Hear, we beseech thee, these our prayers and supplications: be with us in all the employments. and companies in which we may this day be engaged: may we act in them, as under thine eye, and as it becomes thy redeemed people: and may we be habitually prepared for death and judgment. These and all mercies we, unworthy sinners, humbly implore, for the sake, and through the merits and mediation of thy son Jesus Christ; to whom, with thee, O Father, and the Holy Spirit, we would ascribe co-equal and eternal praise and adoration. Amen. An Evening Prayer for a Family. THOU Giver of every good gift, thou Father' of mercies, and God of all consolation; we desire to close this day with thy solemn worship. Accept, we beseech thee, our unfeigned thanksgivings, for the continuance of our lives, our health, our senses, our limbs, and our rational powers; for the protection and provision thou hast hitherto afforded us; and for all the general and special benefits we enjoy. We would consider them as coming from thy hand, and as the fruits of thy unmerited kindness. to us thy sinful creatures. But above all, we are bound to thank and bless thee, for the redemption of the world by thy beloved Son; and for all the blessings of that new covenant, which he purchased by his death, and is exalted at thy right hand to bestow on all that believe. We thank thee for thy written word and thy preached gospel; and for all the abundant spiritual advantages, with which we are favoured. We praise thee for thy long-suffering towards us, when we disregarded the message of reconciliation, and` continued in disobedience; for delivering us in dangers, and recovering us from sickness, when we were wholly unprepared for death; and even when we used our lives and health, in sinning still more against thee! "It is of thy mercies only that we are not con 66 sumed, because thy compassions fail not." And if at length we have been renewed to repentance, and enabled to believe thy gospel, and love thy holy ways; to thee, O Lord, we would ascribe all the glory of this blessed change. "What shall "we then render to the Lord for all his benefits?" Help us, we humbly pray thee, not only to offer at thy mercy-seat our feeble sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving; but to present ourselves also as living sacrifices devoted to thy glory; and to bless thee with the more decided language of unreserved obedience. And while we rejoice in our privileges and mercies; help us, O Lord, to remember the inexpressible sufferings of the divine Saviour, when "he bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that "we being dead unto sin, should live unto righ"teousness." Oh! grant that, looking to him whom we have pierced, we may mourn for our crimes with unfeigned sorrow; may become more deeply penitent, and be more determined in crucifying the flesh with all its affections and lusts: and may the love of Christ constrain us henceforth to live more entirely to his glory. Here, at Emmanuel's cross may we daily learn self-denial, deadness to the world, patience, meekness, forgiveness, humility; and thus find our hearts prepared to renounce our own ease and interest, in order to honour our Redeemer, and subserve the comfort of those whom he condescends to call his brethren. May we learn "to keep the unity of the spirit in the "bond of peace;" and, looking to him who endured the cross, and despised the shame, never be weary and faint under any trials or discourage ments. Help us, O gracious God, this evening so to examine our ways, and renew our repentance; that we may have peace with thee and our consciences, through the atoning blood, before we close our eyes in sleep and do thou extinguish every emotion of resentment or corrupt affection, which the events of the day may have excited; that we may go to rest in sweet charity with all mankind. Prosper, O Lord, all our undertakings, as far as is good for us; and especially all our endeavours to acquire, or to communicate, the knowledge of thy truth and will. Bless thy holy word, which any of thy servants may have spoken in publick or private; crown all their labours with success, and fill their souls with joy and consolation. Enlarge and purify thy church, and let thy grace and peace be multiplied to all who love the Lord Jesus in sincerity. Remember with thy choicest mercies all that pray for us, or desire a place in our supplications; and whenever we meet with dear absent friends, may we see new cause, and feel renewed dispositions for thankfulness. And now, O gracious Father, while we commend burselves and each other to thy special protection this night; "teach us so to number our days that "we may apply our hearts unto wisdom:" and grant, that whether we live or die, we may be thine for ever. Hear us, we humbly intreat thee, and exceed all we ask, or can conceive, according to the riches of thy mercy in Christ Jesus. For whom we bless thy name, and to whom with thyself, and the eternal Spirit, we would ascribe all glory, praise, adoration, and thanksgiving, now and for evermore. Amen. Another Morning Prayer for a Family. ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, we thy unworthy creatures desire to bless and thank thee, for thy gracious protection, and the refreshment of sleep during the past night; and the renewed gift of life and a measure of health this morning. We would gratefully acknowledge likewise the conveniences of our dwelling and temporal provision; the comfort of kind friends and domestick peace, and all the security and tranquillity which we enjoy in this favoured country. We confess, O Lord, that we are unworthy of the least of these thy mercies and we beseech thee, enable us to shew our unfeigned gratitude, by alacrity in every part of thy service, and a proper use of all thy benefits. But we are bound especially to bless and praise thy holy name, O most gracious Father, for the salvation provided for us in thy son Jesus Christ our Lord. Without this inestimable benefit, no temporal peace or prosperity could have eventually profited us. By thy righteous sentence we are doomed to die. Our present joys and sorrows, cares and pursuits, must soon vanish like the dreams of the past night; we shall shortly open our eyes amidst the important realities of the eter |