A STATEMENT OF THE FUNDS OF THE MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF CONNECTICUT, December 31, 1803. No. 1. ACCOUNT of Monies contributed in the feveral Congregational Societies in the State of Connecticut, for the fupport of Miffions, on the first Sabbath in May 1803, pursuant to a Refolve of the General Assembly of faid State, pafed May 1801. FUNDS of the Society arifing from other fources than the Contributions in May 1803. Donations by Persons unknown, viz. February 11. From A Friend of Miffions, March 19. April 23. May 12. 13. 28. Do. A Stranger, Do. A Friend of Miffions, of New Haven, 3 50 16 90 40 3 12 5 558 100 208 5 2 5 20 485 50 December 31. Intereft from January 1 to December 31, 1803, 687 63 3363 70 January 6. To Mr. John Church, Expenses on a Bill of Exchange, drawn by Rev. David Bacon, 225 May 24. September 7. 13. Do. To Rev. Abel Flint, for a Seal, Stationary and Poftage, 18 58 85 87 40 13 1908 25 No. 4. Dr. Treasurer's Account Current. SThe Miffionary Society of Connecticut, in Account Current with To amount of Cash, paid by Cr. By Balance, in favor of the order of the Committe, as 1803, as per Atatement .....3069 96 Balance, carried to Credit of as per ftatement No. 23363 70 A. KINGSBURY, Treasurer to Mifs. Soc'y. Hartford, January 1, 1804. The following Donations have also been made to the Society in the courfe of the year. By Benjamin Beecher of Cheshire, a Lot of Land containing 50 Acres. Daniel Reed of New Haven, 100 Primers. A Friend of Miffions, 400 copies of a Sermon to Children. Sundry Friends of Miffions, 108 Teftaments. Doctor Morfe of Charlestown, 100 Davidfon's Sermons. 9 Do. Do. 150 Doddridge's Addrefs to Families. A Friend of Miffions, 12 Catlin's Sermon. Doctor Trumbull, 48 Watts' Divine Songs. Hudson and Goodwin, 12 Edwards on Baptifm. Doctor Trumbull, 600 Addreffes on Prayer and Family Religion. Ruggles Humphrey of Symíbury, deceased, a Bequeft of the Intereft of 10 Dollars, to be annually paid from his estate. A particular Lift of the Contributions, received in the new fettlements, contained in the general statement No. 2. To Rev. John Willard, jun. in Vermont, To Rev. Jedidiah Bushnell, in New A. D. 1802. York State and Vermont, A. D. 1802. 1 64 21 15 ΙΟ 33 39 Pittstown, Camillus, Otego Creek, |