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delivering barrel is formed upon the axis of the tw
carriage wheels and rotates with them;
the lever scrapers
are detachable without bolts or nuts; the stirrer, with a
slow reciprocating sideway movement, does not work soft
manure into a paste; a rapidly revolving cage below
effectually divides and disperses the falling powder, and
the driver sits on the machine. This firm is to be

formed into a limited company, as our readers
have probably noticed. The rapidity with which
the shares have been taken up is a flattering
tribute to the reputation of the firm. John
Fowler and Co., Leeds, had one of their 16-h.p. steam
ploughing engines and a turning cultivator, besides a
number of models of steam cultivating machinery, for
which there was no space available in the Hall. We have
so often described these well-known engines and imple-
ments that no detailed notice is now necessary. Some
recent improvements have been mentioned on previous
occasions. There were also on this stand two 8-h.p.
traction engines for road-work or for thrashing and other
purposes, and a specimen of their portable railway, for
locomotives or animal power, chiefly employed for farming,
contractors, and military purposes. Clayton and
Shuttleworth, Lincoln, showed a thrashing machine,
elevator, 8 h.p., portable engine, fitted with crank
shafts, brackets, and recent improvements; a traction
engine with winding forward drum differential motion,
steel wire rope, and patent steerage; a newly improved
drum guard for a thrashing machine, so made as
be a protection at the sides as well as front and back
-an excellent invention; a sack-lifting barrow, &c.
C. Burrell and Sons showed a traction engine, with wind-
ing drum; J. and H. McLaren exhibited their traction
engine; and F. Savage, of King's Lynn, showed his agri
cultural locomotive. J. and F. Howard, Bedford, had
their usual large display of farm implements, amongst
which we noticed a novelty in the form of a thistle-cutter.
This consists of an adaptation of their haymaker to the
purpose of cutting thistles.


serviceable-looking mower, combining the best arrange.
ments of some other machines. They had also on their large
stand some of their well-known horserakes, haymakers,
portable, semi-portable, and vertical engines, ploughs,
thrashing machines, and other machines and implements.
E. R. and F. Turner, Ipswich, showed their " Gippeswyk"
vertical and horizontal engines, and a large assortment of
their corn grinding and crushing mills, malt mills, &c.
A. Crosskill and Sons, Beverley, had a good display of
their excellent farm carriages of various descriptions.
Marshall, Sous, and Co. showed portable and vertical
engines, and a thrashing machine; H. and J. Gibbons,
thrashing machines and portable engines, Nalder
and Nalder, a thrashing machine and elevator; and Brown
and May, portable engines. Davey, Paxman, and Co.,
Colchester, showed for the first time a new type of por-
table engine which combines many improvements. The
boiler is made of steel, and is capable of being worked to
140lb. pressure on the square inch, and attached to it is
a steel frame, into which the engine is fitted, by which
arrangement the boiler is relieved from strain from the
working of the engine. The firebox is of copper, and the
governors are of an improved type. The engine is fitted
with Paxman's automatic expansion valve. In order to
avoid cutting many holes in the boiler, an ingenious
arrangement has been made, by means of which one hole
suffices for the spring balance, the lock-up safety valves,
the starting or steam feed valve, and the steam gauge and
whistle, these being combined in or attached to one
casting. The boiler and engine can easily be detached.
Great power with a very low consumption of fuel is
claimed for this new engine. Ruston, Proctor, and Co.,
of Lincoln, showed a new self-feeder and guard for s
thrashing machine, very simple in its action; also traction,
portable, and horizontal engines, and a thrashing machine.
The Reading Iron Works Company exhibited engines,
chaffcutters, horserakes, a 2 h.-p. thrashing machine,
grain mill for crushing and bruising oats, beans, &c., by
horse or steam power, a chaff cutter and oil-cake mill
suitable for horse or steam power, broadcast seed machine
with box 12 feet long, fitted with continuous slides and
throwing out lever, the R.A.S.E. prize hay machine with
backward and forward motion, awarded prize of £5, at the
last great trials at Taunton, aud patent lock horse-rake
with screw adjustment and steel teeth of


