Handbook of Research on Science Education, Volume 1Sandra K. Abell, Norman G. Lederman Psychology Press, 2007 - 1330 pages This state-of-the art research handbook provides a comprehensive, coherent, current synthesis of the empirical and theoretical research concerning teaching and learning in science and lays down a foundation upon which future research can be built. Structured to highlight recent trends in the field, the volume is organized around five themes: Science Learning; Culture, Gender, and Society and Science Learning; Science Teaching; Curriculum and Assessment in Science; and Science Teacher Education. The contributors, all leading experts in their research areas, represent the international and gender diversity that exists in the science education research community. Each chapter presents an integrative review of the research on the topic it addressespulling together the existing research, working to understand the historical trends and patterns in that body of scholarship, describing how the issue is conceptualized within the literature, how methods and theories have shaped the outcomes of the research, and where the strengths, weaknesses, and gaps are in the literature. Chapters conclude with implications for practice and proposed agendas for future research. As a whole, the Handbook of Research on Science Education demonstrates that science education is alive and well and illustrates its vitality. It is an essential resource for the entire science education community, including veteran and emerging researchers, university faculty, graduate students, practitioners in the schools, and science education professionals outside of universities. |
À l'intérieur du livre
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Table des matières
Culture Gender Society And Science Learning | 169 |
Science Teaching | 371 |
Curriculum And Assessment In Science | 727 |
Science Teacher Education | 1041 |
Author Index | 1261 |
1307 | |
About the Author | 1323 |
Autres éditions - Tout afficher
Handbook of Research on Science Education Sandra K. Abell,Ken Appleton,Deborah Hanuscin Aperçu limité - 2013 |
Handbook of Research on Science Education Sandra K. Abell,Norman G. Lederman Aucun aperçu disponible - 2007 |
Expressions et termes fréquents
academic African American approach assessment Association attitudes biology chapter chemical bonding chemistry cognitive concept maps conceptual change constructivism constructivist context cultural curricula CyberTracker dents discourse earth sciences educa ence Environmental Education Research evaluation example experiences focused framework Fraser gender goals grade groups high school ideas indigenous inquiry instruction integration interaction International Journal investigation issues Journal of Research Journal of Science knowledge language learners learning environment learning science metacognition museums National nature of science Netherlands outcomes participation pedagogical perspective physics practices problems programs questions reported Research in Science role rural school science science and mathematics science classrooms science curriculum science education research science learning Science Teaching scientific literacy self-efficacy social sociocultural strategies student learning studies systems thinking teacher education teaching and learning theory TIMSS tion understanding University urban urban science water cycle