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Joints, articular capsules (contd.), topography Joints (contd.), knee, 342

of, 1464

discs, 302

atlanto-epistropheal, 309

movements at, 311

of auditory ossicles, 840

ball and socket, 301, 303
biaxial, 301

calcaneo-cuboid, 357
ligaments of, 357

surgical anatomy of, 1464
topography of, 1464
calcaneo-taloid, 354

surgical anatomy of, 1464

capsule of, 302
carpal, 329

movements at, 334
carpo-metacarpal, 332
cavity of, 301
circumduction, 303
classification of, 299
of clavicle, 317
co-aptation in, 303
condyloid, 301
costo-central, 313
costo-chondral, 315
topography of, 1398
costo-sternal, 315
costo-transverse, 314
costo-vertebral, 313
crico-arytenoid, 1066

[blocks in formation]

of larynx, 1065
lumbo-sacral, 335
'mandibular, 312
menisci, 302

metacarpo-phalangeal, 333
movements at, 334
surgical anatomy of, 1454
topography of, 1452
metatarso-phalangeal, 360
movements at, 361

surgical anatomy of, 1464, 1465
topography of, 1464, 1465

movable, 300

development of, 304

movements at, 303
multiaxial, 301, 303
occipito-atloid, 309
movements at, 311
of pelvis, 335
pisi-cuneiform, 330
of pisiform bone, 331
radio-carpal, 328

surgical anatomy of, 1450
topography of, 1456
radio-humeral, 323

topography of, 1449

radio-ulnar, distal, 327

proximal, 326

rotation, 303
sacro-coccygeal, 308
sacro-iliac, 335

topography of, 1455
scapulo-clavicular, 318
shoulder, 320

sternal, 315

sterno-clavicular, 317

action of muscles on, 373
movements at, 319, 373
surgical anatomy of, 1444
sterno-costal, 315
structures of, 302
synarthrodial, 301, 303
synovial stratum, 302
talo-calcaneal, 354
topography of, 1464
talo-calcaneo-navicular, 355

movements at, 361
tarsal, transverse, 357
movements at, 361
tarso-metatarsal, 359

movements at, 361
surgical anatomy of, 1464

temporo-mandibular, see Joint, mandibular
of thorax, 313

tibio-fibular, 349

movements at, 350

toe, 361

transverse carpal, 330
tarsal, 357

uniaxial, 301

of upper extremity, 317

varieties of movements in, 303
of vertebral column, 305

with cranium, 310
wrist, movements at, 334
xiphisternal, 316

level of, 1397, 1407, 1442
Juga alveolaria, 155
Jugal point, 286
Jugular foramen, 176, 177, 182
fossa, 177

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Kidneys (contd.), pelvis of, 1268
perinephric fat of, 1259
surgical anatomy of, 1425
position of, 1257, 1423
from behind, 1437
posterior relations of, 1260
surface of, 1260
primitive, 1331
pyramids of, 1265
on section, 1265
relations of, 1262
anterior, 1262
left, 1425
posterior, 1260
right, 1262, 1425
renal columns, 1265
corpuscles of, 1266
development of, 1333
reniculi, 1265

second convoluted tubule, 1266
sinus renalis, 1257, 1265
skiagraphs of pelvis of, 1426
splenic impression of, 1264
surface impressions of, 1264
surgical anatomy of, 1264
tubules of, 1266

development of, 1333
tunica fibrosa of, 1257
ureter of, 1268

development of, 1331
variations in, 1267
vasa afferentia of, 1267
efferentia of, 1267
development of, 1331
veins of, 1267
vessels of, 1267

arteriolæ rectæ, 1267

interlobular arteries, 1267

vasa afferentia, 1267

visceral surface of, 1262

Kink, intestinal, of Arbuthnot Lane, 1423
Knee-joint, 342

alar folds of, 348

articular surfaces of, 342

bursæ connected with, 348

surgical anatomy of bursæ, 1460

ligaments of, 344

menisci of, 347

surgical anatomy of, 1460

movements at, 348

muscles producing, 421

nerves of, from common peroneal nerve, 730
from femoral nerve, 724

from obturator nerve, 724
from sciatic nerve, 728, 729
from tibial nerve, 732

surgical anatomy of, 1460

synovial stratum of, 348
surgical anatomy of, 1461

Knuckles, prominences of, 1452
Krause, corpuscles of, 863

end-bulbs of, 864

Kronlein's method for cranio-cerebral topo-

graphy, 1360

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

veins, 1324

Labio-scrotal folds, 1328

Labium anterius orificii externi uteri, 1316

externum crista iliacæ, 228

internum crista iliacæ, 228
oris inferius, 1108
superius, 1108

posterius orificii externi uteri, 1316

Labrum glenoidale of hip joint, 340
Labyrinth of ethmoid, 140

membranous of ear, 846

acoustic nerve in, 852

blood-vessels of, 853
cochlea of, 846
development of, 853

ductus endolymphaticus of, 847
reuniens of, 847

utriculosaccular, 847
endolymph of, 762, 846

hair-cells of crista acustica of, 848
of maculæ of, 847

of spiral organ of Corti of, 847
mascula acustica utriculi, 846
otoconia of, 847
perilymph of, 846

