aries. Extenfive and permanent | dom enjoy them, or are wholly good accrues from it. deprived of them? The prefent ftate of the funds will be laid before you as by document A.* The report of the Auditing Committee--with our expenditures and difbursements fince the laft meeting as by document B, and the contributions which have been made, and the profpects which we have of being further ferviceable to the caufe of Chrift. It is very conceivable, that in a new country many, who would be glad to hear the word and attend on all the adminiftrations of the fanctuary; who once heard and attended cheerfully and profitably, feel unable to spare even a small fum to attain thofe valuable objects. Neceffity constrains them to apply what they procure to the fubfiftence of their families. UnFrom the ready patronage aided, they muft for years experiwhich the good people in this ence a famine of the word of life. county have given to this benevo- For how fhall they hear without lent inftitution, and the very im- a preacher? How preach unless portant objects which it embraces, fent? Who fend them but Christ, the Trustees flatter themselves with and who furnish the compenfation a continuance of their charities. for their labors but the wealthy What has been freely given, they and liberal? There may be othtruft, has been acceptably anders, who, for want of fuitable inbeneficially applied: That many ftruction, imbibe hurtful if not in the new fettlements have reap-deftructive errors. How fhall ed and ftill reap the bleffed fruits this evil, which may be a growing of Miffionary fervices, and of the one, be refifted but by the labors ufeful books which have been dif- of orthodox and pious teachers? tributed among them. We believe that the good Lord has owned what has been done, and accepted the alms which have been confecrated to his use. Opportunities often prefent to do good to our fellow men. But how can we do them more good, or fo much, as by affording them the means of religious inftruction? To what higher and better ufe can any apply the wealth which Providence beftows on them, than by fending to the deftitute and poor the difpenfation of the gofpel of the grace of God? Inary focieties have doubtlefs contriwhat eftimation do we hold our buted. This affords encouragereligious advantages? With what ment to purfue the work which extreme reluctance would we part we have undertaken. Let us not with them? How then muft our be weary in well doing.. God is bowels yearn over thofe, who fel- not weary in doing good to us. He can furnish the means more liberally if we apply them right and occafion requires. Occafion *Note A. P. ,† Note B. P. Thofe who live long without the word and ordinances of Chrift, are expofed to lofe a lively fenfe of their utility and high excellence, to cherish a Gallio fpirit, and to apply what they have altogether to worldly purposes. To prevent all this fomething must be done, and done by thofe who judge correctly, who duly appreciate gospel bleffings, and who have the ability to reward thofe who preach the truth. The condition of our infant fettlements is meliorating. To this defirable change Miffion will, doubtlefs, ftill exift, and re- | quire our exertions in this way. To this we may be powerfully moved by the good which has been effected; by the more fteady conduct of individuals; by the orderly management and religious education of private families; by the peace and harmony of towns; the organization of churches; by the more careful obfervation of the Lord's day; by a growing conviction of the value of gospel inftitutions; by the fettlement of minifters, and by a divine influence accompanying the miniftry of the word, producing, as we hope, the converfion of finners and the enlargement of Zion. abound in hope and faith thro' the power of the Holy Ghoft. May these animating confiderations ftill operate upon our hearts, and on many others, who need only to have their attention turned to this fubject and their charity folicited. God is able to make all grace abound, towards thofe who with well to this very thing—who labor diligently and bestow freely for the inftruction and falvation of precious fouls; that fuch may have an all fufficiency in all things and abound in every good work; and being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, thanksgivings and praises may be offered by ve ry many unto God. We fhould be moved by the abundance of good which may yet be effected by diligently and vigorously and difcreetly profecuting what we have begun. Hav-cordingly paffed. ing done fo much, let us go on; The Trustees would fuggeft to the fociety, that the following votes be paffed-which were ac that we may not lofe what we have gained. Let us ftill exert ourfelves without fainting and weariness and reluctance, and give and do as we are able; accordingly as God giveth to us; who loveth a cheerful giver. Let us animate our hearts to this good and glorious work, by confidering what benevolent efforts are ftill made in various parts of our counary, and in various parts of Europe, to spread the light of divine truth and enlarge the borders of Chrift's kingdom-by confidering what large numbers are employed in it-how cheerfully they contribute towards it-how harmoni. oufly they purfue the work-how ardently and inceffantly they befiege the throne of grace for direction and fuccefs, and how remarkably their defigns and labors have been owned of their Father in heaven, and how wonderfully the God of hope caufes them to VOTED, That a Committee be appointed to form a plan of a legal incorporation of the fociety, and report the fame at the next annual meeting.