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[blocks in formation]

carotid, common, left (contd.), cervical portion

of, 889

relations of, 889

thoracic portion of, 889

right common, 890

abnormalities of, 1054

relations of, 890

external, 891

abnormalities of, 1054

branches, 891

course, 891

development of, 67
morphology of, 1047
relations, 891

surgical anatomy of, 1391

internal, 900

abnormalities of, 1054

branches of, 902

anterior cerebral, 904

branches of, 904

anterior medial frontal, 904
antero-medial basal, 904
medial orbital, 904

carotico-tympanic, 902
cavernous, 902

chorioidal, 904

hypophyseal, 902

meningeal, 902

posterior communicating, 904

course, 900

development of, 67

morphology of, 1047

relations, 900, 901

carpal, radial, dorsal, 920

volar, 920

ulnar, dorsal, 923
volar, 922

cavernous, 902

central, of middle cerebral, 905
of posterior cerebral, 908
centralis retinæ, 903

cerebelli inferior anterior, 907
posterior, 907
superior, 907

cerebral, anterior, 904

abnormalities of, 1054
branches of, 904

anterior medial frontal, 904

antero-medial basal, 904

intermediate medial frontal, 904

medial orbital, 904

posterior medial frontal, 904

cerebral, middle, 905

branches of, 905

ascending frontal, 905

parietal, 905

inferior lateral frontal, 905

lateral striate, 905

orbital, 905

medial striate, 905

parieto-temporal, 905

temporal, 905

cerebral, posterior, 908

branches of, 908

calcarine, 908

chorioidal, posterior, 908
parieto-occipital, 908
postero-lateral, 908
temporal, anterior, 908

posterior, 908

cervical, ascending, 910

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

of dorsal carpal arch, morphology of,


volar, 922, 1048, 1057

interosseous recurrent, 922

intersegmental, 1043
intestinal, 932

jejunal, 932

labial, inferior, 894

posterior (vulvæ), 942

superior, 894

lacrimal, 903

laryngeal, inferior, 911

superior, 892

lateral sacral, 938

lienal, 929

ligamenti teretis uteri, 945

lingual, 892

branches, 892

dorsalis linguæ, 892

sublingual, 893

course, 892

development of, 1028

relations, 892

surgical anatomy of, 1382, 1383, 1391

of lower limb, 944

abnormalities of, 1057

formation of, 1031
morphology of, 1048

lumbar, 933

abnormalities of, 1053
formation of, 1029

morphology of, 1045

of ilio-lumbar, 938

lumbar, lowest, 935

lymph vessels of, 870

macular, 818

malleolar, lateral anterior, 957

medial anterior, of anterior tibial, 956

of posterior tibial, 953

mammary, external (of lateral thoracic), 916
internal, 913

abnormalities of, 1055

branches, 913

intercostal, 913

musculo-phrenic, 913

pericardiaco-phrenic, 913

smaller, 913

superior epigastric, 913

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

lacrimal, 903

palpebral, 904

posterior ciliary, 903

supra-orbital, 903

terminal, 904

course of, 902

orbital, of middle meningeal, 898

of superficial temporal, 897
ovarian, 928

abnormalities of, 1053
morphology of, 1047

surgical anatomy of, 1427, 1438
palatine, ascending, 893
of ascending pharyngeal, 896
descending, 899

surgical anatomy of, 1384
palpebral, 904
pancreatic, 930, 1207
of hepatic, 930, 1207
of splenic, 930, 1207

of superior mesenteric, 932, 1207
pancreatica magna, 930, 1207
pancreatico-duodenal, inferior, 932, 1207
superior, 930, 1205, 1207

parietal, of superficial temporal, 897
parieto-occipital, 821

parotid, of posterior auricular, 895
of superficial temporal, 896
pectoral, of thoraco-acromial, 916
penis, 1300

perforating, anterior, of foot, 955, 958

posterior, 955, 958
distal, of hand, 920

of internal mammary, 913
of peroneal, 953

of profunda femoris, 950
proximal, of hand, 920, 924
pericardiaco-phrenic, 913

pericardial, of internal mammary, 913
of aorta, 925

perineal, 942

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[blocks in formation]

Artery or Arteries (contd.)—

pulmonary, right branch of (contd.), branches
of, 882

relations, 882

surface anatomy of, 1408

pyloric, 930

morphology of, 1047

radial, 919

abnormalities of, 1056
branches of first part, 919
radial recurrent, 919
superficial volar, 919
volar carpal, 920

branches of second part, 920
dorsal metacarpal, 920
dorsal of the thumb, 920
dorsalis indicis radialis, 920
formation of, 1047

morphology of, 1047

relations of first part, 919

of second part, 920

surgical anatomy of, 1454
radialis indicis, 921

abnormalities of, 1055
surgical anatomy of, 1454

recurrent, of deep palmar arch, 924
interosseous, 922

radial, 919

abnormalities of, 1055

tibial, anterior, 956

posterior, 956

ulnar, 922

renal, 927

abnormalities of, 1425
morphology of, 1046
surgical anatomy of, 1425

of retina, 814

of round ligament, 945
sacral, lateral, 938

morphology of, 943
middle, 935

abnormalities of, 1052
morphology of, 68

of scalp, 1357

scapular, circumflex, 917
branches of, 912
course of, 911

scrotal, posterior, 942
segmental, 66, 1044

anastomoses of, 1044
dorsal branches of, 1045
terminal, 913

somatic, 1044

splanchnic, 1044

septal, of nose, 900
sheath of, 870

sigmoid, 933

somatic intersegmental, 1044
spermatic, internal, 928
abnormalities of, 1052
morphology of, 1046
spheno-palatine, 900
spinal, formation of, 1029
of ilio-lumbar, 938
of intercostals, 926
of lateral sacral, 938
of vertebral, 907, 908
splanchnic, 1044, 1047
splenic, 929

abnormalities of, 1052
morphology of, 1047
stapedial, 1028

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