INDEX. sesamoid, of metacarpophalangeal joints, 228 of metatarso-phalangeal joint, 269 of peronæus longus, 269, 427 short, 82 of skull, 115 strength of, 83 structure of, 83 microscopic, 84 578, 587 quadrigeminum inferius, 582 Brachycephaly, 284 Brachyfacial skulls, 286 Brachy-kerkic limbs, 289 lymph vessels of, 1003 mesencephalon, 33, 514, 516, 581 nature of the, 512 nerve-cells of, 584 nerve-fibres of, 588 neuroglia of, 511 prosencephalon, 514, 607 development of, 33, 514 rhombencephalon, 514, 515 development of, 33, 515 isthmus of, 515 veins of, 970 vesicles, primitive, 33 weight of, 667 Branchial arches, 43 relation of, to cerebral nerves, 796-798 muscles derived from, 496 nerves of, 795-797 bars, 42 ducts, 43 pouches, 42 Breast, 1336 bone, 106 Bregma, 172, 285 topography of, 1223 pili, 860 urethræ, 1308, 1427 Bulla ethmoidalis, 185, 803 of coraco-clavicular ligament, 319 of eyeball, 452, 807 of flexor carpi radialis, 386 surgical anatomy of, 1460 anterior wall of, 1240 præpatellaris subcutanea, 1460 fossæ, 1218 Cæcum, 1213 development of, 48 dimensions of, 1213 relations of, 1213 surgical anatomy of, 1421 Cæcum cupulare cochleæ, 849 nerve, medial, 734 Calcaneo-cuboid joint, 357 functions of, 361 surgical anatomy of, 1464 surgical anatomy of, 1464 surgical anatomy of, 1464 Calcaneus, 259 plantar surface of, 209 Calcar avis, 635, 659 femorale, 274 Calcarine artery, 908 Calyces renales, 1268 development of, 1331 posterior, 821 princeps of His, 1169 Canal or Canalis adductor (Hunteri), 405, 414 alimentary, 1104 primitive, 41 alveolar, 147 anal, 1228 development of, 48 surgical anatomy of, 1430 relation of, to tympanum, 271 Canal or Canalis (contd.), central, of cochlea, 846 of medulla oblongata, 564 of spinal medulla, 564 of cervix uteri, 1317 of epididymis, see Ductus condition of, at birth, 133 Haversian, 84 of Huguier, 125 relation of, to tympanum, 834 hyaloid, 826 development of, 826 hypoglossal, 177 infraorbital, 147, 162 inguinal, 483 surgical anatomy of, 1408 lacrimal, membranous, 825 osseous, see C. of naso-lacrimal duct musculo-tubarius, 128, 176, 837 of naso-lacrimal duct, 143, 147, 187 neurenteric, 23, 26 palatine, anterior, 149 greater, 151 superior openings of, 152 of Petit, 819 pharyngeal, 138, 152, 175 pterygo-palatine, 147, 151 pyloric, 1169, 1173 radicis dentis, 1114, 1115 reuniens, 51, 854, see also Ductus semicircular, 847 for tensor tympani muscle, 128 urogenital, 1328 vertebral, 88 zygomatico-orbital, 154 zygomatico-temporal, 154 Canaliculus or Canaliculi, bile, 1199 of bone, 84 carotico-tympanic, 129 innominate, 137 mastoid, 129 teeth, 1115 eruption of, 1120 action of, 454 blood, structure of, 868 bony parts about the, 1451 Cartilage Cartilago-Cartilagines— alaris major, 800 lateral crus of, 800 medial crus of, 800 articular, 83 arytenoid, 1064 auricular, 829 bones, 86 of skull, 290 costal, 113 joints of, 315 cricoid, 1063 development of, 1100 ossification of, 1065 surgical anatomy of, 1388 development of, 1100 greater alar, 800 processus sphenoidalis of, 801 parachordal, 290 of pinna, 829 prechordal, 290 Cells, basal, of olfactory mucous membrane, 804 basket, 580 body of, 8 ethmoidal, 140, 804 relation of, to orbit, 1373 surgical anatomy of, 1372 of neural tube, 36 of marrow, 83 mastoid, 133, 836, 1370 olfactory, 804, 805 reproduction of, 8 reproductive, 11 spermatocytes, 16 Cellulæ ethmoidales, 140, 804 Central arteries of middle cerebral, 905 of retina, 903 canal of medulla oblongata, 564 gray matter of medulla oblongata, 564 gyri, 654 lobule of cerebellum, 575 lymph vessels of hand, 1009 point of perineum, 1427 sulcus of insula, 654 Centrale, os, of wrist, 290 Centres, medullary, of cerebral hemispheres, 644, 647 of ossification, 85, 86 Centrioles, 8 Centrosome, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14 Centrum tendineum, 472 of vertebra, 88 Cephalic aortic arches, 65, 68, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1034 morphology of, 1047 flexure of brain, 514 fold, 37 index, 284 myotomes, 30 part of sympathetic, 756 vein, 978 Cephalo-auricular angle, 828 variations in, 830 Cerato-hyal, 159 Cerebellar artery, anterior inferior, 907 anterior superior, 907 posterior inferior, 907 tracts, 534, 536, 578 spino-cerebellar, anterior, 536, 537 posterior, 537 Cerebellar veins, 971 Cerebello-olivary tract, 556, 563 Cerebellum, 570 alæ lobuli centralis, 575 amygdala of, 575 arbor vitæ of, 577 arrangement of gray and white matter of, 576 association fibres of, 578 biventral lobule, 575 |