Artery or Arteries (contd.)——- striate, lateral, 905 medial, 905 structure of, 868 subclavian, left, first part of, 909 right, first part of, 909 relations of, 910 third part of, 910 abnormalities of, 1055 branches of, 910 thyreo-cervical trunk, 910 vertebral artery, 910 subcostal, 926 submaxillary, 893 submental, 894 subscapular, 912, 917 branches of, 917 circumflexa scapula, 917 of transverse scapular, 912 superficial petrosal, 898 supraorbital, 903 surgical anatomy of, 1358 suprarenal, inferior, 927 superior, 933 supraspinous, 912, 913 suprasternal, 912 sural, 952 systemic, 884 tarsal, lateral, 957 temporal, deep, anterior, 899 posterior, 899 middle, 897 of posterior cerebral, 908 superficial, 896 branches, 896 frontal, 897 middle temporal, 897 transverse facial, 897 development of, 1030 testicular, 928 supreme, 828 thoraco-acromial, 916 branches of, 916 thoraco-dorsal, 917 thyreoid, inferior, 910 Artery or Arteries (contd.)— thyreoid, inferior, (contd.), relations of, 910 surgical anatomy of, 1389 superior, 891 branches, 892 crico-thyreoid, 892 sterno-mastoid, 892 terminal, 892 course, 891 surgical anatomy of, 1389 morphology of, 1047 tibial, anterior, 955 anterior tibial recurrent, 956 lateral anterior malleolar, 957 posterior, 952 abnormalities of, 1057 fibular, 953 peronæal, 953 branches of, 953 communicating, 953 posterior malleolar (medial), 953 formation of, 1031 morphology of, 1048 surgical anatomy of, 1463 incisions to expose, 1463 recurrent, 956 of tongue, 1130 of tonsil, 1147 tonsillar, of external maxillary, 893, 1147 transversa colli, 911 scapulæ, 911 transverse, of basilar, 907 transverse cervical artery, 911 ascending branch, 911 descending branch, 911 tunica externa of, 868 intima of, 868 media of, 868 tympanic, of internal carotid, 902 tympanica anterior (of int. maxillary, 898 inferior (of asc. phar.), 896 posterior (of stylomastoid), 895 abnormalities of, 1056 branches, 922 common interosseous, 922 dorsal interosseous, 922 branches of, 922 ulnar recurrent, 922 branches of, 922 course and relations, 905 surgical anatomy of, 1395 vesical, inferior, 939 middle, 940 of obturator, 940 vesico-vaginal, 939 visceral, intermediate, 1044, 1047 vitelline, primitive, 66 zygomatico-orbital, 897 Arthrectomy of the knee joint, 1461 Arthrodia, 301 Arthrology, 3, 299 Articular disc, 302 processes of atlas, 91 of cervical vertebræ, 90 of coccyx, 99 of epistropheus, 92 of lumbar vertebræ, 95 of sacrum, 97, 98 serial homology of, 283 of thoracic vertebræ, 94 of twelfth thoracic vertebræ, 95 surgical anatomy of, 1444 between bodies of vertebræ, 306 calcaneo-cuboid, 357 ligaments of, 357 surgical anatomy of, 1464 carpal, 329 distal row of, 330 proximal row of, 330 layer of, 325 cuneo-cuboid, 358 cuneo-navicular, 357 of fingers, 334- of the foot, 351 genu, 342 articular surfaces of, 342 menisci of, 347 of heads of ribs, 313 intercoccygeal, 309 intercuneiform, 358 intermetacarpal, 332 movements at, 334 intermetatarsal, 360 interphalangeal, of hand, 334 articular capsule of, 334 ligaments of, 334 movements of, 334 of foot, 361 intertarsal, 354 movements at, 361 mandibular, 312 articular disc of, 312 movements at, 334 surgical anatomy of, 1464, 1465 sacro-lumbar, 335 95 Articulatio or Articulationes (contd.)— of pelvis (contd.), sacro-iliac, 335 articular cavity of, 336 ligaments of, 336 of pisiform bone, 331 articular capsule of, 328 synovial stratum of, 327 topography of, 1455 of shoulder, bursæ of, 322 talo-crural, 351 talo-navicular, 355 intermediate, 359 articular capsule of, 332 articular capsule of, 349 of toes, 361 transverse tarsal, 357 cuneo-navicular, 357 articular capsule of, 358 synovial stratum of, 358 Articulations between vertebral arches, 307 Ary-epiglottic folds, 1068 development of, 45 muscle, 1074 Arytenoid cartilage, 1064 development of, 44 ossification of, 1065 processus muscularis of, 1065 vocalis of, 1065 sesamoid cartilages of, 1065 muscle, 1074 venæ cordis minimæ, 874 Attic, tympanic, 1368, 1369 Auditory area of cerebral cortex, 656 artery, internal, 853 epithelium, development of, 50 meatus, external, 830 blood-vessels of, 832 ceruminous glands of, 832 development of, 52 foramen of Huschke of, 832 isthmus of, 830 lymph vessels of, 832 nerves of, 832 structure of, 831 surgical anatomy of, 1365 variation in, 278 internal, 845 T ar pit, 853 radiation, 643, 656 blood-vessels of, 838 catheter, passage of, 1385 fascia salpingo-pharyngea, 838 groove for, 138 lamina, membranous, of, 838 ostium pharyngeum of, 838, 1143 pars cartilaginea of, 837 ossea of, 128, 837 pharyngeal orifice of, 837, 838 surgical anatomy of, 1368, 1369, 1385 tonsil of, 838 cymba concha of, 827 development of, 44, 52, 76, 78 fissure, antitrago-helicine, 829 fossa triangularis of, 828 incisura intertragica, 828 terminalis, 829 transversus auriculæ, 830 lines, 1397 lymph glands, 1447 margin of scapula, 201 region, 1446 sheath, 1447 vein, 977 development of, 1042 morphology of, 1050 surgical anatomy of, 1447 Axis, basi-cranial, 183 cylinder, 509 lentis, 820 optic, 807 pelvis, 237 Axis-ligament of malleus, 841 Axon, 508, 680 Azygos lobe of lung, 1096 Bacillary layer of retina, 817 Back, fascia of, 365, 437 Bile duct, 1202 Basal cells of olfactory mucous membrane, development of, 1254 relation of, to duodenum, 1185 Bimanual examination, 1436 Bi-stephanic diameter of skull, 286 Biventral lobule of cerebellum, 575 urinary, 1271, 1278 capacity of, 1277 cystoscopic examination of, 1428 trigone of, 1428 development of, 1328, 1332 distended, 1276 diverticula of, 1429 inferior aspect of, 1274 infero-lateral areas of, 1275 interior of, 1277 examination of, 1428 lateral false ligaments of, 1280 anterior, 1283 lateral, 1283 structure of, 1283 lymph vessels of, 1284 in newly born infant and child, 1279 plica uretericæ of, 1277 shape and relations when empty, 1275 sphincter of, 1284 structure of, 1283, 1284 superior false ligaments of, 1280 torus uretericus, 1277 trigonum vesica of, 1277 uvula vesicæ of, 1277 varying relationships, 1277 vessels and nerves of, 1284 Blastula, 21 Blind spot, 815 Blood capillaries, 867 development of, 64 islands, 64 Blood corpuscles, mesamœboids, 64 blood plastids, 64 erythrocytes, 64 nucleated colourless corpuscles, 64, 79 Blood-vascular system, primitive formation of, 64 abnormalities of, 1049 development of, 64, 1025 morphology of, 1043 Blood-vessels of rectum and anus, 1232 |