* VOTED, That the feveral Churches and Congregations belonging to the fociety, be requested to make a public contribution to the funds of the fociety upon the next annual Thanksgiving. VOTED, That the above report be printed and fent to each Minifter of the fociety or, if vacant, to the deacon of the church, with a request to read it publicly to the congregation. SAMUEL HOPKINS, *It was after propofed and voted, A. MONIES received by the Hampshire Miffionary Society, fince the report of the Trustees A. D. 1802. MONIES received by the Hampshire Miffionary Society, from Auguft 1802, to Auguft 1803. B. THE Committee appointed by the Hampshire Miffionary Society, at their meeting at Northampton, on the twenty-fixth day of Auguft laft, to examine into, and report to the Society the state of their Treasurer's accounts-afk leave to report as follows: THE Committee find that all the monies for which the Treasurer has become chargeable up to this day amount to twenty-two hundred fifty-four dollars fix and an half cents. Thirteen hundred forty-four dollars twenty and an half cents he has by regular and proper documents proved to have been duly expended, under the direction of the Committee of the Trustees, for the purposes of the fociety. Eight hundred thirteen dollars and fixty-two cents are loaned to fundry perfons and fecured with intereft, for the benefit of the fociety. There are now in the Treasurer's hands in cash ninety-fix dollars and twenty-four cents. The three laft mentioned fums make in the whole the fum of twentytwo hundred fifty-four dollars fix and an half cents, for which the Treasurer was accountable. C. EXPENDITURES of the Hampshire Miffionary Society, fince the Report A. D. 1802. To complete the pay of Miffionaries A. D. 1802. *In the foregoing account are feveral books, valued 10 dollars and 87 cents, which, being donations, are not brought into the account of the Treasurer. Alfo 18 dollars of the charge for Doddridge's Rife, are yet due from the Society, and may be paid by a return of the books. The other 20 dollars were fent to Albany expecting to purchafe 18 of Doddridge's Rife, and 12 of Fuller's Gofpel its own witness. The refult is not yet known. The books to which no price affixed, it is expected, will be of no expenfe to the fociety, being paid for, by printing large impreffions of Dr. Lathrop's fermons on the fabbath, his fix fermons, and his fermon before the fociety. Large fums have been paid out of the treasury to the printer, but, being due from fubfcribers and purchafers, will be replaced as foon as collected. Religious Intelligence. Extra of a Letter from Rev. Fedidiah Bushnell, to one of the Editors, dated Cornwall, Vermont, December 5th, 1803. RESPECTING the ftate of Zion in this country in general, I have good news to write. It is probable I never had better news. There has been much religious attention in this country within a year, and is much now in many places. It is much the greateft in Rutland and Benning. ton counties. Two years ago it was great in the northern counties, and of late much greater in thefouthern counties. You doubtlefs have heard of the glorious revivals in Pittsford, Rutland and Bennington; the attention began in thofe towns, and has been very great. Since, it has been great in Dorfet, and of late, very great in Benfon, probably more power. ful than in almoft any part of our land. I was there a few days ago, and more than one hundred perfons had then united with the church, fince the commencement of the revival, and the work ftill continues. The work has been more fudden in that place than common; it is but three months fince it began. It feemed to overpower the town at once, and a number of bold enemies have been cut down, and bòwed to almighty grace. I have feen many glorious awakenings, but have never feen a more powerful work than in fome towns in this State. Befides the towns mentioned, where the attention has been the greateft, its happy influence has been experienced in the following towns; Hubberton, Caftleton, Orwell, Shoreham, Weybridge, VOL. IV. No. 8. |Bridport, Addison, Hynesburgh, Sudbury, Brandon, Duxbury, Jericho, and I have heard of late that there is fome attention in Tinmouth, Ruport and Sandgate. But it must be remembered that in fome of these towns the attention is fmall; in fome of them but a few perfons have given evidence of a change of heart. A holy fprinkling appears in all the places mentioned, and in some of them fhowers. It is, therefore, a time of the most gracious vifitation among us; Oh, that we had › a heart to give God the glory! Extra of a Letter from Rev. Thomas Robbins, Miffionary to New Connecticut, to one of the Editors, dated Canfield, Decem ber 7, 1803. THE cuftom of Prefbyterians in this weftern country of meeting in large numbers on facramental occafions, is an invariable practice. Dr. Nefbit, of Carlisle, told me it was introduced in Scotland, in the reign of Charles I. when a great number of their minifters were filenced. One or two would adminifter to feveral churches. The prefent practice is, to have a facrament at every congregation once and fometimes twice in a year: Generally twice in a min ifter's charge. Three or four minifters attend, and the most of the people within 12, 15 or 20 miles, and fome much further. Their ordinary cuftom is to preach Saturday afternoon, twice on the Sabbath, with the adminiftration between, a praying meeting on Sabbath evening, and a fermon on Monday. After which the people difperfe. In these times of awakening they are not confined to their ufual mode as to the duration of the meeting. The Qq |