Blades are fixed on to the spiders of the haymaker, the ordinary prongs being taken off, and the thistles are cut by the revolving aetion of the machine. This is a very useful adaptation, as it is available to anyone who has a haymaker, at a small expense. The thistle-cutter is serviceable on pastures, and on stubbles or leys left long enough for thistles to grow up. They also showed their Farmer's engine for steam cultiva- improved section, horse gear, &c. Corbett and tion, thrashing, and other purposes, their steam cultivator, their self-binding reaping machine, Eclipse reaping and mowing machines, and a variety of horse-rakes, ploughs, and other implements. Aveling and Porter, Rochester, exhibited their 12-h.-p. and S-h.-p. traction engines, fitted with recent improvements, which are too well-known to need description. The traction engines and road rollers of this firm are noted for efficiency and durability. Holines and Sons showed thrashing machines, a clover seed sheller, drills, rolls, &c. Ransomes and Sons, of Ipswich, have gone into the manufacture of mowing machines, and showed for the first time a

Peele showed their well-known dressing machines with elevators for the dressed corn, harrows, and horsehoes; E. S. Hindley, vertical engines; W. J. Harrison and Allway and Sons, dairy implements and utensils; Fairbank and Co., weighing machines; Fallows and Bates, chaff cutters; Ord and Maddison, the Koldmoos Weed Eradicator; and Thomas Baker, dre-sing machines and manure distributors. Lawrence and Co. exhibited their milk cooler, which obtained the first prize at the recent Pairy Show, and a milk heater.

The most important novelty that we noticed was Walter A. Wood's string sheaf-binding reaper, tried to a

limited extent last harvest in England and America, but This exhibited for the first time at Islington last week. binder has several novel features, and it appears to be as simple as it is ingenious. The whole of the binding mechanism is above the grain, the knot being tied on the upper side of the sheaf. The grain is completely shielded as it comes from the elevators, and once on the grain table cannot be disturbed by the strongest wind. The binding and discharging arms, when at rest, are below the grain table, but are driven from above. Every part of the binder is visible and easy of access for the purpose of oiling and adjustment. Coming from the elevators, the grain falls upon the grain table, and is pushed forward and straightened out by packers, revolving discs with teeth, between which and a compressing lever, which projects down over the front of the grain table, the grain is compressed until the required bulk is gathered, when the lever is forced out, throwing the packers out of, and the binding arm into, gear. The binding mechanism being above, one end of the string is there held in a serrated retainer, the compressed grain lying on the string, the binding arm comes up, bringing the string round the sheaf into the knotter where the knot is tied and the string cut, one end being securely held by the retainer. As the binding arm recedes, the lever described is lifted up and permits the discharging arm, which has advanced, to expel the sheaf with a moderate degree of force. As soon as these arms recede the compressing lever drops into place, and the packers commence form. ing the next sheaf. So rapidly is this work effected, that 2 many as 27 sheaves per minute have been bound and delivered in actual field work. The action of the binder is entirely automatic. As soon as the required bulk is compressed in the manner described, the sheaf is bound and delivered: The binder having been adjusted, each sheaf is delivered of a uniform size, whether the grain stands thick or thin. The driver is relieved of all oversight of the binder, and has no unnecessary levers to manipulate. The cost of string is not more than wire, and it may prove to be less. From a trial made in Cheshire the cost appears to be about 1s. per acre.

