian 37...Prussian PEAS, Canadian... .36 ..32 FLOUR, per sack, French 38 in maize was lost, say about 1d. per cental, owing 38 37 40 34... Mixed American 28 6 29 38 Tuery Princess, The Champion Beast at the Smithfield Club Cattle Fow, 879. London: Published by Rogerson & Tuxford, 265, Strand, 188 |