Place infected with Pleuro-Pneumonia. 11. Cattle affected with pleuro-pneumenia may, under a special Order of Council made on the application of a Local Authority, be moved out of a place infected with pleuropneumonis, for slaughter, in the manner and on the conditions in that special Order specified, but not otherwise: which special Order will only be made on the Privy Council being satisfied by the Local Authority, that the slaughter of diseased cattle in infected places in the district of the Local Authority is impracticable or would be highly inconvenient. 12. Cattle not affected with pleuro-pneumonia may be moved into a place infected with pleuro-pneumonia, at any time and from time to time after a Veterinary Inspector has reported in writing to the Local Anthority that all the cattle which were in the infected place at the time when it was declared infected by the Local Authority have died or been slaughtered, or have been moved thereout, and that pleuropneumonia does not exist therein, and that the cow-sheds or other places where the diseased cattle were kept therein have been, as far as practicable, cleansed and disinfected. 13. (1) Cattle not affected with pleuro-pneumonia may be moved out of a place infected with pleuro-pneumonia, in accordance with the following Regulations and not otherwise: longer. (c) The licence shall specify the slaughter-house to which the cattle are to be moved for slan:hter, and they shall not be moved to any other slaughter-house or place. (d.) If the cattle so moved are not moved out of the distric of the Local Authority, they shall be moved to the specified slaughter-house under the direction and in charge of an Inspector or other officer of the Local Authority and he shall enforce and superintend the immediate slaughter there of the cattle, and shall forthwith report to the Local Authority the fact of the slaughter there. B. For other purposes. (e.) The cattle may be moved to a place other than a slaughter-house, for purposes of feeding, or other ordinary purposes connected with the breeding of cattle, or for the purpose of isolation, with a licence of the Local Authority, on a certificate of a Veterinary Inspector certifying that the cattle to be moved are not affected with pleuropnemonia, and that such movement is in his opinion necessary. (f) The licence shall specify the place from which, and the place to which, and the person to whom, they are to be moved, and the time for which the licence is available, and the purposes and conditions for and on which the movement and keeping are allowed. (g) The cattle moved under the licence shall be moved under the direction and in charge of an Inspector or other officer of the Local Authority appointed in that behalf. (4.) The cattle, after they are received at the place specified in the licence, shall not be again moved except with a further licence of the Local Authority. C.-Out of District. (i.) If the cattle moved for slaughter under Regulation A are to be moved into the district of another Local Authority, there shall also be requisite a licence of that other Local Authority indorsed on or referring to the firstmentioned licence. (.) The cattle so moved into the district of that other Local Authority shall be moved to the specified slaughterhouse under the direction aud in charge of an Inspector or other officer of the Local Authority out of whose district they are moved; and he shail esforce and superintend the immediate slaughter there of the cattle, and shall forthwith report to both the Local Authorities the fact of the slaughter there. (k.) If the cattle moved for other purposes under Regu lation B are to be moved into the district of another Local Authority, there shall also be requisite a licence of that other Local Authority indorsed on or referring to the first mentioned licence. (2.) The cattle, after they are received at the place specified in the licence of that other Local Authorty, shall cot be again moved except with a further licence of that other Local Authority. (2.) Nothing in this Article shall authorize the granting of a licence by a Local Authority for the movement of cattle to a market, fair, sale-yard, or place of exhibition. Area infected with Pleuro-Poeumonia. 14. Catile not affected with pleuro-pneumonia may be moved in or into such parts of an area infected with pleuropneumonia as are not comprised in a place infected with Ipleuro-pneumonia, in accordance with the following Regu ations and not otherwise. The cattle may be moved into those parts of an area with a licence of the Local Authority, on a certificate of a Veterinary Inspector certifying that the cattle to be moved are not affected with pleuro-pneumonia, and have not, to the best of his knowledge an belief, been exposed to the infection of pleuro-pneumonia. C.-Movement into, from another District. If the cattle to be moved into those parts of an area under Regulation B are to be moved ont of the district of another L cal Authority, the licence must be a licence of the Local Authority out of whose district the cattle are to be moved; and there shall also be requisite a licence of the Local Authority of the district where those parts of the area are situate indorsed on or referring to the first-mentioned licence. 