Ganglion or Ganglia (contd.), sympathetic, 504 cervical superior, 756 branches of, 756 gray rami of, 754 central branches of, 761 peripheral branches of, 761 development of, 683, 796 nerve-supply of, 429 surface anatomy of, 1463 Gastro-epiploic artery right, 930 veins, 992 Gastro-lienal ligament, 1162, 1170, 1236, 1240, 1242 development of, 1256 Gastro-phrenic ligament, 1170, 1236 Gemellus inferior muscle, 418 superior muscle, 418 General lumbar index, 288 action of, 463 nerve-supply of, 463 action of, 462 nerve-supply of, 462 Genital cord, 1334 eminence, 78, 1328, 1336 organs, development of, 1328 Genito-femoral nerve, 722 of central fissure of the brain, 663 of facial nerve, 782 Germ cells, multiplication of, 12 Glands or Glandulæ, parotid (contd.), imme- shape and relations of, 1134 prostatic, 1301, 1302, 1307 salivary, 1133 structure of, 1140 sebaceous, 861 serous, 1132 sexual, development of, 1333 shape and relations of, 1139 solid, 1131 solitary, of large intestine, 1181 sublingual, 1138 development of, 1243 position and relation of, 1137 sudoriparous, 861 suprarenal, development of, 32, 1343 surgical anatomy of, 1437, 1442 sweat, 861 tarsal, 823 of Moll, 823 surgical anatomy of, 1377 thymus, 1350 thyreoid, 1347 accessory, 1349 uterine, 1320 vascular, 1131 vestibular, greater (Bartholini), 1326 surface anatomy of, 1435 Glans clitoridis, 1326 penis, 1298, 1336 Glisson (capsula fibrosa), 1198 Globular process, 49 Globus pallidus of lentiform nucleus, 639 Glomerular capsule, 1266 Glomerulus, olfactory, 623 renal, 1269 of sweat glands, 861 action of, 467 structure of, 879 epicardium of, 879 fibrous rings of, 877, 878, 879 foramen ovale of, 875 persistence of, 1050 foramina venarum minimarum, 874 fossa ovalis of, 874 development of, 1033, 1034 interauricular septum of, 873 97 medial, 1409 oblique inguinal, 1408, 1409 surgical anatomy of, 1408, 1459 Heschl's convolution, 656 Hesselbach's triangle, 1235, 1408 condition of, at birth, 133 interosseus, 327 maxillaris, 804 œsophageus, 472 sacralis, 97 semilunaris, 186, 803 surgical anatomy of, 1378 Highmori, corpus, 1288 Hilum of kidney, 1251, 1258, 1437 topography of, 1399 of suprarenal gland, 1345 parts derived from, 514 derivatives of the, 48 |