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According to the original plan, this Magazine is to contain,

Effays on the doctrines of Chriftianity, and on religious, experimental and moral fubjects :-Occasional remarks on the fulfilment of fcripture prophecies in the prefent day, and expofitions of difficult and doubtful paffages of fcripture:-Religious intelligence concerning the ftate of Chrift's kingdom, throughout the Chriftian world, and sketches of the original ecclefiaftical concerns of this country :- -Information refpecting miffions to the new fettlements in the United States and among Heathen nations :-Narratives of revivals of religion in particular places, together with the diftinguishing marks of true and false religion:-Accounts of remarkable difpenfations of divine providence: -Biographical sketches of perfons eminent for piety :-Original hymns on evangelical fubjects:-Together with whatever elfe on the fubject of religion and morals may contribute to the advancement of genuine piety and pure morality.

This work will confift of original pieces and of extracts from the beft European and American publications. As the Magazine is defigned for the promotion of vital Chriftianity, and of a knowledge of the great and effential truths of the gofpel, Effays which are merely controverfial or deeply metaphysical, it will be feen, come not within the object of this publication; nevertheless, fhould any fuch be fent which, in the opinion of the Editors, are highly meritorious, they will be admitted. The Magazine will be open to receive communications from all denominations of Christians who believe in the peculiar principles of Chriftianity; but if written upon the diftinguishing tenets of their refpective fects, they will be excluded. The profits arifing from the fale of this publication will be appropriated to the support of Miffionaries to the Heathen or among the inhabitants of the new fettlements.

To enable them to carry this plan into execution the Editors earneftly folicit their correfpondents speedily to make communications to them. They beg leave alfo to remark that for fuch a work fort Effays are better adapted than lengthy difquifitions; and while attention is paid to the improvement of the understanding in doctrinal knowledge, the heart and the confcience are not to be neglected. The feelings must be interefled, elfe a book will be read but by few. Biographical Sketches, interefling narratives, accounts of remarkable interpofitions of Providence, pathetic repre·Sentations of truth, and warm, affectionate addresses to the confcience are neceffary. It is hoped the above hints will be attended to, and fuch pieces fent for publication as will inform the understanding, intereft the feelings and improve the heart.

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FOR THE CONNECTICUT EVAN- | rica; and as the Parliament, the


Attempts to Chriftianize the Indians in New-England, &c.

[Contin. from Vol. III, p. 448.]



Some account of the Society in Eng-, land for propagating the Gofpel in New-England, and parts adjacent in America-Of the fettlement of the Indians at Natick, and forming themselves into a body politic, under the direction of Mr. Eliot-They defire to be formed into a church; elders and brethren of neighboring churches convene upon the occafion, and examine their qualifications-The relation and confeffion of an Indian at this meeting--Rev. Richard Mather's remarks upon the appearance of the Indians at the time the council met to examine them.

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ruling power, for a season, after Firft, incorporated a fociety for the death of King Charles the this excellent purpose, and encouraged contributions through the kingdom for a permanent fund; juftice requires, that in fuch an hiftorical effay as the prefent, fome tranfactions; and particularly that account fhould be given of thefe an honorable mention fhould be made of the fociety, who were faithful to their truft, and rendered all the pecuniary aid in their Power to enable the New-English miffionaries to go on with the work they had begun among the heathen, and were encouraged to profecute by confiderable fuccefs which appeared at an early period.

I do not yet learn who first made the propofal for collections for this good work; nor who first made application to the Parliament for incorporating a fociety, to whose management the monies that might be colle&ed, fhould be entrusted.

Mr. Hutchinfon* informs, that "befides Mr. Edward Winflow of

*Hit. Maffa, v. i. p. 163.

Plymouth, (who was in London agent for the Maffachusetts) Mr. Pelham and others forwarded the collections in England: And July 27, 1649,* the Parliament paffed an act, or ordinance, for the advancement of this good work, the following breviate whereof was printed.


the name

with that expedition as is defired, unless fit inftruments be encouraged and maintained to purfue it, fchools and clothing be provided, and many other neceffaries.