15. (1.) Cattle not affected with pleuro-pneumonia may be moved out of such parts of an area infected with pleuropneumonia as are not compr sed in a place infected with pleuropneumonia, with a licence of the Local Authority, on a certificate of a Veterinary Inspector certifying that the cattle to be moved are not affected with pleuro-pneumonia, and have not, to the best of his knowledge and belief, been exposed to the infection of pleuro-pneumonia. (2.) The licence shall specify the place to which, and the person to whom, they are to be moved. (3.) The cattle, after they are received at the place specified in the licence, shall not be again moved except with a further licence of the Local Authority. (4.) If the cattle are to be moved into the district of an other Local Authority, there shall also be requisite a licence of that other Local Authority indorsed on or referring to the first-mentioned licence, (5.) The cattle, after they are received at the place specified in the licence of that other Local Authority, shall not be again moved except with a further licence of that other Local Authority. Disinfection for Pleuro-Pneumonia. 16. A Local Authority shall cause the cowshed or other place in which cattle affected with pleuro-pneumonia have been kept while so affected, or have died or been slaughtered, to be, as far as practicable, cleansed and disin ected, and all lister, dung, or other thing that has been in contact with or used about any such cattle to be disinfected, burut, or destroyed. CHAPTER 3.-FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE. Notice of Foot-and-Mouth Disease. 17. The constable to whom notice of the fact of an animal being affected with foot-and-mouth disease, or with disease supposed to be foot-and-mou h disease, is given, under Section thirty-one of the Act of 1878, shall forthwith give information thereof to an inspector of the Local Authority who shall forthwith report the same to the Local Authority. Place infected with Foot-and-Mouth Disease. 18. Animals not affected with foot and-mouth disease may be moved into a place infected with foot-and-mouth disease at any time and from time to time after a Veterinary Inspector has reported in writing to the Local Authority that all the animals which were in the infected place at the time when it was declared infected by the Local Authority have died or been slaughtered, or have been moved thereout, and that foot-andmouth disease does not ex st therein, and that the cowsheds or other places where the diseased anima's were kept therein have been, as far as practicable, cleansed and disinfected. 19.-(1.) Anima's not affected with foot and-mouth disease may be moved out of a place infected with foot-andmouth disease in accordance with the following Regulations and not otherwise: A.-For Slaughter. (a.) The animals may be moved to a slaughter-house, for the purpose of being there forthwith slaughtered, with a licence of the Local Authority, on a certificate of a Veterinary Inspector certifying that the animals to be moved are not affected with foot-and-mouth disease. (b.) The licence shall be available for twelve hours, and zo longer. (c.) The licence shall specify the slaughter-house to which the animals are to be moved for slaughter, and they shall not be moved to any other slaughter-house or place. (d) If the animals so moved are not moved out of the district of the Local Authority, they shall be moved to the specified slaughter-house under the direction and in charge of an Inspector or other officer of the Local Authority; and he shall enforce and superintend the immediate slaughter there of the animals, and shall forthwith report to the Local Authority the fact of the slaughter there. B. For other Purposes. (e) The animals may be moved to a place other than a slaughter-house, or purposes of feeding, or other ordinary purposes connected with the breeding of animals, or for the purpose of isolation, with a licence of the Local Authority, on a certificate of a Veterinary Inspector certifying that the animals to be moved are not affected with foot-and-mouth disease, and that such movement is in his opinion necessary. .) The licence shall specify the place from which, and the place to which, and the person to whom, they are to be moved, and the time for which the licence is available, and the purposes and conditions for and on which the movement and keeping are allowed. () The animals moved under the licence shall be moved under the direction and in charge of an Inspector or other officer of the Local Authority appointed in that behalf. (4.) The animals, after they are received at the place specified in the licence, shall not be again moved except with a further licence of the Local Authority. C.