A one-horse reaper with turn-up platform is now made by Samuelson and Co., of Banbury. This firm showed a selection of other well-known reapers and mowers, fitted with all their latest improvements, including the inclined cut for mowers, the steel-and-iron welded fingers of open pattern, and the simple knife-holder, for mowers and reapers alike. There was also to be seen on this stand a model of the hay-pressing machine which obtained the silver medal at the Kilburn Show; also their famous turnip cutting machines. Burgess and Key's new string-binding reaper we have spoken on several occasions since its introduction at the last Smithfield Show. We hoped to have been able to see it at work in the field last harvest, but were unable to do We understand that it did some good work, and its trial enabled the makers to introduce further improvements in its details. In addition to the well-known




mowers of this firm, with the crank low down, level with
the knife, and the finger-bar in a liue with the main axle,
they exhibited a mower constructed on the principle now
most generally adopted by English and American makers,
and known as the "Backeye"-that is, with a double-
jointed finger-bar. Some improvements of their own
are added, and altogether this mower looks a very useful
The patent plan of taking out and putting in the
knife peculiar to the machines of this firm is a great con-
venience, saving much time and trouble. Harrison
McGregor and Co., of Leigh, Lancashire, now make
their excellent mowers with a new draught-frame and an
improved tipping arrangement for picking up laid grass
when working on an uneven surface. Their self-
delivery reapers are also fitted with recent improve-
ments, one of the most important of which is the arrange-
ment which protects the gearing from dirt. W. and C.
Woolnough and Co. exhibited a string-binding mechanism
which was privately tested in the field last harvest. It
appears to us somewhat complicated. Woods, Cock.
sedge, and Co., of Stowmarket, had a large show of their
grinding mills and other stock-feeding machines and
implements of various descriptions, vertical engines, and
carts. Barford and Perkins, Peterborough, showed an
assortment of their excellent corn-grinding and cake
mills, steam food-preparing machinery, and their steam
plough, self-lifting steam cultivator, and self-acting
anchor. The recent improvements in their system of
steam cultivation were described at some length in our
report on the implements at the last Smithfield Show.
Vipan and Headley, Leicester, exhibited their latest
improvements in milk caus and carriages, of which we
have previously had occasion to speak with approval; also
ploughs, horse-gear, horse-hoes, corn mills, cake
breakers, pulpers, &c. Perkins and Co., Hitchin, had
The con-
their serviceable Polygon corn and seed screen.
struction of this screen differs from that of all others.
It consists of an octagonal metallic covering with a steel
wire expanding frame. By the form of the barrel the grain
is thoroughly shaken up, and although the seeds, such as
burrs or hariff, charlock, &c., may be the same size as the
good corn, yet from the form of the perforation the seeds
pass through and the grain from its tendency to fall flat
on the holes, will not pass, and consequently are separated.
It will also dress wheat or barley, dividing the tail from
the good corn. J. Crowley and Co., Sheffield, showed a
selection of the chaff-cutters for which they obtained a
gold medal at the Paris Exhibition. Sawney and Co.,
Beverley, sent some specimens of their carts, waggons
vans, and other carriages of very nice design and make
also winnowing, blowing, and screening machines, sheep
racks, turnip slicers, potato riddlers, weighing machines
hay collectors, sack lifters, harrows, and other imple-
ments. Their winnowing machine was fitted with
Ouston's patent sacking apparatus. On Coleman and
Morton's (Chelmsford) stand we noticed their excellent
adjustable rotary corn screen, which may be adjusted to
suit different kinds of grain, and to take out thin corn,


dirt, and weed seeds. They also showed some of their well-known water and liquid-manure carriages, culti vators, &c.

