friends and foes, whenever they become eye witneffes, that it is a reality, and not feigned; nothing which is the effect of defign in the fubject. That is indeed placed beyond all doubt. Divine Providence feems to have fingularly ordered events, in fuch a manner as to confound and effectually difap. point all attempts which have been made to account for this work from natural caufes. Many who have made the attempt have themfelves fallen, and become fubjects of what they before termed a delufion. No caufes have been affigned, which have not been demonstrated by facts, to be trifling and abfurd.-It belongs to us in these things to be modeft, and not to defpife and difbelieve, if "there are fome things hard to be underftood." I will conclude this fubject by obferving, that I firmly believe this to be a confpicuous and glorious work of divine grace; and that thousands of immortal fouls, the fubjects of it, will adore the riches of divine mercy, thro' eternity. May the Lord of all grace carry on his work gloriously, to the honor of his great name, and the enlargement of Zion! Extrait of a letter from a gentleman in New Connecticut, to one of the Editors, dated November 21ft, 1803. WE had feventy perfons attended a conference the other evening. Mr. Badger was with us. Such fcenes I never faw before. The Lord of all will do juft as he pleafes. Many are very thoughtful, fome are ftruck down. Jehovah appears to be riding forth in many places conquering and to conquer. In many parts of Pennfylvania the awakening is very powerful, and of late it is the in quiry of fome amongft us what fhall we do to be faved? But what of all appears moft fingular to people from New-England is the falling down. Some appear to be as it were faint, but most are feized with a kind of convulfions, fome to a very great degree. Some are in that fituation longer, fome fhorter than others, no two alike. Yet after recovering they appear to have received no injury from being held to prevent firuggling; and although entirely helplefs, they have a retentive memory and have a full knowledge of all that is faid or going on near them. Youngerly people feem generally to be the fubjects of the awakening, and fome children of eight or ten years of age. Some have immediate relief, others are in great agonies of mind for many days. People in general are feriMay Zion rejoice! Pray The prayer of the righteous availeth much. The great Jehovah will do as he hath determined. May his will be done, and in humbleness of mind may we refign ourselves into his hands! ous. for us. INSTALLATION. the Rev. SETH WILLISTON, MifON the 19th of October laft, fionary from Connecticut, was inftalled in the paftoral office over the church in Lifle, State of NewYork, with a referve for the prefent, of half the time to labor in the fervice of the Miffionary Society of Connecticut. The public fervices of the day were performed in the following order. The Rev. Mr. Darrow of Homer made the first prayer; the Rev. Mr. Chapin of Jericho preached the fermon from Acts xx. 31, and alfo made the confecrating prayer; the Rev. Mr. Sage of Chenango | 3. Thy hand, when hardeft trials came, Has often clear'd my way; gave the charge; the Rev.. Mr. Wallis of Pompey prefented the right hand, and the Rev. Mr. Woodward, Miffionary from Connecticut, made the laft prayer. The exercises were closed byfinging the 342d Hymn in the Hartford felection, "LetZion's watchmen all awake," &c. It was confidered by thofe who attended, as a feafon of more than ufual fo lemnity. And thou wilt give thy fervant ftrength Proportion'd to my day. 4. Oh, let me to thy gracious hand My life, my all refign: Be thou my guardian and my guide, And be thy pleasure mine. 5. Let threat'ning billows round me rife, If, Lord, thou judge it beft; 6. My willing heart, if thou command, 7. If earthly comforts be denied, 8. There, when this dream of life is paft, ASPASIO. Several of the leading thoughts of this 2. When guilt deprefs'd my fpirit low, hymn are borrowed from another, publifo Thy mercy rais'd me up; And fhall I let thy promife go, And caft away my hope? 1804 Donations to the Mifionary Society of Connecticut. Jan. 2. Mr. Thomas Williams, contributed in new fettlements Avails of Dr. Strong's Sermon at the ordination of Rev. Thomas Robbins, A friend of Millions, to purchase Books, By Doctor Trumbull, 6cc Addrefs on Prayer and Family Religion. By Mr. Ruggles Humphrey, late of Simbury, deceafed, a Bequeft of fix Dollars, annually. BY On Moral Tafte. Y moral tafte is here meant a difpofition of mind, or preparation of heart, to relish, or be difgufted with moral fubjects. An attempt will be made to fhow that there is something in the human mind, of a moral nature, which bears a resemblance to the appetites of the body, by which men have a preparation to be pleafed or difpleafed with certain kinds of food, fruits or liquors. Moral fubjects admit only of moral evidence, and not of mathematical demonstration; and when they are of an abstruse nature, fixed attention and careful illuftration are neceffary, that their evidence may be clearly manifefted and * fuitably impreffed. The fubject to be now confidered, being of this nature, it is propofed to give a fhort differtation on the taste or appetites of the body, which may illuftrate and affift in inquiring into the moral taste. 1. The universal experience and obfervation of mankind render it manifeft, that people are pleafed by tafting certain kinds of food and fruits, and are difgufted with VOL. IV. No. 9. other kinds. Different men are pleafed and difgufted with different things; fo that what is agreeable to one is loathfome to another, and what one regards with indifference, is exquifitely relished by his neighbor. This alfo takes place among animals of every spe cies; fo that they choose different kinds of food. Something fimilar operates as really in fmelling and hearing, as in tafting. And from a like caufe, people are led to prefer different employments, company and amufements. And this is fo powerful, that those things which highly entertain fome, do as ftrongly difguft others. 