-Out of District. (i) If the animals moved for slaughter ander Regulation A are to be moved into the district of another Local Authority, there shall also be requisite a licence of that other Local Authority indorsed on or referring to the first-mentioned licence. G.) The animals so moved into the district of that other Local Authority shall be moved to the specified slaughterhouse under the direction and in charge of an Inspector or other officer of the L cal Authority out of whose district they are moved; and he shall enforce and superintend the immediate slaughter there of the animals, and shall forthwith report to both the Local Authorities the fact of the slaughter there. (2.) If the animals moved for other purposes under Regulation B are to be moved into the district of another Local Authority, there shall also be requisite a licence of that other Local Authority indorsed on or referring to the first-mentioned licence. (4) The animale, after they are received at the place specified in the licence of that other Local Authority, shall not be again moved except with a further licence of that other Local Authority. (2.) Nothing in this article shall authorise the granting of a licence by a Local Authority for the movement of an.mals to a market, fair, sale-yard, or place of exhibition. Area In eeted with Foot-and-Mouth Disease. 20. Animals not aff cred with foot-and-mouth disease may be moved in or into such parts of an area infected with footBad-mouth disease as are not comprised in a place infected The animals may be moved in those parts of an area with a licence of the Local Authority, on a certificate of a Veterinary Inspector certi ying that the animals to be moved are not affected with foot-and-mouth disease, and have not, to the best of his knowledge and belief, been exposed to the infection of foot and-mouth disease. B.-Movement into. The animals may be moved into those parts of an area with a licence of the Local Authority, on a certificate of a Veterinary Insp ctor certifying that the animals to be moved are not affected with foot-and-mouth disease, and have not, to the best of his knowledge and belief, been exposed to the infection of foot-and-month disease. C.-Movement into, from another District. If the animals to be moved into those parts of an area under Regulati n B are to be moved out of the district of another Local Authority, the licence must be a licence of the Local Authority out of whose district the animals are to be moved; and there shall also be requisite & licence of the Local Authority of the district where those parts of the area are situate indorsed on or referring to the first-mentioned licence. 21.-(1.) Animals not affected with foot-and-mouth disease may be moved out of such parts of an area infected with foot-and-mouth disease as are not comprised in a place infected with foot-and-mouth disease, with a licence of the Local Authority, on a certificate of a Veterinary Inspector certifying that the animals to be moved are not affected with foot-and-mouth disease, and have not, to the best of his knowledge and belief, been exposed to the infection of foot and mouth disease. (2) The licence shall specify the place to which, and the person to whom, they are to be movel. (3) The animals, after they are received at the place specified in the licence, shall not be again moved except with a further licence of the Local Authority. (4) If the animals are to be moved into the district of another Local Authority, there shall also be requsite a licence of that other Local Authority indorsed on or referring to the first-mentioned licence. (5.) The animals, after they are received at the place specified in the licence of that other Local Authority, shall not be again moved except with a further licence of that other Local Authority. Disinfection for foot-and-Mouth Disease. 22. A Local Authority shall cause the cowshed or other place in which an animal affected with foot-and-mouth disease has been kept while so affected, or has died or been slaughtered, to be, as far as practicable, cleansed and disinfected, and all litter, dung, or other thing that has been in contact with or used about any such animal to be disinfected, burnt, or destroyed. CHAPTER 4.-SHEEP-POx. Notice of Sheep-Pox. 23. The constable to whom notice of the fact of a sheep being affected with sheep-pox, or with disease supposed to be sheep-pox, is given, under Section thirty-one of the Act of 1878, shall forthwith give information thereof to an Inspector of the Local Authority, who shall forthwith report the same to the Local Authority. Declaration of Place infected with Sheep-Pox. 24.