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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

of the necks of the ribs, 109

neural, formation of, 500
obturatoria, 233

sacral, articular, 97
lateral, 98

media, 97

sphenoidal, 135

spinarum, 831

terminalis, 874, 1032

development of, 1032

transversa, 846

tuberculi majoris et minoris, 206

vestibuli, 843

Crucial anastomosis, 943, 950

Cruciate ligament of atlas, 311

of knee, 346

in movements of knee, 348

Crura antihelicis, 828
cerebri, 383

basis of, 583

cerebro-pontine fibres of, 591
development of, 592

position and connexions of, 583
pyramidal fibres of, 591

red nucleus of, 588, 613

tegmentum of, 583, 586

relation of, to thalamus, 610, 612, 613
to third ventricle, 610, 612, 614

temporo-pontine fibres of, 591

clitoridis, 1326

of diaphragm, 471

fornicis, 628

of penis, 1298

of subcutaneous inguinal ring, 477

Crus anterius stapedis, 840

breve incudis, 840

common, of semicircular canals, 844

helicis, 827

inferior, of subcutaneous inguinal ring, 477

intermedium of diaphragm, 471

lateral, of diaphragm, 471

longum incudis, 840

medial, of diaphragm, 472

posterius stapedis, 840

superior, of subcutaneous inguinal ring, 477

Cryptorchism, 1295

Cryptozygous skulls, 171, 286

Crystalline lens, 819
Cubitus, 323
Cuboid bone, 763

morphology of, 295
peroneal groove of, 263
tubercle of, 263

Culmen of cerebellum, 575
Cumulus oophorus, 1314
Cuneate funiculus, 533

gyrus, 661, 662
nucleus, 533

Cuneiform bones of foot, 261
first, 261

second, 262

third, 263

morphology of, 295
ossification of, 265

Cuneiform cartilages, 1068

tubercle, 1069

Cuneo-cuboid articulation, 358
Cuneo-lingual gyri, 660

Cuneo-metatarsal ligaments, 359
Cuneus, 660, 661

Cup, optic, of optic vesicle, 33, 825, 826

of retina, 815

Cupola of cochlea, 844

Cupula terminalis, 848

Curved lines of occipital bone, 121

Cushion, endocardial, 1033

of epiglottis, 1068, 1069
Eustachian, 1143

levator, 1143

Cusps of cardiac valves, 877, 878

of teeth, 1114

Cutaneous lamella, 30

Cuticula dentis, 1122
Cutis, 857

Cut-throat, 1388
Cuvier, duct of, 1026

abnormalities of, 1057
morphology of, 1048
Cylinder, axis, 507
Cymba conchæ, 827
Cystic artery, 930
duct of liver, 1202

surgical relations of, 1415
vein, 992
Cytolymph, 8
Cytoplasm, 8
Cyto-reticulum, 8

Dacryon, 285
Dartos muscle, 485

Darwin, tubercle of, 828

Decidua, 56, 57

basalis, 57, 58, 62

capsularis, 57

layers of, 57

marginalis, 57

relation of ovum to, 57

[blocks in formation]

Decussatio (contd.), transverse, of pons, 578
Defæcation centre, 1233

Deferent duct, 1289, 1290

ampulla of, 1292

Degeneration, ascending, 532
descending, 532
Wallerian, 532

Deglutition, movements in, 467
Deiters, nucleus of, 605
supporting cells of, 857
Deltoid ligament, 352
muscle, 337

action and nerve-supply of, 374
topography of, 1447
tubercle, 207

Demilunes of Gianuzzi, 1132
Dendrites, 507, 509

of cells of cerebellum, 580, 581
of cerebral cortex, 645
of spinal medulla, 528
of sympathetic ganglia, 704
development of, 36, 504, 512
function of, 498
Dens serotinus, 146
Dental arches, 1119
formula, 1114
index, 287

lamina, 1244, 1245

Dentate nucleus, 576, 577

Dentes or Teeth, 1113
canine, 1117
corona of, 1114

deciduous, 1121

incisive, 1115

molar, 1117

permanent, 1115
præmolar, 1117

Dentition, diphyodont, 1248
heterodont, 1248
homodont, 1248

of lower races, 1248
polyphyodont, 1248
typical mammalian, 1248
Depression in presternum, 108
Depressor alæ nasi muscle, 450
septi muscle, 450
Dermal teeth, 1244
Dermic skull, 292
Dermis, 856