"Be it therefore enacted by the prefent Parliament, that for the furthering fo good a work, there fhall be a corporation in England, confifting of fixteen, viz. a prefident, treasurer, and fourteen affiftants; and that William Steel, Efq. Herbert Pelham, Efq. James Sherley, Abraham Babington, Robert Houghton, Richard Hutchinfon, George Dun, Robert Tomfon, William Mullins, John Hodgfon, Edward Parks, Edward Clud, Richard Lloyd, Thomas Aires, John Stone, and Edward Winflow, citizens of London, be the firft fixteen perfons, out of whom the faid fixteen perfons, or the greater number of them fhall choose one of the faid fixteen to be prefident, another to be treaf

"WHEREAS the Commons of England, affembled in Parliament, have received certain intelligence from divers godly minifters, and others in New-England, that divers of the heathen natives, thro' the pious care of fome godly Englifh, who preach the gofpel to them in their own Indianlanguage, not only of barbarous, are become civil, but many of them forfake their accustomed charms and forceries, and other fatanical delufions, do now call of the Lord, and give good teftimony of the power of God drawing them from death and darknefs to the life and light of the glori-urer.-They, or any nine of them ous gospel of Jefus Chrift, which to appoint a common feal. appears by their lamenting with tears their mifpent lives; teaching their children what they are in ftructed themselves; being careful to place them in godly families, and English schools; betaking themselves to one wife, putting away the reft; and by their conftant prayers to almighty God, morning and evening in their families, expreffed, in all appearance, with much devotion and zeal of heart.

All which confidered, we cannot, but in behalf of the nation we reprefent, rejoice, and give glory to God for the beginning of fo glorious a propagation of the gospel among thefe poor heathen, which cannot be profecuted

* Morton's Memorial under A. D. 1649.

"And be it enacted, that a general collection be made, for the purposes aforefaid, thro' all England and Wales; and that the minifters read this act, and exhort the people to a cheerful contribution to fo pious a work. HEN. SCOBELL,

Cleric. Parlia." By* act of Parliament, this corporation was called by the name of The Prefident and Society for the propagation of the Gospel in New-England: They were empowered to receive fuch fums of money as from time to time should be collected, or raised by the liberal contributions of fuch, whofe hearts God fhould incline to fo glorious a work. It was by the

* Morton's Memorial under the year 1649.

fame Parliament enacted, that the commiffioners* for the united colonies of New-England, for the time being, by themselves, or fuch

as they fhould appoint, fhould have power and authority to receive and difpofe of the faid monies brought in, and paid to the faid treasurer for the time being; or any other monies, goods, or commodities, acquired and delivered by the care of the faid cor

As fome readers of this Magazine may not be acquainted with the hiftory of the union of the New-England colonies, and of the design of the appoint-poration at any time; whofe rement of commiflioners and of the bufinefs affigned them, I fhall give some brief account of the origin and defign

of this confederation..

The dangers to which the colonies in New-England were expofed from numerous favage tribes, as well as foreign enemies, firft induced them to think of an alliance and confederacy for their mutual defence and fafety: And they were prompted to complete the union feafonably upon having fatisfying evidence that the Narraganfets, a numerous tribe, were inimical to them, were plotting against them, and fecretly using

their endeavors with other tribes to

form a general confederacy to extirpate the English. And the local fituation of the planters in the colonies evidently required fuch an union, as they were fcattered over a large tract of country.

The General Affemblies therefore of the four New-England colonies, viz. Maffachusetts, Plymouth, Connecticut, and New-Haven, by their commiffioners, convened at Bofton, entered into a confederation for mutual aid and defence against their enemies, and for promoting the general intereft of the whole, both civil and religious. Accordingly articles of union were agreed upon by all the commiffioners, and figned by the commiffioners from three of the colonies, May 19, 1643. The commiffioners from Plymouth omitted figning them at that time, as their authority did not extend fo far. But being foon empowered by their Court, figned them at the meeting of the commiffioners in September following.