-(1) Where it appears to an Inspector of a Local Authority that sheep-pox exists, or has within ten days existed, in a shed, field, or other place, he shall forthwith make and sign a declaration thereof." (2.) He shall serve a notice, signed by him, of the declaration the occupier of that shed, field, or other place. (3.) Thereupon that shed, field, or other place shall become and be a place infected with sheep-pox, subject to the determination and declaration of the Local Authority. (4.) The Inspector shall, with all practicable speed, inform the Local Authority and the Privy Council of his declaration and notice, and shall send his declaration and a copy of his notice to the Local Authority. (5.) The Loal Authority shall forthwith on receit of that information quire into the correctness of the Inspector's declaration, with the assistance and advice of a Veterinary Inspector, or of a person qualified according to the Act of 1878 to be such. (6.) If the Local Authority are satisfied of the correctness of the Inspector's declaration as regards the existence or past existence of disease, they shall by order determine and declare accordingly, and prescribe the limits of the place infected with sheep-pox, and may, if they think fit, include within those limits any lands or buildings adjoining or near to the shed, field, or other place to which the Inspector's declaration relates. (7.) The Local Authority may include in a place infected with sheep-pox any adjoining part of the district of anot! er Local Authority, with the previous co sent in writing of that Authority, but not otherwise. (8.) If the Local Authority are not satisfied of the correctness of the Inspector's declaration as regards the existence or past existence of disease, they shall by order determine and declare accordingly; and thereupon, as from the time specified io that behalf in their order, the shed, field, or other place to which the Inspector's declaration relates shall cease to be a place infected with sheep-pox. (9.) The Local Authority shall forthwith report to the Privy Council the declaration of the Inspec'or, and the proceedings of the Local Authority thereon. Places infected with Sheep-Pox. 25. The following rules shall have effect in relation to a shed, field, or other place which has become a place infected with sheep-pox (namely) : : (1) No sheep shall be moved alive out of a place infected with sheep-pox. (2.) A carcise of a sheep may be taken out of a place infected with sheep-pox as follows and not otherwise :(1) With a certificate of an Inspector of the Local Authority certifying that the carcase to be taken out is not the carcase of a sheep that was affected with sheeppox, the carcase in that case being first skinned; or (ii.) With a licence of an Inspector of the Local Authority permitting the carcase to be taken out for the purpose of being buried or destroyed; in which latter case the following regulations shall apply. (a.) The licence shall be available for twelve hours, and no longer. (b) The licence shall specify the place to which the carcase is to be taken for burial or destruction, and it shall not be taken to any other place. (c.) The carcase shall be taken to the place specified in the licence under the direction and in charge of an Inspector or other officer of the Local Authority; and he shall enforce and superintend the immediate burial or destruction there of the carcase, and shall forthwith report to the Local Authority the fact of the burial or destruction there. (d.) If the care se is to be taken into the district of another Local Authority, there shall also be requisite a licence of that other Local Authorit& indorsed on or referring to the first-mentioned licence. (e.) The carcase so taken into the district of that other Local Authority shall be taken to the space specified in the licence under the direction and in charge of an Inspec' or or other officer of the Local Authority out of whose district it is taken; and he shall enforce and superintend the immediate burial or destruction there of the carcase, and shall forthwith report to both the Local Authorities the fact of the burial or destruction there. (3.) No skin, or fleece, or wool, separate from the rest of the carcase, of a sheep shall be taken out of a place infected with sheep-pox, except with a certificate of a Veterinary Inspector certifying that that skin, fleece, or wool has been disinfected to his satisfaction. (4.) No sheep shall be moved into a shed, field, or other place where sheep-pox has existed, unless and until an Inspector of the Local Authority has certified that all the sheep in that shed, field, or other place have died or been slaughtered, and that the shed or other place has been, as far as practicable, cleansed and disinfected. or in contact with a sheep affected with sheep-pox to be slaughtered, (3.) The Local Authority shall, out of the local rate, pay compensation as follows for sheep slaughtered under this Ar icle: (4.) Where the sheep slaughtered was affected with sheeppox, the compensation shall be one-half of its value immedi. ately before it became so affected, but so that the compensation do not in any such case exceed forty shillings. (b.) In every other case the compensation shall be the value of the sheep immediately before it was slaughtered, but so that the compensation do not in any case exceed four pounds. Declaration of Freedom from Sheep-pox. 27. Where a Local Authority have declared a place to be infected with sheep-pox, they may, if they think fit, at any time after the expiration of twenty-eight days from the date of the cessation therein of that disease, but not sooner, declare by order that place to be free from sheep-pox. Disinfection for Sheep-pox. 28. A Local Authority shall cause the shed, or other place in which a sheep affected with sheep-pox has been kept while so affected, or has died or been slaughtered, to be, as far as practicable, cleansed and disinfected, and all litter, dung, or other thing that has been in contact with or used about any such sheep to be disinfected, burnt, or destroved. Declaration of Infected Place or Area by Privy Council. 