Hinge-joints, 301 Hip-bone, 228 acetabulum of, 228 architecture, 273 connexions of, 234 morphology of, 294 nutrient foramina of, 234 disease, abscesses in, 1460 nerves to, 723, 724, 728, 729 Hippocampus, 625, 626, 627, 636 inversus, 629 Hirschsprung's disease, 1423 Homodont dentition, 1248 Homology, 2 of limb-bones, 294 of limb-girdles, 296 of scapula and ilium, 297 of vertebræ, 283 Homoplasy, 3 Horizontal fissure of cerebellum, 573 development of, 573 Horse-shoe kidney, 1268 Hour-glass stomach, 1172 relation of, to tympanum, 834 Humero-femoral index, 289 anatomical neck of, 205 architecture of, 272 capitulum of, 208 connexions of, 209 coronoid fossa of, 208 deltoid tuberosity of, 207 groove for radial nerve, 207 intertubercular groove of, 206 morphology of, 294 nutrient foramina of, 209 olecranon of, 208 ossification of, 209 sexual differences of, 209 surgical anatomy of, 1449 trochlea of, 208 Humour, aqueous, 821 Huschke, foramen of, 832 Hydronephrosis, caused by abnormal vessels, 1425 Hymen of vagina, 1322, 1325 carunculæ hymenales of, 1325 Hyoid arch, 43 muscles derived from, 496 artery, of lingual, 892 of superior thyreoid, 892 body of, 158 connexions of, 159 surgical anatomy of, 1387 Hyparterial bronchus, 1083, 1097 Hypocartilaginous ring of membrana tym- Hypogastric artery, 936 abnormalities of, 1057 umbilical artery of, 939 nerves, 765, 766 region, 1159 zone, 1158 Hypogastrium, 1158 surgical anatomy of, 1392 development of, 34 nucleus of origin of, 594 Hypophyseal artery, 902 Hypophysis cerebri, 615, 616 arteries of, 902 development of, 34, 49, 616, 684 fossa of, 134, 183, 291 skiagrams of the sella turcica, 1374 infundibulum of, 616 method of exposure, 1374 surgical anatomy of, 1373 Hypothalamic tegmental region, 613 pars mamillaris, 608, 609 foramen, 149, 174 fossa, 155 nerve, 780 teeth, 1115, 1116 eruption of, 1121 Incisura acetabuli, 234 cerebelli anterior, 574 posterior, 574 clavicularis, 107 ethmoidalis, 116 fibularis, 249 intertragica, 828 ischiadica major, 232 jugularis ossis occipitalis, 122 sterni, 107 pancreatis, 1205 parieto-occipitalis, 662 radialis, 211 scapulæ, 201 semilunaris, 211 spheno-palatina, 152 supraorbitalis, 116 tentorii, 669 terminalis auris, 829 thyreoidea inferior, 1062 ulnaris, 216 umbilicalis, 1189 vertebralis, inferior and superior, 89 of cervical vertebræ, 90 Inclinatio pelvis, 237 Incremental lines in ivory, 1114 Incudo-malleolar joint, 840 Incudo-stapedial joint, 840 Incus, 840 articulations of, 840 development of, 841 ligaments of, 840 movements of, 840 pelvic, 288 platymeric, 289 platyknemic, 289 radio-humeral, 289 superior facial, 286 vertical, of skull, 287 Infraclavicular lymph glands, 1009 Infracostal angle, 1397, 1407 Infraglenoid tuberosity, 201 Infrahyoid artery, 892 muscles, 459 action of, 460 Inframammary region, 1397 relation of, to orbit, 162 foramen, 146, 162 margin, 146 nerve, 777 plexus, 777 suture, 279 Infrapatellar bursa, 345 fat-pad, 348 Infrascapular artery, 917 Infraspinous fossa, 202 Infrasternal depression, 108 notch, 1397, 1407 region, 1397 Infratemporal crest, 137, 167, 168 fossa, 168 INDEX. arteries, 925 lymph glands, 1013 muscles, 470 action of, 474 nerve-supply of, 474 nerves, 713 spaces, 114 veins, 961 Intercosto-brachial nerves, 714 variations in, 716 Intercrural fibres, 477 Interglobular spaces of ivory, 1123 Intermediate visceral arteries, 1043, 1047 Intermetatarsal articulations, 360 topography of, 1465 of leg, 422 of thigh, 403 topography of, 1459 Internal capsule, 610, 642 anterior limb of, 642 lenticulo-caudate fibres of, 642 posterior limb of, 642 retrolenticular fibres of, 642, 643 ear, 843 mammary artery, 913 ligature of, 1398 structure of pons, 565 Internasal suture, 145 Interolivary stratum, 556 Interosseous arteries, 922 of dorsal carpal arch of foot, 923 groove of calcaneus, 259 of talus, 256 ligaments, calcaneo-cuboid, 357 carpal, 329 carpo-metacarpal, 332 cuboideo-navicular, 357 cuneo-cuboid, 358 cuneo-metatarsal, 359 intercuneiform, 358 intermetatarsal, 360 talo-calcaneal, 355 tibio-fibular, 350 chorda obliqua of, 328 action of, 435 INDEX. solitary lymph nodules of, 1181, 1210, 1212 structure of, 1178 submucous coat of, 1179, 1212, 1213 surgical anatomy of, 1419 tela submucosa of, 1179 tunica mucosa of, 1179 villi of, 1179 Intestinum cæcum, 1213 jejunum, 1208 rectum, 1224 tenue, 1208 mesenteriale, 1178 Intracranial lymph vessels, 1003 Intrajugular process, 122 Intumescentia cervicalis, 519 lumbalis, 519 Inversion of foot, 361 muscles producing, 436 Iris, 813 blood-vessels of, 813 ciliary margin of, 813 circulus arteriosus major, 813 minor, 813 dilator pupillæ of, 814 ligamentum pectinatum of, 810 muscular fibres of, 814 pupil of, 814 pupillary border of, 814 membrane of, 813 sphincter pupillæ of, 814 Irregular tubules of kidney, 1267 sexual differences of, 237 sexual differences of, 238 Ischium, 232 acetabulum, notch of, 232 morphology of, 295 limiting sulcus of, 654 Isthmus of acoustic meatus, 830 of auditory tube, 827 of brain, 515 of cartilage of ear, 829 level of, 1442 Ivory, 1113, 1123 development of, 1247 development of, 1245 papilla, 1244, 1245 sheaths, 1123 development of, 1245 tubes, 1123 development of, 1245 |