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A Morning Prayer for a Family.

MOST glorious and gracious God, whose kind providence has protected us through the night, and brought us in peace to meet together this morning; assist us, we earnestly beseech thee, to present our unfeigned praises and thanksgivings, and to unite in fervent prayer and supplication before thy mercy-seat.

But, who are we, O thou high and lofty One, who inhabitest eternity, whose name is Holy, that we should venture into thy awful presence? Even the Seraphim veil their faces in deep humility, when they present their adorations before thy throneAnd we are not only immensely beneath them in our nature; but alas, we have been guilty of base ingratitude for thy bounties, and of multiplied acts of rebellion against thee, our Creator and Sovereign-"We have forsaken thee, the Fountain of

"living waters," to seek happiness from the broken cisterns of earthly enjoyments and possessions!We have proudly rejected thy easy yoke, and become slaves to divers lusts and pleasures!-We have refused thee that reasonable tribute of worship and love, which it would have been our privilege to render; We have broken thy commandments in thought, word, and deed, and have abused thy gifts to the dishonour of thy name.

Thus we would with shame confess, we are fallen under condemnation and into bondage, from which we cannot deliver our own souls: and we may well be confounded, when we would lift up our hearts unto thee. "If thou, LORD, shouldest "mark iniquity, O LORD, who can stand? But "there is forgiveness with thee," and plenteous redemption in thy beloved Son. Through his atoning sacrifice, and prevailing intercession, we would approach thy throne of grace; and while we smite on our breasts and say, "God be "merciful to us, vile sinners!" we would unite our penitent confessions with lively faith and hope, and bless thee for these unspeakable benefits. Oh give us true repentance and living faith; convince us more deeply of our sinfulness; and discover to us every thing in our hearts and lives, which displeases thee: that we may approach thee in genuine poverty of spirit, and with sincere and fervent longings after those blessings which we ask with our lips. Enlighten our understandings,

that we may more clearly perceive the nature and glory of thy gospel: and more fully "know thee, "the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou "hast sent. Teach us to count all things but

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loss, that we may win Christ, and partake of his salvation.-May thy holy word, which we daily study, be treasured up in our memories, written in our hearts, and made legible in our tempers and conduct. Oh, do thou rectify our mistakes, deliver us from prejudices, "make us to be of "good understanding in the way of godliness," and "uphold our goings in thy ways, that our "footsteps slip not."-We beseech thee, O thou God of peace, that by faith in the blood of thy beloved Son, we may enjoy the comfort of thy reconciling grace, and sweet tranquility in our hearts and consciences; and may our hope of forgiveness from thee render us ready to forgive others, and form our dispositions to gentleness and love. Glorying in the cross of Christ, may we be crucified to the world, and the world to us. May we be clothed with humility, walk before thee with vigilance and circumspection, and serve thee in the spirit of adoption. Enable us, we beseech thee, for thy sake, to "do unto all men, as we "would they should do unto us," to live in peace one with another, and while we have time, to do good unto all men, but especially to them that 66 are of the household of faith." May thy saving grace "teach us to deny ungodliness and worldly.

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"lusts, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly "in this present world:" may we be content with such things as we have; accommodate ourselves to the station allotted us; conscientiously attend. to our proper duties; and watch against covetousness, anger, envy, and all other sinful passions. Oh, may we be indeed the followers of the lowly Jesus may we walk as he walked; act in wisdom towards all around us; and improve our several talents to the glory of thy great name: and thus may we "wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus "Christ unto eternal life."

We most humbly beseech thee, O Father of mercies, that thou wouldst graciously look upon our beloved friends and relatives. Bring home to thy fold such as still wander in the ways of sin and folly; and communicate all seasonable help and comfort to those, who know thy name, and love thy salvation. Recompense with thy choicest blessings all them, whose hearts thou hast disposed to be kind to us; may they and their dear children and relatives be made partakers of thy saving grace; may their souls be as a watered garden; may their temporal comforts be increased, their trials sanctified, and all their endeavours to do good be crowned with abundant success. We would also, most gracious Lord, pray thee to bless all the ministers of thy gospel; to send forth labourers into thy harvest; to prosper every method of sending thy saving truth to those who sit in

darkness and the shadow of death; to lift up a standard against the prevailing infidelity and impiety of the age; to stem the torrent of licentiousness; and in all respects to purify, bless, and enlarge thy church, and to fill the earth with the glory of thy name.

Regard with thy special mercy our favoured but ungrateful land: though our iniquities testify against us; yet for thy own name's sake, and the honour of thy gospel, continue to us the blessed light of thy truth, and the means of grace that we enjoy. Preserve us from publick calamities, and put an end to those enormities, which call for thy vengeance upon us.-Bless our king and all the royal family with thy choicest mercies; and direct all employed in publick affairs to those measures, which may most promote our best interests and thy glory. Oh, incline and teach all orders and ranks of men amongst us to fill up their several stations in a suitable manner, and to serve their generation according to thy will. Send peace in our time we beseech thee, O Lord: [Say to the destroying sword, it is enough, return into the scabbard.] Over-rule all changes in kingdoms and nations, to the furtherance of thy gospel, and the establishment of thy kingdom all over the earth. Compassionate, O merciful Lord, all who are afflicted, indigent, oppressed, enslaved; send them effectual deliverance, and give special consolations to thy tempted and persecuted children.

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