29. Nothing in this Order shall be deemed to take away or abridge the power of the Privy Council, by special Order: (a.) To declare any shed, field, or other place, with or without any lands or buildings ajoining or near to that shed, field, or other place, to be a place infected with sheep-por: or (6.) To extend the limits of a place infected with sheeppox: or (c.) To declare any place that has been declared either by a Local Authority or by the Privy Council to be a place infected with sheep-pox, to be free from sheep-pox: or (d.) To declare any area within a place infected with sheep-pox is situate to be an area infected with sheep-pox, and to extend the limits of such an area: or (e.) To declare any area that has been declared by the Privy Council to be an area infected with sheep-pox, or some particular portion thereof, when there is not within that area, or that portion thereof, any piace infected with sheep-pox, to be free from sheep-pox. CHAPTER 5.-SHEEP-SCAB. Notice of Sheep-Scab. 30. The constable to whom notice of the fact of a sheep being affected with sheep-scab, or with disease supposed to be sheep-scab, is given, under Section thirty-one of the Act of 1878, shall forthwith give information thereof to an Inspector of the Local Authority, who shall forthwith report the same to the Local Authority. Treatment for Sheep-Scab. 31. A person having in his possession or under his charge a sheep affected with sheep scab, shall treat that sheep, or cause it to be treated, with some dressing or dipping or other remedy for sheep-scab. Regulations of Local Anthority as to Sheep-Scab. 32. A Local Authority may, from time to time, make regulations for the following purposes, or any of them: (1.) For prohibiting or regulating the movement out of any field, shed, or other place of sheep affected with sheepScab: (2) For prohibiting or regulating the movement out of any field, shed, or other place in which sheep scab exists of sheep that have been in contact with or in the same field, shed, or other place with sheep affected with sheepscab : (3.) For prohibiting or regulating the taking out of any field, shed, or other place of the skin, fleece, or wool, separate from the rest of the carcase, of a sheep affected with or suspected of sheep-scab, or of any fodder, litter, or other thing that has been in contact with or used for or about sheep affected with or suspected of sheep-scab; but nothing in any such regulation shall authorize movement in contravention of Articles 52 or 54 or other provision of this Order; and a regulation under paragraph (2.) of this Article shall operate so long only as sheep-scab exists in the judgment of the Local Authority in any field, shed, or other place to which the regulation refers, and until the same has been, as far as practicable, cleansed and disin ected. Monthly Returns as to Sheep Scab. 33. Where an Inspector of a Local Authori y finds in his district sheep-scab, he shall forthwith make a return thereof to the Local Authority and to the Privy Council, on a form provided by the Privy Council, with all particulars therein required, and shall continue to so make a return thereof on the last day of every month, except where the last day is Sunday, and then on the last day but one, until the disease has ceased. CHAPTER 6.-GLANDERS AND FARCY. 34 Horses asses, and males shall be animals, and glauders and farcy shall be diseases, for the purposes of the following Sections of the Act of 1878 (namely): Section twenty-nine (slanghter), Section fifty-one (powers of inspectors). and of all other Sections of the Act containing provisions relative to or consequent on the provisions of those Sections, including such Sections as provide for offences and procedare. Notice of Glanders or Parcy. 35. The constable to whom notice of the fact of a horse, a, or male being affected with glanders or farcy, or with disease supposed to be glanders or farcy, is given, under Section thirty-one of the Act of 1878, shall forthwith give information thereof to an Inspector of the Local Authority, who shall forthwith report the same to the Local Authority. Public Warning as to Existence of Glanders or Farcy. 36.-(1.) The Local Authority may, if they think fit, from time to time, give public warning by placards, advertise ment, or otherwise, of the existence of glanders or farcy in any stable, building, field, or other place, with or without any particular description thereof, as they think fit, and may con tinue to do so during the existence of the disease, and, in case of a stable, building or other like place, until the same has been cleanse and disinfected. (2) It shall not be lawful for any person (without authority or excuse) to remove or deface any such placard. Regulations of Local Authority as to Glanders or Farcy. 