Burney and Co., London, sent an assortment of their cisterns, corn bins, and cattle troughs, in, wrought and galvanized iron. McKenzie and Sons, Cork, showed their efficient furze or gorse masticator, invaluable to farmers who grow furze for horse or cattle food. Waite, Burnell, and Co. exhibited McCormick's selfbinding reaper, and their New England and Tiger horse rakes; C. Aultman and Co.'s the Buckeye self-binding reaper; R Willacy and Pamphillon and Co., their respective manure spreaders; F. W. Unterilp, a potatoplanting machine; the Maldon Iron Works Company, chaff-cutters, mills, &c.; Penney and Co., their potato diggers, and their adjustable screens for corn, coffee, &c., now made with triangular wire to prevent choking; Whitmee and Co., a model of Gibbs's hay-drying machine, flour and corn mills Barnard and Lake, Gooday's

thatch-making machine, turnip cutters, vertical engines, &c.; Jeffery and Buckstone, their Paris prize haymaker, besides horse-gear and chaff cutters; and W. H. Nicholson and Son, vertical engines, corn and cake mills, &c.


T. Bowick and Co., Bedford, had a mixed stand, as they showed their Botanic Flavourer, patent Farina, and feeding meal, besides the "Invincible" corn screens and portable boiler noticed in detail in our report of the Dairy Show. These screens are made of zinc, kept in shape by steel expanders; they are made with apertures of different sizes and shapes, for taking various weed seeds out of corn, separating oats from barley, &c. Joseph Thorley, London, exhibited samples of his foods for cattle, horses, sheep, pigs, poultry, game and rabbits, and his special calf-rearing food. The Peruvian Guano Company showed samples of guano received direct from the Peruvian deposits. Procter and Ryland, Birmingham, showed samples of their well-known manures and specimens of roots grown from the same. We have recently reported the latest results of their annual offer of prizes for root crops. The crop of 25 tons 19 cwt. 16 lb. of swedes, which gained the first prize, was a great one for such a year as this. In our notice of the root stands we have mentioned the show of roots and cereals made by Amies' Manure Company. They showed also samples of their manures for roote, cereals, vegetables, and flowers, which we are glad to see are now sold with guaranteed analyses. Day, Son, and Hewitt London, exhibited their stock-breeders' medieine chests, and horse and cattle medicines of various descriptions. complete-to be the heaviest at Islington. The Cow are a poor class, and the heifers not so good as th bullocks.

[blocks in formation]

John Price, Court House, Pembridge, Hereford.
George Napper, Orfold, Wisborough Green, Billingshurst.
Division 2.-Shorthorns, and cross or mixed.
Charles Howard, Biddenham, Bedford.
Robert Bruce, Great Smeaton, Northallerton, Yorks.
Jonas Webb, Melton Ross, Ulceby Junction, Lincoln.
Division 3.-Norfolk or Suffolk Polled, Scotch (all
classes), and Welsh.

Richard England, Binham, Wells, Norfolk.
Thomas Ferguson, Kinnochtry, Coupar Angus, N.B.
Matthew Savidge, Sarsden Lodge, Chipping Norton.
DIVISION 4.-Leicesters, Cotswolds, Lincolns, Kentish or
Romney Marsh.

William Sanday, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottingham.
Hugh Aylmer, West Dereham Abbey, Stoke Ferry,


[blocks in formation]

lass 1.-Devon Steers, not exceeding 2 years and 6 months.

First prize, £25, to Col. Buller, V.C., Crediton.
Second, £15, to F. H. Risden, Washford, Taunton.
Third, £10, to J. Walter, M.P., Wokingham.
Highly commended, W. Arnold, Blandford, Dorset.
Commended, H.R.H the Prince of Wales, K.G., Sandring-

Class 2.-Devon Steers, not exceeding 3 years and6 months old.

First prize, £25, to W. R. Fryer, Lytchett Minster Poole.

Second, £15, Col. Buller, V.C.

Third, £10, to H.RH. the Prince of Wales, K.G. Highly commended, Cs R. Overman, Burnham, Sutton. Commended, F. H. Ri don, Washford, Taunton.

Class 3.-Devon Steers or Oxen, above 3 years and 6 months, and not exceeding 4 years and 6 months old. First prize, £25, J. Walter, M.P., Wokingham. Second, £15, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G. Third, £10, J. R. Overmau, Burnham, Sutton, Highly commended.-T. Dyer, Tencreek, Barton, Cornwall.