2. Experience and obfervation equally prove that the affections of being pleased or disgusted by certain things, are in a degree permanent, and continue the fame for years together, and frequently through life, when thofe things are applied to the tafte; and that they never can be contemplated without fome degree of defire or abhorrence, accordingly as the tafte is a preparation to be pleased or offended by them. There is however many times a gradual, and fometimes, by fome ipecial Rr cause, a fudden change, by which fome things which once pleafed difguft, and which once difgufted pleafe; and when the change has taken place, it continues as permanent as other appetites. From these confiderations it seems to be evident, that there is a certain preparation in the organs of tafte, Imell, &c., to be pleafed or difpleafed with certain objects of fenfe; becaufe, wherever thefe objects are prefented, they uniformly produce thofe effects, unlefs fome powerful caufe prevents them. And this preparation of palate is by common confent called the taste or appetite. And men fay, They always have an appetite for thefe things.'-The word tafte is alfo ufed in a ftill more extenfive fenfe, and we fpeak of a tafte, not only for food, but for mufic, company, polite accomplishments, hiftory and many other things; meaning a preparation to be pleased with them, and fuch a preparation as remains through life, or for a long time, and is proved by the uniform effects which they produce on every occafion, when those things occur. may be but little affected. If in addition to this we expect to enjoy it foon, the appetite is ftill more affected. If it be bro't in fight, prepared to be eaten, if it be fmelt and contemplated with undivided attention, there is a great affection of the organs of tafte, and the defire is powerful. But it is only when actually received that the fenfation is most exquifite. The appetite therefore is diftinct from actually tafting the object, and from the pleasure or difguít it produces. It is the preparation, and these are the affections of the appetite. 5. There may be an appetite for two kinds of fruit, and the appetite for one of them may be much stronger than for the other. If both fhould be prefented at the fame time, and but one could be obtained, a decided preference might be given to one, because the organs of tafte are adapted to be more exquifitely affected by one than by the other. Let one be a pomegranate and the other an orange, and I am unable to purchase but one. I fhould without hesitation purchase the pomegranate, for the fake of its taste, if both were prefented at the fame time. But I have a defire for the orange alfo, and if I had the ¦ means, I would gladly procure both, and should eat both with pleasure. 3. This preparation to be fo pleafed or displeased, tho' it remains in the palate continually, is never in exercise, unless the particular food or fruits, which excite pleasure or difpleafure, are tafted, feen, or at leaft tho't of. The appetite, or preparation of the organs of talte lies dormant, and gives one no defire, pleafure, pain or other affection, until called into action by the object by which it is prepared to be affected. 4. When the object of the ap-tained within an hour: It is out petite is picfented, then it acts, if of fight, tho' foon expected; but nothing is terferes, in proportion the orange is before me, I fee it, to its ftrength and the nearness of I fmell it, I contemplate it, my the object. If we but barely appetite is powerfully excited. think of the object, the appetite | But the pomegranate being at a In certain circumftances however, my appetite would lead me to purchase the orange, in preference to the pomegranate. Let the orange be now prefent, and the pomegranate cannot be ob diftance, and unfeen, has much | fubjects are ftrongly impreffed up lefs effect on the appetite, and hence, after fome debate with my judgment, which would direct me to wait an hour for the pomegranate, that would afford more pleafure in the iffue, I purchase however, from prefent appetite, the orange. This is according to the known properties of the ap. petites. Mankind are agreed in acknowledging the existence of fuch appetites; and it is reasonable from the uniform effects of their objects, to confider them permanent, tho' often dormant ; the effects cannot in any other way be rationally accounted for. Therefore, if there be fomething in the moral affections of the mind, fimilar to thofe of the body in all these particulars, it is conceived, that it would be unreafonable to deny the exiftence of a moral appetite, tafte, difpofition or preparation to be pleafed or difpleafed with moral fubjects, according to the nature of the tafte. Let this refemblance or analogy be confidered. 1. Univerfal experience and obfervation make it manifeft, that certain men appear to be pleafed with the doctrines of the gofpel, with the law of God, and with his fupremacy in the exercise of univerfal providence; and that others are difpleased with these things. This is also agreeable to * the holy fcriptures, which teach us, that men either love God or are at enmity against him. 2. Obfervation and experience prove, that these affections of being pleafed or difpleafed with God, and his government, are in a degree permanent, and continue, fo as to form the general characters of men; and that they ufually take place, whenever thefe moral on and realized by the mind. With reference to this, the holy fcriptures denominate fome men the friends, and fome the enemies of God. His friends have also a fixed abhorrence of fin, and his enemies delight in it. This is fully illuftrated in the different characters of men, given for our inftruction, in the word of God. Among his friends, fome are more ufually, or more strongly affected with one and fome with another part of his dispensations, as his law, his gofpel or his providence; and have a correfpondent fet of exercises and duties, by which fome become more especially exemplary in one part of Chriftian duties and exercises, and some in another. In the fame manner, fome who love fin, are given to detraction, others to covetoufnefs, intemperance, profanenefs, or perfecution of the people of God; and thefe propenfities become characteristic of them. Thefe are as evidential of a permanent taste or preparation of mind to be affected with pleasure or pain by moral objects, as the analogous affections are of the natural taste or appetites of the body. It is rational to confider them as the neceffary effects of moral tafte; and they can be rationally accounted for in this way, and in no other. It is alfo true, that fometimes these moral affections are fuddenly changed, as in the cafe of Saul of Tarfus, and of the three thousand at the memorable day of pentecoft; and then contrary affections become permanent, which proves what the fcriptures call a change of heart; and is the fame that is meant by a change of moral taste or difpofition of the mind towards fuch things, and is as evident as the |