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6137 V.2.



Variation of Public opinion on the subject of legal relief for the Poor-

Statement of the Question-Slavery universal in early times-It constitutes

the transition from the indolence of Savage to the continued labour of Civiliz-

ed Life-Provides for the Subsistence of the Destitute in these periods-Legal

relief for destitute indispensable where society has assumed a complex form-

Causes which there render it unavoidable-Principal one is the great inequali-

ty of Property-And it is nearly universal where such inequality exists-Ad-

vantages of such an assessment-It equalizes the burden on the community-

Prevents the Poor from being utterly degraded in their habits-Tends to di-

minish the prevalence of fraud and imposition-And to prevent the growth of

a vicious and degraded population—Provides a fund capable of expansion or

contraction according to circumstances-And is far more steady than volun-

tary Charity-Important and salutary effects of a legal provision for the Poor

on the principle of Population-Prevents the growth of redundant and indi-

gent numbers-Leads to no undue impulse to the principle of increase-Ra-

ther diminishes the diseased action of that principle-Prior to English Poor

Laws evils of mendicity were severely felt there—The present state of Eng-

land the best proof of their good effects-Principles of Assessment--And ap-

plication of the funds-Strong Injunctions to this social duty in the Gospel

-No variance between them and the real interest of the Poor.-166-241.


Marvellous growth of the British Colonial Empire-General decline of our

exports to Europe during the last forty years-And progressive increase of

foreign over British shipping in conducting our trade during that period-

Causes to which this has been owing-Different principles of the Colonial

and Reciprocity Systems-They cannot coexist in the same state-Effect of

the Reciprocity System on our foreign shipping with the countries with

whom these treaties have been concluded-Effects on the progress of our

trade with the same countries-Trade with the countries with whom we have

concluded no Reciprocity treaties-General result of the progress of our

trade with foreign nations, and our colonies or their descendants-Funda-

mental errors of the Reciprocity System-It strives to resist an obvious and

important law of Nature—And was founded on an apparent and fallacious,

not real reciprocity-Principle on which the commercial hostility of foreign

nations to us is founded-Signal error in supposing that the increase of our

exports to any quarter will counterbalance these disadvantages-Causes which

have counterbalanced the decay of our exports to, and shipping with the Euro-

pean states-Astonishing growth of our colonial empire-Progress of our

trade with Canada-And Australia-And the East Indies-Wonderful con-

trast between that and our trade with the old states of Europe-Magnitude

of our exports to the colonies per head of their inhabitants, compared with

that to the states of the old world-Causes of this difference-Incredible

benefit which the increase of our colonial empire would bring to the parent

state-In relieving our population, creating a market for our manufactures,

and increasing our navy-Marked decline in the British Navy at this time,

compared with what it was in 1792-Effect of Colonies obviating this evil---

Singular passage of Gibbon on New Zealand-Magnificent prospects of Bri-

tish Colonization-And their apparent connection with ancient Prophecy.—



Mode in which the intentions of Nature in regard to the Increase and Des-

tiny of Mankind are carried into effect-Analogy between the changing de-

sires of the Individual and those of the Species-Progressive changes in so-

ciety which work out the same system in the social world-Rapid increase

in early times-Gradual retardation as society advances-And ultimate sta-

tionary condition in its last ages-Exemplified from the history of all nations

-Grounds for dispelling all alarms on the subject of the over-increase of

Mankind—Origin of the prevailing errors on this subject-From overlooking

the progress in human affairs-Examples of the application of these prin-

ciples in the world at this time-Capacities of increase, existing in the world

at this time, for the future growth of Mankind-In Asia, America, Europe, and

Australia-Progressive increase in the fertility of the globe--Boundless capa-

bility of yielding food which the ocean contains-Growth of a New Conti.

nent from the Coral Islands of the South Seas-No dangers, therefore, to

be anticipated from over-increase in any quarter of the Globe-Moral des-

tinies of Mankind-Provision for the spread of civilisation from the power

of Russia in Asia, and the spread of the Anglo-Saxon race in Transmarine

Regions-Moving power of the one is the passion for conquest-In the other

the desire for Colonization-Which springs from Democratic Feeling—

Adaptation of these two moving powers to the great destinies they are ulti-

mately to work out-Approach of the diffusion of Christianity over the Globe

by these means-General conclusion.-461-531.

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