Commended.-Col. Buller, V.C.

Class 4.-Devon Heifers, not exceeding 4 years old, First prize, £20, B. W. Tassell, Hode, Patrixbourne. Second, £10, W. Arnold, Blandford. Third, £5, E. Neame, Harefield, Kent.

Class 5.-Devon Cows, above 4 years old (that must have had at least one live calf).

First prize, £20, W. R. Fryer, Lytchett Minster, Dorset.
Second, £10, W. Perry, Alden, Devon.
Third, £5, E. Neame, Harefield.


Class 6.-Hereford Steers, not exceeding 2 years and 6 months old.

First prize, £25, to Frederick Platt, Upper Brenton. Here ford.

Second, £15, to Frederick Platt.

Third, £10, Robert Heighway, Newnham, Yockleton. Highly commended.-Rees Keene, Pencraig Vaur, Monmouth.

Commended.-Class generally.

Class 7.-Hereford Steers, not exceeding 3 years and 6 months old.

First prize, £25, to Robert Wortley, Suffield, Aylsham. Second, £15, to P. Phipps, M.P., Collergtree Grange, Northampton.

Third, £10, to George Bright, Broome, Aston-on-Clun.
Highly commended.-J. Mortley, Skegton, Norwich.
Class generally highly commended.

Class 8-Hereford Steers or Oxen, above 3 years and 6
months, and not exceeding 4 years and 6 months old.
First prize, £25, to J. Wortley, Skegton.
Second, £15, to J. Bilchard, tanmore.
Third, £10, to W. Taylor, Ledbury.

Class 9.-Hereford Heifers, not exceeding 4 years old.
First prize, £20, to Wm. Taylor, Ledbury.
Second, £10, to Lewis Loyd, Addington.
Third, £5, to P. Turner, Pembridge.

Highly commended.-Her Majesty the Queen.
Commended.-J. Agate, Warnham.

Class 10.--Hereford Cows, above 4 years old (that
must have had at least one live Calf).
First prize, £20, to Sarah Edwards, Wintercott.
Second, to J. Pritchard, Stanmore.

Third, £5, to J. Turner, Questmoor.


Class 11.-Shorthorn Steers, not exceeding 2 years and 6 months old.

First prize, £25, to H. D. Adamson, of Balquarhn, Alford, Aberdeen.

Second, £15, to C. W. Schroeter, of Tedfold, Billingburst.

Third, £10, to J. Perry, Acton Pigot, Condover.
Highly commended.-Right Hon. Earl Spencer, K.G.,
Althorpe Park; R. Stratton, Newport, Mon.
Class 12.-Shorthorn Steers, not exceeding 3 years and
6 months old.

First prize, £25, to Alfred E. W. Darby, Little, near

Second, £15, to J. J. Colman, M.P., Norwich.
Third, £10, to Jno. Cridlan, Great Malvern.
Highly commended.-Colonel R. Loyd Lindsay, V.C.
Commended.-C. W. Schroeter, Ted fold; Thomas
Swigler, Langham, Oakham; David Pugh, Manoravan,

Class 13.-Shorthorn Steers or Oxen, above 3 years and
6 months and not exceeding 4 years and 6 months old.
First prize, £25, to the Hon. Walter Stuart, near Derby.
Second, £15, to Lieutenant-Colonel Sowerby, Newton.
Third, £10, to Thomas Mann, Scole.

Highly commended.-D. A. Green, East Donyland.
Class 14.-Short-horn Heifers, not exceeding 4 years

First prize, £20, to R. Stratton, Newport, Mon.
Second, £10, to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G.
Third, £5, to Col. R. Loyd-Lindsay, V.C., MP.
Commended.-W. H. Betts, Diss.

