Abnormalities of arteries (contd.)— testicular, 1053 ulnar, 1056 vertebral, 1055 Abnormalities of the heart, 1051 Abnormalities of the lymph vessels, 1060 facial, posterior, 1059 of lower extremity, 1060 vena cava inferior, 1059 in back of thigh, 1457 cerebral part of, 595 nucleus ambiguus, 595, 596 nucleus of origin of, 595 spinal part of, 595 surgical anatomy of, 1393 Accessory processes of vertebræ, 96 Acetabular artery, of obturator, 940; of medial circumflex of thigh, 949 Acetabular fossa, 234 Acetabulum, 234 Achromatic spindle, 10, 13 substance, 8, 10 Acini, 1132 Adductor canal, 414 Adductor tubercle of femur, 242, 412 Adenoids, 1385 Aditus ad antrum, Appendix A, 271 surgical anatomy of, 1365 Adrenin, 1341 Adventitious ligaments, 305 Equator bulbi oculi, 807 lentis, 820 Affenspalte, 660 Agger nasi, 803 Aggregated lymph glands, 1181 Agitator caudæ muscle, 415 Air-cells, ethmoidal, 140, 804, 1373 of lung, 1099, 1101 frontal, 270, 1371 sphenoidal, 135, 183, 1373 lobuli centralis cerebelli, 575 magna ossis sphenoidalis, 134 nasi, 799 parva ossis sphenoidalis, 135 vomeris, 144 Alar folds of knee, 348 lamina of neural tube, 682 ligaments of epistropheus, 92, 311 Alar process of ethmoid, 140 sulcus of nose, 799 Albumen of ovum, 14 Alecithal ovum, 14 accessory digestive glands, 1106 INDEX. descending colon, 1105, 1211, 1221, 1423 iliac colon, 1105, 1222, 1423 isthmus of the fauces, 1105, 1112, 1383, jejunum, 1105, 1210, 1420 mouth cavity, 1105, 1106, 1242 of semicircular canals, membranous, 848; of uterine tube, 1314 cesophagus, 45, 1105, 1150, 1249, 1393, Amygdaloid nucleus, 641 1407 palate, 49, 174, 1105, 1110, 1379, 1384 pancreas, 47, 1106, 1203, 1426, 1439 parts of, 1105 pelvic colon, 1105, 1222, 1423 pharynx, 1105, 1140, 1242, 1383, 1396 primitive entodermal development of, 38 salivary glands, 1106, 1133, 1140, 1249 Alisphenoids, 136 body-stalk, 54 diverticulum, 38 tubercle, 636 Anal canal, 1228 columns of, 1230, 1231 course of, 1229 hæmorrhoidal ring of, 1233 orifice of, 1232 sinuses of, 1231 structure of, 1229 transverse folds of, 1230 white line of, 1430 veins, 1233 Anal part of rectum, 1228 Anaphase, 10, 14 Anapophysis, 284 Anastomoses, arterial segmental, 1042 Anastomotic arterial branches of brachial, 919 of femoral, 951 of inferior gluteal, 943 of vertebral, 971 vein of Trolard, 907 Anatomical neck of humerus, 205 Anatomy, 1 surgical, 1357 action of, 398 nerve-supply of, 398 Angeiology, 3 acromial, 203 cephalo-auricular, 828 facial, 286 frontalis of parietal bone, 119 inferior lateral, of sacrum, 99 of mandible, 155 differences in, due to age, 158 tomy of, 1426 branches of, 886, 927 paired visceral, 927 ovarian, 928 branches of, 928 renal, 927 spermatic, internal, 928 suprarenal, 927 branches of, 927 testicular, 928 branches of, 928 relations of, 928 parietal, 933 unpaired visceral, 928 abnormalities of, 1051 arch of, 884 abnormalities of, 1050 branches of, 885 abnormalities of, 1050 development of, 968, 1027, 1028 relations of, 885 surface anatomy of, 1405 ascending, 884 branches of, 884 development of, 68 relations, 884 surface anatomy of, 1405 variations in, 1050 branches of, 924 parietal, intercostal, 926 formation of, 67, 1027 morphology of, 1045, 1047 relations, 885 development of, 67, 1027 primitive, branches of, 1027 formation of, 1027 morphology of, 1045, 1047 subdivision of, 884 ventral, 65 relations of, 884 sinuses of, 884 thoracic, 885 medialis ventriculi quarti, 553 superior, 236 pelvis (minoris) inferior, 237 piriformis, 163 measurement of, 287 superior canaliculi tympani, 129 tympanica canaliculi chordæ, 834 Apertures of abdominal cavity, 1157 Apex auriculæ (Darwini), 828 columnæ posterioris, 523 of lung, 1092, 1398 patellæ, 245 vertebral, 437 Apophysis, submalleolar, 282 Apparatus digestorius, 1103 respiratorius, 1061 urogenitalis, 1257 Appendages of skin, 858 Appendices of auricles, see Auricles epiploicæ, 1211, 1212 testis, 1287 vesiculosi (Morgagni), 1287 lymph gland, 1020, 1023 Aquæductus cerebri, 542, 545, 581, 584, 618 cochleæ, 129, 845 development of, 37, 592 external aperture of, 131 Arachnoidea encephali, 670, 671 spinalis, 670 Arachnoideal villi, 672 Arch, alveolar, superior, 148 anterior, of atlas, 91 aortic, 884 abnormalities of, 1050 branches of, 67 development of, 67, 1027, 1028 caudal, 68 cephalic, 67, 1405 arterial, of wrist and hand, 923 branches of, 923 carpal, anterior (volar), 923, 924 dental, 146, 1119 femoral, deep, 405 superficial, 405 glosso-palatine, 1111, 1112, 1145 hyoid, 43 muscles produced from, 496 mandibular, 43 branchial muscles produced from, 496 nerve of, 796 palmar, deep, 923, 924 abnormalities of, 1055 surgical anatomy of, 1454 superficial, 923, 924 abnormalities of, 1055 morphology of, 1055 plantar, 954 abnormality of, 1057 surgical anatomy of, 1465 posterior, of atlas, 91 thyreo-hyoid, 42, 43 muscles produced from, 496 transverse (osseous), of foot, 361 transverse, venous, of foot, 988 venous, dorsal, of foot, 988 of hand, 978 morphology of, 1050 vertebral, 88 of fifth lumbar, variation in, 275 ossification of, 104, 105 serial homology of, 283 volar, deep, 924 branches of, 924 branches of, 924 zygomatic, 167, 169 surgical anatomy of, 1364, 1365, 1375 Arches, alveolar, 148, 1119 temporalis polaris, 657 vascular, 64 vestibularis inferior et superior, 846 Areas of Flechsig, 564 Areola mammæ, 1337 Areolar coat of liver, 1198 medial bicipital furrow of, 1447 medial supracondylar triangle of, 1447 surface and surgical anatomy of, 1447 Arrectores pilorum, 861 Arteria hyaloidea, 819 Arterial arches of wrist and hand, 923 |