Cerebellum (contd.), brachium conjunctivum | Cerebral cortex (contd.), association fibres of of, 569 commissural fibres of, 578 connections of peduncular fibres, 578 corpus dentatum of, 576 culmen monticuli, 575 declive monticuli of, 575 fissure, postnodular, of, 571 horizontal, of, 573 post-tonsillar, 573 pyramidal of, 573 secunda, 572, 573 flocculus, 571, 575 inferior vermis of, 574 lobes on inferior surface of, 575 lobulus centralis, 575 medullary velum of, anterior, 549 posterior, 576 minute structure of, 579 monticulus, 574 globosus, 577 paraflocculus, 571 brachium conjunctivum, 577, 578 origin of fibres of, 578 in sections of pons, 576 posterior inferior lobule, 575 pyramid of, 576 roof nucleus of, 577 structure and connexions of, 576 sulcus valleculae, 575 development of, 571 superior vermis of, 574 uvula of, 507, 576 vallecula of, 574 vermis of, 572, 574 white matter of, 576 Cerebral artery, anterior, 904 surgical anatomy of, 1365 association centres of, 645 648 auditory area of, 656 band of Baillarger of, 644, 645 of Martinotti of, 645 layer of polymorphic cells of, 645 cortex of, 644 development of, 34, 621, 623 external configuration of, 646 fissures of, 653 form of, 646 frontal pole of, 647 general structure of, 644 gray matter of, 644 groove for transverse sinus on, 647 gyri of, 654 impressio petrosa of, 647 incisura longitudinalis, 540 internal capsule of, 642 intimate structure of, 644 sulcus circularis of, 654 nerves, list of, 678, 767 nuclei of, 637, 638 occipital pole of, 647 poles of, 647 primary olfactory function of, 517 projection fibres of, 651 Rolandic angle of, 662 septum pellucidum of, 628 development of, 628 structure of, 644 surfaces of, 646 surgical anatomy of, 1360 veins, 970 ventricles of, 549, 616, 632 Cerebral nerves, 767 1st nerve, olfactory, 767 N uteri, 1316 arbor vitæ of, 1317 mucous membrane of, 1320 Chamber, anterior, of eye, 813 posterior, of eye, 813 Cheek bone, 153 buccal fatty body, 1109 Chest, 1395 Chiasma opticum, 619 surgical anatomy of, 1246 Chondro-epitrochlearis muscle, 371 action of, 463 Chordæ tendineæ, 877 Chordal portion of skull, 290 Chorioid plexuses of fourth ventricle, 553, 636 of lateral ventricle, 635 of inferior horn of, 636 fissure of brain, 621, 636, 637, 675 development, 826 veins, 970 Chorioidea, 810 development of, 825 lamina basalis of, 811, 812 chorio-capillaris of, 811 supra-chorioidea of, 811 vasculosa of, 811 surgical anatomy of, 1447 cerebello-medullaris, 671 chyli, 996, 997 interpeduncularis, 672 magna, 671 surgical anatomy of, 1362 Cisternæ subarachnoideales, 671 Claudius, cells of, 850 Claustrum, 641 Clava, 547 Clavicle, 197 acromial end of, 199 surgical anatomy of, 1444 facet of sternum, 107 Cleft, branchial, 42 visceral, 42 nerves of, 796, 798 stages of, at different ages, 42, 44, 52 Cleido-mastoid muscle, 458 Cleido-occipital muscle, 458 Clinoid process, anterior, 135 middle, 135 posterior, 135 Clitoris, 1326 arteries of, 1326 body of, 1326 bone of, 1326 corpora cavernosa of, 1326 crura of, 1326 development of, 1336 dorsal vein of, 942 frenulum of, 1326 prepuce of, 1326 septum corporum cavernosorum of, 1326 suspensory ligament of, 1326 vessels and nerves of, 1326 entodermal, 39 Cloacal fossa, 48 Closing mouth, muscles of, 458 base of, 844 basilar membrane of, 849, 850 canales spirales cochleæ, 845 crista basilaris of, 849 crista semilunaris, 845 development of, 51 foramen centrale, 844 hamulus laminæ spiralis, 845 lamina spiralis ossea, 845 spiral canal of, 845 spiral organ of, 849, 850 vas prominens of, 849 development of, 684 abnormalities of, 1053 surgical anatomy of, 1426 ganglia, 763 lymph glands, 1021 plexus, 763, 765 Colom, 22, 71 embryonic, 27, 71, 72, 73 extra-embryonic, 22, 53, 57, 71 impression of liver, 1189, 1192 lymph glands, 1021 valve, 1214 vein, left, 993 middle, 992 iliac, 1222 course of, 1222 level of, 1439 in new-born child, 1223 structure of, 1223 surgical anatomy of, 1423 level of, 1439 sacculi of, 1212 sigmoid flexure of, 1211 position of, 1220 topography of, 1422 vessels of, 1212 Column, anterior, of spinal medulla, 528 of Burdach, 522, 533 of fornix, 615 of Goll, 522, 533 lateral, of spinal medulla, 529 membranous vertebral, 102 posterior, of spinal medulla, 537 Column, posterior, of spinal medulla (contd.), | Condylic foramina, 122, 123, 124 fossa, 122 surface of tibia, 247 development of, 827 Confluens sinuum, 968, 973 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia, 473 development of, 1204 Conical papillæ, 1126 Conjugal ligament of ribs, 314 palpebral and bulbar, 823 Connexions, central, of olfactory nerves, |