Class 15.-Shorthorn Cows, above 4 years old.
(That must have had at least one live Calf.)
First prize, £20, to J. Stratton, Allon Rions, Marlborough.
Second, £10, to W. Graham, Bolton, Penrith.


Class 16.-Sussex Steers, not exceeding 2 years and 6 months old.

First prize, £25, to A. Agate, Broomhall.
Second, £15, to C. Child, Slinfold.
Third £10, to G. C. Coote, Fortington.
Highly commended, J. and H. Heasman, Angmering; W.
M. Stanford, Broadbridge.
The whole class commended.

Class 17.-Sussex Steers, not exceeding 3 years and 6 months old.

First prize, £25, to J Braby, Maybanks, Rudgwick.
Second, £15, to E. Neame, Harefield, Selling.
Third, £10, to E. and A. Stanford, Eatons, Ashurst.
Highly commended, W. Wood, Ifield, Court, Crawley.
The whole class commended.

Class 18.-Sussex Steers or Oxen, above 3 years and 6
months, and not exceeding 4 years and 6 months old.
First prize, £25, to J. Kirkpatrick, Monks Horton

Second, £15, to T. A. Vickress Hill, Slinfold.
Third, £10, to J. and C. Lee Steere, Jayes, Ockley.
Class 19.-Sussex Heifers, not xeeding 4 years old.
First prize, £20, J. and H. Heasman, Angmering.
Second, £10, J. and C. Lee Steere, Jayes, Ockley.
Third, £5, G. C. Coote, Forlington.

Highly commended.-W. F. Watson, Henfold.
Class 20.-Sussex Cows, above 4 years old, that must
have had at least one calf.

First prize, £20, J. M. Montefiore, Crawley.
Second, £10, J. Braby, Maybank, Rudgwick.
Third, £5, A. Agate, Broomhall.

NORFOLK OR SUFFOLK POLLED CATTLE. Class 21.-Norfolk or Suffolk polied steers or oxen, of any age.

First prize, £15 J. S. Postle, Smallborough.
Second, £10, J. Hammond-Bale, East Dereham.
Highly Co mmended--J. J. Colman, M.P., Norwich.



Class 22.-Heifers not having had a live calf not to exceed 4 years old. Cows above 4 years old must have had at least one live Calf.

First prize, £15, J. J. Colman, M.P., Norwich.
Second, £10, J. J. Colman, M.P., Norwich.
Highly Commended-R. S. Lofft, Troston, Suffolk.

Class 23.-Scotch Highland Steers or Oxen, of any age
First prize, £25, Right Hon. the Earl of Seafield, Gran


Second, £15, Sir W. Gordon Gordon Cumming, Bart., Altyre.

Third, £10, Sir J. Swinburne, Bart., Capheaton.

Highly commended.-Right Hon. the Earl of Dunmore, Roahill; the Hon. Walter Stuart, Master of Blan.


Commended-J. D. Allen, Tisbury; H. Humphrey, Ashington; the Earl of Dunmore, Dunmore; William Paterson, Auldtown,


(Not qualified for the other classes)

Class 31.-Steers or Oxen, not exceeding 4 years and 6 months old.

First Prize, £20, to Robt. Wortley, Suffield.
Secoud, £10, to Thos. Lee, Egley.

Class 32.-Heifers or Cows.
First prize, £20, to J. J. Ratcliff, near Reading.
Second, £10, J. C. Brown, M.P., Holmbush, Sussex.



Class 33.-Fat wether sheep of the Leicester breed, 1 year old (under 23 months).

First prize, £20, to Mrs. P. Herrick, Loughborough.

Commended.-His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, Second, £15, to Executors of the late B. Painter, Burley


Class 24.-Scotch Highland Heifers or Cows. (Heifers not having had a live Calf not to exceed 4 years old; Cows above 4 years old must have had at least one live Calf).

First prize, £20, Sir John Swinburne, Bart., Cap


Second, £10, J. J. Colman, M.P., Norwich.

