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pofes in thine own way, and when and how thou pleasest. Oh, gather me at laft with thy faints, and thine shall be all the glory and the praife, world without end, AMEN.

Religious Intelligence.

Extrait of a letter from a refpectable character in Auflinburgh, NewConnecticut, to one of the Editors, dated 29th Nov. 1803. "DEAR SIR,

"I HAVE to communicate to you the pleafing intelligence, that God is verily among us, in this wildernefs, calling home finners to himself. As I wrote you before, there has been fome appearance of uncommon seriousness this laft fummer in my family, and, as I now find, in fome others. After my journey to Smithfield, and feeing how God manifefted himfelf on facramental occafions, I tho't it my duty to have those of my family that could attend the next facrament, which was to be at a place through the wilderness about 60 miles. Accordingly three of my children, with 8 or 10 others, attended, and were much impreffed there. They returned on Thursday about noon, and were defirous that there might be a meeting that evening. And notwithstanding the fhortnefs of the notice, God fo ftirred up the hearts of the people, that more than 60 attended. The night was spent in prayer. None went from the place. A folemn night! A number were deeply impreffed in their minds-Some loft their bodily ftrength. The next Sabbath Mr. Badger preached with us. The people were all very fol



As the affembly was dif miffed and began to go out, be hold three young men, each about 16 years of age, were fallen down together near the door. Some of them had been remarkably carelefs. They were in fuch agony of mind, that every beholder was ftruck with aftonishment. Mr. Badger immediately went to prayer, and prayed in a manner pe culiarly adapted to the occafion. Few could refrain from weeping. A number of young men who had begun to boaft of infidel principles, were ftruck at that time, and one perfon fell. Three little girls, walking from the place of meeting with locked arms, fell on the ground, and loft their bodily ftrength-one of whom did not recover till after midnight, which night was spent in prayer. At times to the number of eight, I recollect, loft their bodily ftrength. But little was heard from them except deep fighs. Since that time, God appears to have been calling home fome poor finners, and among the number we hope fome of our family have been included.

At a meeting of our youth laft evening, I am informed that thirteen were impreffed in this extraordinary manner, which is more than has ever happened at one time. Thefe marks of power are not limited to awakened finners. Many Chriftians where the work has prevailed, have also been thus affected under a fenfe of divine truth."


On Wednesday the 15th inft. the Rev. Shubael Bartlett was ordained to the pastoral care of the fecond Church and Society in Eaft Windfor. The Rev. An

Bid all below adieu?

4. Muft foon my flesh, thus loathfome,


To greedy worms a prey?

drew rates made the introductory | Muft I, perhaps this day, this hour, the Rev. Zebulon Ely prayer; preached the Sermon from Acts xx. 24; the Rev. Nehemiah Prudden made the confecrating prayer; the Rev. David McClure, D. D. gave the Charge; the Rev. Henry A. Rowland gave the Right Hand of Fellowship; and the Rev. Richard S. Storrs made the concluding prayer.

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And up to heav'n's tremendous bar
My fpirit wing her way?


Trembling I feek fome guardian arm Cloth'd with unbounded pow'r : Jefus, thou only canft fustain

The foul in fuch an hour.

6. This king of terrors thou hast foil'd, While bow'd beneath his ftroke; Thy bleeding hand pluck'd out his sting,

His boafted armor broke.

7. From the dark prifon of the grave,
Behold the Conq'ror rife!

Hark how the heavenly hofts proclaim
His triumph through the skies!

8. For rebels he endur'd the cross,
Unmeafurable love!

And for his meanest child prepares
Eternal joys above.

9. Then why, dear Jefus, should I fhrink,
If thou indeed art mine?
Cheerful I'd leave this low abode,
And foar away to thine.


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From a Friend of Miffions, 900 Sermons on the Prodigal Son.

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makinak, where there are many traders, gives them accefs to fpir itous liquors, which they very greatly abufe; and these traders, inftead of aiding Mr. Bacon, are throwing every obstacle in his way which they can do without ap pearing openly to oppose him. The Chiefs at the Miami and at Arborcrosh have had several interviews with him, and have uniformly manifefted a reluctance to his vifiting the tribes; especially at the Miami, where he was turned away, and his offers wholly rejected. For these reafons he has as yet done little, excepting partly learning the Indian language; nor is it probable that he will be able to form a miffionary establishment among the Indians in that vicin

HE Rev. David Bacon is yet on a miffion to the Indian tribes. And, by letters from him, dated November 1803, it appears, that he is yet at Michilimakinak, where he has been long waiting for an interpreter, to inftruct him more perfectly in the Indian language, and to act as an interpreter to the Arborcrofh tribes, to which he is anxious to introduce himself. But he has unfortunately met with a series of disappointments which could nei-ity. ther be forefeen nor prevented.

The Trustees, taking thefe things into confideration, and having maturely deliberated on the fubject, have judged it expedient to recal him from the place where he now is. They do not however mean to abandon the object of communicating the gospel to fome of the American Indians; but to feek a more favorable fit

The fituation of the Arborcrosh Indians, it is thought, is more unfavorable to the reception of the gofpel than that of fome of the other tribes. Roman catholic miffionaries have been and ftill are fent among them, who greatly prejudice their ignorant minds against the proteftants. The proximity of these Indians to Michili-uation than Arborcrosh. With VOL. IV. No. 10.

