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[blocks in formation]

Ganglion or Ganglia (contd.), sympathetic, 504
cells of, 753

cervical superior, 756

branches of, 756
collateral, 754
development of, 681

gray rami of, 754
terminal, 754, 767
of the tendon sheath, 1451
thoracic, 759

central branches of, 761
first, 759

peripheral branches of, 761
plexuses of, 761
trunci sympathici, 753
of vagus, 786, 788
vestibular, 853

development of, 683, 796
Ganglionic crest, 679
layer of retina, 816
Gastric artery, 929
impression of liver, 1193
of kidney, 1264
lymph glands, 1019
ulcer, perforation of, 1418
veins, 992, 1019
Gastrocnemius muscle, 428
action of, 429

nerve-supply of, 429

surface anatomy of, 1463
Gastro-colic ligament, 1241
Gastro-duodenal artery, 930
Gastro-enterostomy, 1418

Gastro-epiploic artery right, 930

veins, 992

Gastro-lienal ligament, 1162, 1170, 1236, 1240,


development of, 1256

Gastro-phrenic ligament, 1170, 1236
Gelatinous marrow, 83

Gemellus inferior muscle, 418

superior muscle, 418
actions of, 418
nerve-supplies of, 418

General lumbar index, 288
Geniculate bodies, lateral, 620
development of, 35, 608
internal structure of, 613
medial, 582
ganglion, 598, 782
Genio-glossus muscle, 462

action of, 463

nerve-supply of, 463
surgical anatomy of, 1383
Genio-hyoid muscle, 461

action of, 462

nerve-supply of, 462

Genital cord, 1334

eminence, 78, 1328, 1336
fold, 1333

organs, development of, 1328
female, 1334, 1335, 1336
male, 1333, 1335, 1336
ridge, 1333

Genito-femoral nerve, 722
Gennari, stria of, 644, 659
Genu capsulæ internæ, 642

of central fissure of the brain, 663
of corpus callosum, 630

of facial nerve, 782

Germ cells, multiplication of, 12
primitive, 11

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[blocks in formation]

Glands or Glandulæ, parotid (contd.), imme-
diate relations of, 1137
retro-mandibular process of, 1133

shape and relations of, 1134
superficial surface, 1134
vessels and nerves of, 1137
præputial, 1299

prostatic, 1301, 1302, 1307
racemose, 1132

salivary, 1133

structure of, 1140

sebaceous, 861

serous, 1132

sexual, development of, 1333

shape and relations of, 1139
simple, 1132

solid, 1131

solitary, of large intestine, 1181
of small intestine, 1179
structure of, 1132

sublingual, 1138

development of, 1243
surgical anatomy of, 1383
vessels and nerves of, 1140
submaxillary, 1137
development of, 1243

position and relation of, 1137
surgical anatomy of, 1391
vessels and nerves of, 1138
sudoriferous, 861

sudoriparous, 861

suprarenal, development of, 32, 1343

surgical anatomy of, 1437, 1442

sweat, 861

tarsal, 823

of Moll, 823

surgical anatomy of, 1377

thymus, 1350

thyreoid, 1347

accessory, 1349
of tongue, 1130
tubular, 1132
urethral, 1309

uterine, 1320

vascular, 1131

vestibular, greater (Bartholini), 1326

surface anatomy of, 1435
lesser, 1326

Glans clitoridis, 1326

penis, 1298, 1336
Gleno-humeral ligament, 322
Glenoid fossa of scapula, 201, 202
fossa of temporal bone, 125, 154
condition of, at birth, 133
surgical anatomy of, 1375
labrum, 320

Glisson (capsula fibrosa), 1198

Globular process, 49

Globus pallidus of lentiform nucleus, 639

Glomerular capsule, 1266

Glomerulus, olfactory, 623

renal, 1269

of sweat glands, 861
Wolffian, 1329
Glomus caroticum, 1343
development of, 1355
structure of, 1343, 1355
coccygeum, 1355
Glosso-epiglottic folds, 1067
Glosso-palatine arch, 1111, 1112
muscle, 467

action of, 467

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[blocks in formation]

structure of, 879

epicardium of, 879

fibrous rings of, 877, 878, 879

foramen ovale of, 875

persistence of, 1050

foramina venarum minimarum, 874

fossa ovalis of, 874

development of, 1033, 1034
infundibulum of, 876

interauricular septum of, 873


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

medial, 1409

oblique inguinal, 1408, 1409

surgical anatomy of, 1408, 1459

Heschl's convolution, 656

Hesselbach's triangle, 1235, 1408
Heterodont dentition, 1248
Hiatus aorticus, 472
canalis facialis, 130

condition of, at birth, 133

interosseus, 327

maxillaris, 804

œsophageus, 472

sacralis, 97

semilunaris, 186, 803

surgical anatomy of, 1378

Highmori, corpus, 1288

Hilum of kidney, 1251, 1258, 1437
topography of, 1425, 1437
of lung, 1094

topography of, 1399
of lymph glands, 995
of nucleus dentatus, 510
of olivary nucleus, 556
of ovary, 1311
of spleen, 1352

of suprarenal gland, 1345
Hind-brain, 33, 514

parts derived from, 514
Hind-gut, 38, 48

derivatives of the, 48

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