37. A Local Authority may, from time to time, make regulations for the following purposes, or any of them: (1.) For prohibiting or regulating the movement out of any stable, building, field, or other place of a horse, aes, male affected with glanders or farcy: or (2.) For prohibiting or regulating the movement out of any stable, building, field, or other place in which glanders or farcy exists of a horse, ass, or mule that has been in contact with or in the same stable, building, field, or other place with a horse, ass, or mule affected with glanders or farcy; bat nothing in any such regulation shall authorize movement is contravention of Article 52 or other provision of this Order; and a regulation under paragraph (2.) of this Article shall operate so long only as glanders or farcy exists in the judgment of the Local Authority in any stable, building, field, or other place to which the regulation refers, and, in case, of a stable, building, or other like place, until the same has been cleansed and disinfected. bin Slaughter in Glander. 38-(1.) Where a person having a horse, ass, or mule in FORgeasion or under his charge give notice to a constable that the horse, ass, or mule is affected with glanders, or a peron is convicted of an offence against the Act of 1878 by reason of his having failed to give such a notice, then, if at any time thereafter it appears to the Local Authority, on a special report of a Veterinary Inspector or Veterinary Surgeon, that the, horse, 1, or mule is affected with glanders, and the horse, ass, zue is alive at the end of fourteen days after the receipt by the Local Authority of that special report, the Local Authority zy, if they think fit, within seven days thereafter serve on the owner of the horse, ass, or mule a notice in writing requiring bim to slaughter it, or to permit them to slaughter it, within a reasonable time specified in the notice. or } (2.) If in any case the owner fails to comply with the requisition of the notice of the Local Authority, he shall be deemed guilty of an offence against the Act of 1878, unless he shows to the satisfaction of the court of summary jurisdiction before which he is charged that the horse, ass, or mule is not affected with glanders, or that the slaughter thereof is for any reason unnecessary or inexpedient. (3.) The provisions of this Article may be put in force, from time to time, as often as occasion requires, in relation to the same horse, ass, or mule on a further special report as aforesaid. 40. Swine-fever, that is to say, the disease called or known as typhoid fever of swine, soldier, purples, red disease, hog cholera, or swine plague, ehall be a disease for the purposes of the following Sections of the Act of 1878 (namely): Section twenty-seven (disease during transit). Section twenty-eight (infected places). Sections twenty-nine and thirty (slaughter and compensation). Section thirty-one (notice of disease). Section fifty-one (powers of inspectors). tive to or consequent on the provisions of those Sections, and of all other Sections of the Act containing provisions rela including such Sections as provide for offences and procedure. Notice of Swine-Fever. 41. The constable to whom notice of the fact of swine being affected with swine-fever, or with disease supposed to be swine-fever, is given, under Section thirty-one of the Act of 1878, shall forthwith give information thereof to an Inspector of the Local Authority, who shall forthwith report the same to the Local Authority. Declaration of place infected with Swine-Fever. 42 (1) Where it appears to an Inspector of a Local Authority that swine fever exists, or has within ten days existed, in a pig-sty, shed, or other place, he shall forthwith make and sign a declaration thereof. (2.) He shall serve a notice, signed by him, of the declaration on the occupier of that pig-sty, shed, or other place. (3.) Thereupon that pig-sty, shed, or other place, shall become and be a place infected with swine fever, subject to the determination and declaration of the Local Authority. (4) The Inspector shall, with all practicable speed, inform the Local Authority of his declaration and notice, and shall send his declaration and a copy of his notice to the Local Authority. (5.) The Local Authority shall forthwith on receipt of that information inquire into the correctness of the Inspector's declaration with the assistance and advice of a Veterinary Inspector, or of a person qualified according to the Act of 1878 to be such. (6.) If the Local Authority are satisfied of the correctness of the Inspector's declaration as regards the existence or past existence of disease, they shall by order determine and declare accordingly, and prescribe the limits of the place infected with swine-fever, and may, if they think fit, include within those imits lands or buildings adjoining or near to the pig-sty, shed, or other place to which the Inspector's declaration relates. (7) The Local Authority may include in a place infected with swine-fever any adjoining part of the district of another Local Authority, with the previous consent in writing of that Authority, but not otherwise. any (8.) If the Local Authority are not satisfied of the correctness of the Inspector's declaration as regards the existence or part existence of disease, they shall by order determine and declare accrlingly; and thereupon, as from the time specified in that behalf in their order, the pig-sty, shed, or other place to which the Inspector's declara ion relates shall cease to be a place infected with swine-fever., I 93 the (9.) The Local Authority shall forthwith report to the Privy Council the declaration of the Inspector, and proceedings of the Local Authority thereon. Place infected with Swine-Fever. 