Descendens hypoglossi nerve, 698, 794

Descending degeneration, 532

palatine artery, 899

Descent of the testis, 1295

gubernaculum testis, 1295

processus vaginalis peritonei, 1295

rudimentum processus vaginalis, 1295

Descriptive terms, 4
Deutoplasm of ovum, 14, 79
Development, 7

of adamant and ivory, 1247

of adamant organs, 1245

of alimentary canal, 41, 1249

of alveolar canal, 149, 157

[blocks in formation]

Development (contd.), of auditory tube, 52
of the bladder (urinary) 1328, 1332
of blood-vascular system, 1025
of brain, 33, 34, 512, 514

of branches of dorsal aorta, 1029
of bulbo-urethral glands, 1335
of cæcum and vermiform process, 1251
of cerebellum, 33, 571

of cerebral hemispheres, 34, 512, 621
of cerebral nerves, 593, 682, 796
of chondro-cranium, 290
of chromaphil system, 1343
of cortical system of glands, 1341
of dermal teeth, 1244

of descending aorta, 67, 1028
of digestive system, 1242

of division of the atrium, 1033

of division of primitive ventricle, 1035
of dorsal maxillary process, 1252
of ducts of Cuvier, 1035

of ductus venosus, 1038

of ep-oophoron, 1328

of external ear, 52, 53

of external genital organs, 1328, 1335
of eye, 825

of female urethra, 1333

of first blood-vessels, 1025

of foramen epiploicum, 1253
of gastro-intestinal glands, 1250
of generative ducts, 1334
in the female, 1335
in the male, 1334

of genital eminence, 1335

of glomus caroticum, 1343
of glomus coccygeum, 1355

of great anastomotic vein (of Trolard), 1040

of greater omentum, 1253

of greater vestibular glands, 1335
of hairs, 862

of head, 495

of heart, 65, 70, 1025, 1031

of hypophysis cerebri, 49

of interventricular septum, 1035
sulcus, 1035

of intestine, 1250
of joints, 304
of labyrinth, 853

of larynx, 1100

of left superior intercostal vein, 1040

of limbs, 39

of liver, 1254

of lower lip, 1244

of lumbar veins, 1041

of lungs, 1101

of male urethra, 1332

of mamma, 1339

of medulla, 536

of mesencephalon, 33, 34, 592

of mesogastrium, 1252

of metencephalon of head, 495
of mouth, 1242

of muscles of limbs, 495

of nails, 862

of neck, 42

of nerve-cells, 35, 498

of nose, 49

of esophagus, 1249

of palate, 49
of pancreas, 1255

of parathyreoid glands, 1349
of par-oophoron, 1328
of parotid glands, 1244

[blocks in formation]

of philtrum, 1244
of pinna, 52

of placenta, 56

of pons (Varolii), 33, 514, 592
of portal system, 1036, 1037

of posterior cardinal veins, 1040
of primary foramen ovale, 1033
of primitive aorta, 67, 1027

of primitive cerebral veins, 1039
of primitive dorsal aorta, 1025
of primitive pharynx, 1248
of primitive veins, 1026
of prostate, 1335

of quadrigeminal bodies, 34, 592
of rectum, 1252

of renal veins, 1041

of respiratory apparatus, 1099
of salivary glands, 1249

of sebaceous glands, 862

of secondary foramen ovale, 1034

of sensory cells, 500

of septum primum, 1033

of septum secundum, 1033
of sexual glands, 1333
female, 1334

male, 1333

of sinus venosus, 1032

of skeletal muscles, 495

of skin, 861.

of spinal medulla, 31, 33

of spinal nerves, 679

of spleen, 1253, 1355

of stomach, 1249


of submaxillary and sublingual glands, 1249

of sudiferous glands, 862

of superior vena cava, 1040

of suprarenal glands, 32, 1343

of sympathetic system, 681

of teeth, 1244

of thymus, 1351

of thyreoid gland, 1348

of tongue, 1249

of tonsil, 1249

of trachea, 1100

of transverse sinus, 1040

of tympanic cavity, 52

of umbilical and iliac arteries, 1030

of umbilical veins, 1036, 1037

of upper lip, 1242′

of ureter and permanent kidney, 1331

of uro-genital organs, 1327

of veins, 1035

of venous valves, 1032

of ventral mesentery, 1252
of vitelline veins, 1036
Diagonal sulcus, 666

Diameter obliqua pelvis, 238
transversa pelvis, 238

Diaphragm, 471

actions of, 474

anomalies of, 473

arch of, 1439

central tendon of, 472

crura of, 471

development of, 74

foramen venæ cavæ of, 472

foramina in, 472

formation of, 74

[blocks in formation]
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