than that any = tunted. - I need not say incre due to y Published by Hary Sithurn, London J. 23 1824 Sid Hall srdp OF THE CONVERSATIONS OF LORD BYRON: NOTED DURING A RESIDENCE WITH HIS LORDSHIP AT PISA, IN THE YEARS 1821 AND 1822. BY THOMAS MEDWIN, ESQ. OF THE 24TH LIGHT DRAGOONS, AUTHOR OF "AHASUERUS THE WANDERER." LONDON: PRINTED FOR HENRY COLBURN, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. ADVERTISEMENT. THE Publisher of this Work thinks it proper to state, that he felt desirous of suggesting to the Author, who is abroad, the suppression of certain passages; but, finding that these, among various others, had been extracted, with the Author's permission, from the original Manuscript before it came into his possession, and also that they have now appeared in print, he has no longer considered it necessary to urge their suppression in the present Volume. |