Y y

this view they have voted, that Mr. Bacon come to New Connecticut, and there labor as a misfionary in concert with Meffrs. Badger and Robbins, and improve himfelf, as he fhall have opportunity, in the Indian language. And alfo that Mr. Badger and he endeavor to obtain information refpecting the tribes in the vicinity of that country, and the Sandufky bay, with a view of eftablishing a miffion among fome of them.

fo far as to make any impreffion on any of the numerous Indian tribes, it may be the beginning of fomething which will gladden the hearts of all the friends of Chrift, thro' all fucceeding generations. It may be the beginning of the budding of the wilderness and the bloffoming of the rose. But the whole must be left to the difpofal of HIM, who hath promised to his fon, that he will give him the heathen for his inheritance, and the uttermoft parts of the earth for his poffeffion; and that he fhall have "dominion from sea to sea, and from the rivers unto the ends of the earth."

On a review of the preceding narrative of miffionary tranfactions, during the year 1803, it will appear, that thirteen miffionaries have been in the field of labor; fome through the year, others for a fhorter time-That the

When the difficulties of access to the Indian tribes, arifing from distance, their jealoufies, manners and cuftoms are confidered, it could hardly have been expected, that more could have been done, in fo fhort a time, than to take fome pre-requifite steps to a direct application to them. Experience alone can fully obviate the difficulties which really exift; and open, more and more, the fteps neceffary to be taken and the meaf-gofpel has been preached over a ures to be purfued, in fuccefsfully profecuting the object, which in its nature is of fuch confequence, that it would be highly unwarrant able to abandon it, on making only fome feeble efforts. What the event ultimately may be, it is im poffible, at prefent, with certainty to determine. Should it be the cafe, that after making the moft perfevering efforts, nothing effectual be done; yet, it will moft certainly afford comfort and confolation to the friends of the miffion, that an experiment has been made, and vigorous measures been perfeveringly purfued, to promote the falvation of thofe poor benighted tribes. It is, moft certainly, an object of fuch magnitude, as to be worthy of being purfued, till every profpect of fuccefs is clofed.

-Should God in his great mercy fee fit, on the other hand, to blefs the measures which are purfuing,

vaft extent of country-The vari-
ous ordinances of the gospel have
been adminiftered to fuch as would
otherwife have been deftitute of
them--Some have been awakened
out of fecurity; and several new
churches have been formed in the
wilderness. Some we have reason
to hope have been turned from fin
unto God; and the hearts of
many Chriftians been made to re-
joice. It appears, that the friends
of Chrift are gratefully affected
with the exertions which have been
made, to diffeminate the principles
and doctrines of the gofpel among
the inhabitants of the new fettle-
ments. If infidels ridicule, and
impute the exertions which have
been made to the worst of motives,
it is no more than what they have
always been accustomed to do,
and ought now to have been ex-
pected. There is great reafon to
believe, that although the efforts.

which have been made, have not borne down every obstacle, yet that feeds have been diffeminated, which will gradually fpring up, and, for years to come, will aug

ment the harveft of fouls.

The contribution of last May was such, as affords the moft fatisfactory evidence, that the fpirit which has been poured out fo extenfively into the hearts of pious and feeling Chriftians is not, on the whole, withdrawn. Notwithftanding the day for public contribution was fo unfavorable, yet, contrary to what was expected, it exceeded any preceding contribution. Befides the public contributions, the funds of the fociety have been confiderably augmented by private donations, and by the avails of the Connecticut Evangelical Magazine.

fought occafion to find fault. Some attempts, it is true, have been made to circulate evil re-ports, but they have languished and expired in the mouths of those who invented them.

Accounts received from the London Miffionary Society are fuch as are truly animating; and afford promifing profpects of much fuccefs. But as those accounts have been already published in the Connecticut Evangelical Magazine, no extracts will here be made from them.

On the whole: The Trustees would unite with the pious of all denominations, in devout afcriptions of praise to the God of all mercies and fountain of divine influence, for his wonderful operations on the hearts of Chriftians in the various parts of Chriftendom, in difpofing them, in a manner which rarely if ever was exem

Notwithstanding feveral years have elapfed, fince the attention of Chriftians in Europe and A-plified in any age of the world, to merica was awakened to the im- ftrive together for the falvation portant object of fpreading the of their fellow men. And may light and knowledge of the gofpel Chriftians of every denomination among thofe who were in dark- unite, not only in their prayers to nefs, and of helping those to the God, that his kingdom may come; enjoyment of the ordinances and but in contributing in every poffimeans of falvation, who but par-ble way to advance it. May they tially enjoyed them, yet, it appears that their zeal is not diminished, but rather increased. Which gives us reafon to hope, that it is the defign of the merciful fovereign of the univerfe, gradually at leaft, to forward his own glorious purposes, in diffufing the knowledge of Chrift throughout all the earth.

The friends of the miffionary inftitution have occafion to rejoice in the goodness of God, that he has been pleased to direct the attention of the fociety to fuch men to go out as miffionaries, as have been fo laborious, zealous and prudent, as to stop the mouths of its enemies, and of all fuch as have

never reft until they fee the falvation of God. There is every kind of encouragement which can be given. There are, in Divine Providence, most pointed intimations of God's readinefs to hear the prayers and fucceed the exertions of his people. Befides, is there not great reafon to hope, that through the liberality and exertions of the people of Connecticut, many have already been turned from fin unto God, and are now rejoicing in the hope of future glory!

J. TREADWELL, Chairman.
Paffed by the Board of Trustees,

January 5th, 1804.
Atteft, Abel Flint, Secretary.

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