determined to shew them no mercy. Having done wrong in sinning, doubtless they continue to do wrong in not repenting: and their impenitent rebellion and enmity to God will eternally illustrate his justice in their condemnation; as all will see, that he doth not without cause treat them as enemies. A man who hath murdered his lawful prince, though the law must have its course, ought to repent, and shews a still more desperate spirit of rebellion if he die vindicating his conduct. Yet the avenger of blood, designing no mercy, requires no submission. A command to submit and repent, if sent to a company of condemned criminals, would directly excite a beam of hope in every relenting breast.-God sends his ministers and word, commanding thee, O sinner, to repent: were no more said, thou mightest safely draw this conclusion;-' Certainly he hath thoughts • of peace, and intends to shew mercy to all who 'obey the summons.' II. God is always in scripture represented as peculiarly ready to receive and entertain repenting sinners. "I have surely heard Ephraim be"moaning himself thus; Thou hast chastised me, " and I was chastised, as a bullock unaccustomed "to the yoke: turn me and I shall be turned; " for thou art the LORD my God. Surely after "that I was turned, I repented: and after that I 66 was instructed, I smote upon my thigh. I was " ashamed, yea even confounded, because I did " bear the reproach of my youth.-Is Ephraim my "dear son? Is he a pleasant child? for since I spake "against him, I do earnestly remember him still: "therefore my bowels are troubled for him, I will surely have mercy upon him saith the LORD.'” Here is the true penitent, mourning for sin, co. vered with shame, and crying for mercy; and the encouraging answer of that God, "who waiteth to " be gracious." The same is most emphatically inculcated by the experience of David in the thirtysecond Psalm. There mark carefully, how soon the sweet sense of forgiving love followed his ingenuous confession of guilt. But omitting many other scriptures for the sake of brevity, let me detain you a little in meditating on the prodigal son; a parable spoken on purpose to encourage the publicans and sinners, who listened to the words of Jesus. Let us attentively consider the character of the prodigal, his disdainful and ungrateful behaviour to a wise and indulgent father, his debauched and dissolute life, and the misery to which he was reduced. Here, as in a glass, we may see ourselves; our pride and ingratitude, our contempt of God and wilful departure from him, our folly, and our misery whilst we live in sin. Then let us view him at length come to himself, conscious of his guilt, sinking under his misery, covered with shame, adopting the Jer. xxxi. 18-20. resolution of returning to his offended father, with penitent confessions and humble supplications. Discouraged as well as humbled, by the recollection of his own vileness, his only hope arises from meditating on the kindness of him whom he had so basely offended; and he can just enough raise his mind above despondency to expect, that, perhaps, after many repulses, and reiterated submissions and intreaties, answered by deserved upbraidings, his father might be at length prevailed on to admit him, in some mean capacity, to share that plenty which his servants enjoyed. Here we have the frame of spirit, the hopes, and the fears, of the true penitent, most affectingly delineated. But behold the tender father is looking out with eager expectation for the return of his lost prodigal: he sees him afar off, and, through paternal tenderness and compassion, is regardless of his age and gravity, and runs to meet him. Finding that he abhorred and condemned himself, without one reproach or the least delay, he welcomes him as a son; clothes, feasts, and rejoices over him, and commands all his servants to rejoice with him ; "Because," says he, " this my son was dead, and " is alive! was lost, and is found!" Thus shall every true penitent be welcomed by a gracious God. Not only shall he meet with a kinder reception than his fears foreboded; but his most sanguine expectations shall be far exceeded; his sins, however numerous, shall not be mentioned against him; his wants shall be all supplied; pardon, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, shall be conferred on him; the robe of righteousness and salvation shall clothe him; angels in heaven shall rejoice more over him, than over ninety and nine Pharisees, who in their own judgment need no repentance; yea, God himself shall acknowledge him as his own child, and rejoice over him to do him good. Arise then, poor dejected sinner, and imitate this prodigal. III. We have seen that repentance and forgiveness are connected, in a great many texts of scripture, which have been cited, and many others might be produced. But I would more especially call your attention to those encouraging promises, which are expressly confined to such as are exercising repentance. It would be a needless prolixity to enumerate the whole, or the most, of these promises: a few examples may suffice. "Thus, "saith the high and lofty One, that inhabiteth "eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the "high and holy place, with him also that is of a " contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of "the humble, and to revive the heart of the con"trite ones."-" To this man will I look, even to "him that is poor and of a contrite heart, and "that trembleth at my word.'"-" He looketh " upon men, and if any say I have sinned, I have "perverted that which is right, and it profiteth "me not: he shall deliver his soul from going "down into the pit, and his life shall see the "light."" He that covereth his sins shall not "prosper; but he that confesseth, and forsaketh " his sin, shall find mercy." If we say that we "have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth " is not in us; but if we confess our sins, God is "faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to " cleanse us from all unrighteousness.3" Let but the broken-hearted sinner well consider these few citations, and plead them in prayer, through the intercession of Jesus, and he will find them full of consolation. Then let him search the scriptures, and he will observe that no one character is so particularly encouraged as that of the penitent; under the titles of mourners, poor in spirit, contrite, humble, and such others, as are included in the explanation that has been given of true repentance. These things abundantly prove, that none but true penitents share the blessings, or are entitled to the consolations, which flow from the salvation of the gospel: and that no degree of aggravated guilt can exclude any such repenting sinner from the participation of the one, and the enjoyment of the other. 'Is. lvii. 15. lxvi. 2. |