Third, £5, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, K.G.


Class 25.-Scotch Polled Steers or Oxen, of any age. First prize, £25, Sir Wm. Gordon Gordon Cumming, Bart.

Second, £15, W. Middleton, Greystone, Aberdeen.
Third, £10, J. Reid, Alford, Aberdeen.
Class 26.-Scotch Polled Heifers or Cows.

Heifers not

having had a live Calf not to exceed 4 years old; Cows above 4 years old must have had at least one live Calf. First prize, £20, Sir W. G. G. Cumming, Bart. Second, £10, J. J. Colman, M.D., Norwich. Third, £5, W. Middleton, Greystone.

Highly commended, W. Brown, Dunkinty, Elgin.

Class 27.-Weish Steers or Oxen (Runts), of any age. First prize, £15, G. W. Duff-Assheton Smith, Bangor. Second, £10, Col. R. Loyd Lindsay, V.C., M.P. Commended, J. Stanford, Edenbridge, Kent.


Class 28.-Cross or mixed bred Steers, not exceeding 3 years old.

First prize, £25, to J. Reid, Greystone, Alford.
Second, £15, to Mrs. McWilliam-Bucharn, Gartley,

Third, £10, W. Scott, Glendronach, Huntley.

Highly commended, W. Paterson, Auldtown, Carnousie. Commended, R. Burn, Blyth, Reading; Mrs. McWilliam, Bucharn; W. Scott, Glendronach.

Class 29.-Cross or Mixed bred Steers or Oxen, above 3 years and not exceeding 4 years and 6 months old. Prize, £5, Lord Lovat, Beauly, Inverness.

Class 30.-Cross or mixed bred Heifers, not exceeding
4 years old.

First prize, £20, to Jno. Mayhew, Carlton, Colville.
Second, £10, to Lord Lovat, Beauly, Inverness.
Third, £5, to J. J. Colman, M.P., Norwich.
Highly Commended-J. Reid, Greystone, Alford.


Third, £5, to Mrs. P. Herrick.

Class 34.-Fat ewes of the Leicester breed, above 3 years old,

First prize, £10, to J. Green and Son, Silsden.
Second, £5, to T. Morris, Croxton, Lincoln.

Class 35.-Fat Wether lambs of the Leicester breed born
in the year 1879.
[No entry.]

Class 36.-Fat Wether Sheep of the Cotswold breed,
year old (under 23 months).

First prize, £20, to W. Smith, Somerton.
Second, £15, to R. Jacobs, Burford.
Third, £5, to W. Smith, Somerton.

Commended.-F. R. Hulbert, North Cerney, Cirencester.

Class 37.-Fat Ewes of the Cotswold breed, above 3 years old.

First prize, £10, to R. Jacobs, Burford.
Second, £5, to R. Swanwick, Cirencester.
Highly commended.-W. Smith, Somertet,
Commended.-T. and S. G. Gillett, Faringdon.

Class 38-Fat Wether Lambs of the Cotswold breed, born in the year 1879.

First prize, £10, to T. and R. Hulbert, North Cerney, Gloucester.

Second, £5, to T. and R. Hulbert.


Class 39.-Fat Wether Sheep of the Lincoln breed, 1 year old (under 23 months.)

First prize, £20, to P. Dunn, Sigglesthorne.
Second, £15, to P. Dunn.

Third, £5, to Chas. Sell, Bassingbourne.

Highly commended-J. H. S. Wingfield, near Stamford. Commended-Jno. Pears, Mere, Lincoln.

Class 40.-Fat ewes of the Lincoln breed, above years old,

First Prize, £10, to Thos. Close, jun., Stamford.
Second, £5, to H Smith, Cropwell Butler.
Commended-H. Smith, Cropwell Butler.

Class 41.-Fat wether Lambs of the Lincoln breed born in the year 1879.

First Prize, £10, to Thomas Gunnell, Milton, Cambs.

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