THE SCHOOL MASTER, AND EDINBURGH WEEKLY MAGAZINE. FOR AUGUST, SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER, MDCCCXXXII. CONDUCTED BY JOHN JOHNSTONE. THE SCHOOLMASTER IS ABROAD.-LORD BROUGHAM. VOL. I. EDINBURGH: JOHN ANDERSON, JUN., 55, NORTH BRIDGE STREET; AND JOHN M'LEOD, AND ATKINSON & CO., BOOKSELLERS, GLASGOW. MDCCCXXXII. SEPTEMBER-Enjoyments of the Poor-The Highland Reaper's Song-The Harvest Moon-Memorabilia, &c...72 OCTORER-Harvest Home-The Kirn-The Maiden-Memo- No. XI. Kings, Their Use-The Common Centre No. I. Hints to the Operative Classes-Society in No. 11. The People-Equality of Conditions-Equa- No. III. Patience of the British People-Differences No. IV. Power of being Useful to Mankind-Sym- No. VI. Mind-Great Men-Orthodoxy No. VIII. Distinction of Classes injurious to Virtue -The Moral Sense-Strength of Mind-Testi- NOVEMBER-Flowers, &c..... 172 |