43. The following rules shall have effect in relation to pigsty, shed, or other place which has become a place infected with swine-fever (namely) : (1.) No swine affected with swine-fever shall be moved out of a place infected with swine-fever. (2.) Swine not affected with swine-fever may be moved out of a place infected with swine-fever as follows and not otherwise : (4.) The swine may be moved to a slaughter-house, for the purpose of being there forthwith slaughtered, with a licence of the Local Authority, on a certificate of a Veterinary Inspector certifying that the swine to be moved are not affected with swine-fever. (b) The licence shall be available for twelve hours, and no longer. (c). The licence shall specify the slaughter-house to which (f) The swine so moved into the district of that other (3.) A carcase of a pig may be taken out of a place (i) With a licence of an Inspector of the Local Authority (a.) The licence shall be available for twelve hours, and no (8.) The licence shall specify the place to which the carcase (c.) The carcase shall be taken to the place specified in the (e.) The carcase so taken into the district of that other Slaughter in Swine-Fever. 44-(1.) A Local Authority shall cause all swine affected with swine-fever to be slaughtered within two days after the existence of the disease is known to them. (2.) A Local Authority may, if they think fit, cause any swine being or having been in the same pig-sty or shed, or in contact with swine affected with swine-fever, to be slaughtered. (3.) The Local Authority shall, out of the local rate, pay compensation as follows for swine slaughtered under this Article: (a.) Where the pig slaughtered was affected with swine. immediately before it became so affected, but so that the fever, the compensation shall be one-half of its value compensation do not in any such case exceed forty shillings. (6.) In every other case the compensation shall be the value of the pig immediately before it was slaughtered, but so that the compensation do not in any case exceed four pounds. Declaration of Freedom from Swine-fever. 45. Where a Local Authority have declared a place to be infected with swine-fever, they may, if they think fit, at any time after the expiration of twenty-eight days from the date of the cessation therein of that disease, but not sooner, declare by order that place to be free from swine-fever. Disinfection for Swine-Fever. 46. A Local Authority shall cause the pig-sty, shed, or other place in which a pig affected with swine-fever has been kept while so affected, or has died or been slaughtered, to be, as far as practicable, cleansed and disinfected, and all litter, dung, or other thing that has been in contact with or used about any such pig to be disinfected, burnt, or destroyed. Declaration of Infected Place or Area by Privy Council. 47. Nothing in this Order shall be deemed to take away or abridge the power of the Privy Council, by special Order: (a.) To declare auy pig-sty, shed, or other place, with or without any lands or buildings adjoining near to that pigsty, shed, or other place, to be a place infected with swine fever: or (b) To extend the limits of a place infected with swine- (c.) To declare any place that has been declared either by CHAPTER 8.-PLEURO PNEUMONIA OR FOOT-AND-MOUTH OTHER LIKE Special Provision for these Cases. 48. By virtue of Section twenty-seven of the Act of 1878, where an animal is found to be infected with pleuropneumonia or foot-and-mouth disease or swine-fever (1.) While exposed for sale or exhibited in a market, fair, sale yard, place of exhibition, or other place; or (2.) While placed in a lair or other place before exposure for sale; or (3.) While being in or on a landing-place or wharf or railway station or other place during transit; or (4) While in course of being moved by land or by water; or (5.) While being on common or uninclosed land; or (6.) While being in a cow-shed, field, yurd, sty, farm, park, or other place wherein animals of different owners are taken 14 for shelter, or for rest, or for grazing, or for any other purpose; or (7.) While being in any other place not in the possession or occupation or under the control of the owner of the animal; Then the following regulations shall apply in the several cases following (namely): A.-Pleuro-Pneu nouia. |