Two commiffioners were chofen [annually I conclude] by each of the united colonies: They had occafional, as well as ftated meetings. The union fubfifted, with fome alterations, until the year 1686, when all the charters were, in effect, vacated by a commiffron from King James II.-This confederation was of eminent service to the colonies in various respects,

ceipt or receipts of fuch person or perfons, fo authorized by them

The commiffioners were empowered "to hear, examine, weigh and determine all affairs of war, or peace, leagues, aids, charges, and numbers of men for war and all things of like nature, which are the proper concomitants or confequences of fuch a confederation for amity, offence and defence, not intermeddling with the government of any of the jurifdictions, which, by a particular article, is reserved entirely to themselves."

They that would fee a more particular account of this confederation may confult Mr. Neal's Hift. of N. England, vol. p. 223, &c.-Governor Hutchinfon's Hiftory of the Massachusetts, v. i. p. 124, &c.—and Dr. Trumbull's Hiftory of Connecticut, vol. i. p. 125, &c. -A brief account is contained in Secretary Morton's memorial, under the year 1643.

Thefe commiffioners of the united colonies were appointed correfpondents and almoners to the corporation for the propagation of the gofpel among the Indians in New-England. They were to attend to the expenditure of the monies which the fociety fhould remit to them from time to time, to be employed in fupporting miffionaries; and to tranfact any bufinefs confided to them, relative to evangelizing the heathen: And after the grant of a new charter by King Charles the Second, the fame powers and truft were continued: This truft was held by them, till the charter of the Maffachusetts was vacated. After that, commiffioners were specially appointed by the corporation, confifting of fome principal gentlemen of the civil order, and of the clergy in New-England; and vacancies by death, or otherwise, have from time to time been filled up.

fhould be a fufficient discharge to the faid corporation and treafurer. The first prefident of this corporation was William Steel, Efq. and the firft treasurer Mr. Henry Afhurft. The prefident continued in office till the reftoration.

By the authority of this act of Parliament, a collection was made in all the parishes in England. Letters at the fame time were published from the two univerfities of Oxford and Cambridge, calling upon the minifters of England and Wales to ftir up their congregations to a liberal contribution, for the promotion of fo glorious an undertaking.

*Great oppofition was made to the collection in England and the converfion of the Indians was reprefented by fome as a mere pretence to draw money from men of pious minds. Such prejudices and mifreprefentations have been too common in the Chriftian world. The work of collecting went on fo flowly, that an attempt was made to raife a fum out of the army. Hugh Peters was one of the collectors: But the corporation wrote to the commiffioners, that he not only refused to pay a penny himself, but difcouraged others, becaufe, as they fuppofed, he had no hand in laying the plan. [A cafe not unfrequent among high-minded


1. However fuch favorable accounts were, from time to time, published, that fuch a fum was produced by the collectors, as enabled the fociety to purchase an estate in land of between five and fix hundred pounds a year.

Upon the reftoration of king Charles II. in May 1660, the corporation confidered their charter as, in effect, vacated, being

* Hutchinson's hift. v. 1. p. 165.

derived from the establishment of the Parliament. And another thing that embarraffed them very much was, that Col. Beddingfield a Roman catholic officer in the king's army, of whom a confiderable part of the land was purchafed, feized it for his own use; pretending he had fold it under the value, in hopes of recovering it upon the king's return.

The fociety met to confider what was proper to be done in this cafe; and agreed, in the first place, to folicit the king for a new charter, which they obtained by the intereft of fome good men ; in particular, Lord Chancellor Hyde, Hon. Robert Boyle, Rev. Richard Baxter, and Mr. Afhurft. The charter bears date Feb. 7th, in the fourteenth year of his majefty's reign, A. D. 1661; and declares, conftitutes, and ordains, that there be forever hereafter, within the kingdom of England, a Society, or Company for propagation of the Gospel in New-England, and the parts adjacent in America; and accordingly appoints eight noblemen, and a confiderable number of gentlemen and citizens, to be the first members, and perfons, whereof the faid company fhould confift.+

The members of this fociety were not to exceed forty-five: thofe mentioned in the charter, and their fucceffors, to be chofen by the fociety, are constituted forever one body corporate in deed, and name; and are to have continuance forever, with feveral powers, and privileges as ufual in fuch cafes: A power is likewife given them to appoint commiffioners in New England to tranfact all affairs relating to faid work in the colonies fpecified, or virtu

† Neal, v. 1. p. 279.

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