recessus utriculi, 846

[blocks in formation]

Lacrimal sac (contd.), surgical anatomy of, 1377

sinus of Arlt, 825

sinus of Maier, 825

valve of Beraud, 825
inferior part, 824

superior part, 824

Lacteals, 1210

Lactiferous ducts, 1338
Lacunæ of bone, 84

lateral sagittal, 974
urethral, 1309
Lacus lacrimalis, 821
Lagena cochleæ, 849
Lambda, 171, 285

topography of, 1358
Lambdoid suture, 171

topography of, 1360

Lamellæ, fundamental, 84
interstitial, 84
Osseous, 84
Lamina or Lamina-
alar, 36, 505
basal, 36, 505

basal, of chorioid, 812
basilar, of chorioid, 811, 812
chorio-capillaris, 811
development of, 608
cribrosa of ethmoid, 139
scleræ, 808

of temporal bone, 131
dental, 1245
elastic, anterior, 810

posterior, 810

fibro-cartilaginous, interpubic, 337
fibrosa, 139

fusca, 808

lateralis processus pterygoidei, 137

medialis processus pterygoidei, 137

tubae auditivæ, 838

medullary, lateral and medial, of thalamus,
610, 611

of lentiform nucleus, 639
membranacea tubæ auditivæ, 838
papyracea of ethmoid, 140

perpendicular of ethmoid, 139, 140

quadrigemina, 584

reticularis, 851
septi pellucidi, 632
spiralis ossea, 845
secundaria, 845
suprachorioidea, 811
terminalis, 33, 616
of thyreoid cartilage, 1062
vasculosa of chorioid, 811
vertebral, 88, 90, 91, 93, 95
Landzert, fossa of, 1185
Langhan's layer, 59
Lanugo, 862

Large intestine, 1210
Laryngotomy, 1388
Larynx, 1061

action of intrinsic muscles of, 1076

aperture of, 1068

appendix of ventricle of, 1071

articulations of, 1065

ary-epiglottic folds of, 1068

arytenoid cartilages, 1064, 1074

apex of, 1064

base of, 1065

oblique muscles of, 1074

processus muscularis of, 1065

vocalis of, 1065

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Layers of blastoderm (contd.), germinal, 21
Left colic flexure, 1220

surgical anatomy of, 1422
Leg, development of, 39
fascia of, 422

intermuscular septa of, 422
lymph vessels of, 1013
muscles of, 424

surgical anatomy of, 1461

Lemniscus, 560

connexion of, with cochlear nuclei, 586
with geniculate body, 591

with quadrigeminal body, 590
with superior olive, 556

with thalamus, 562, 591

decussation of, 560

interolivary stratum of, 568

lateral, 570, 584, 585, 586, 590, 606

nucleus of, 606

medial, 560, 561, 568, 570, 586, 590, 613

in mid-brain, 568, 570, 585, 590
in pons, 590

Lens, crystalline, 819

axis of, 820

capsule of, 819

cortical substance of, 820
curvatures of, 820
development of, 826
at different ages, 820
epithelium of, 820
history of, 826
equator of, 820
fibres of, 820

history of, 826
laminæ of, 820
nucleus of, 820

poles of, 820

radii of, 820

refractive index of, 820

substance of, 820

suspensory ligament of, 819
vascular tunic of, 826
vesicle, 825

Lenticular process of incus, 840

Lenticulo-optic artery, 905
Lenticulo-striate artery, 905

Lentiform nucleus, globus pallidus of, 638,

medullary laminæ of, 639
putamen of, 639
surfaces of, 638

Leptoprosope skulls, 286
Leptorhine skulls, 287

Lesions of the spinal medulla, 1444
Lesser multangular bone, 220, 295
Levator ani muscle, 493

action of, 495

cushion, 1143

glandulæ thyreoideæ, 1347

palpebræ superioris muscle, 452

action of, 454
nerve-supply of, 454
prostatæ muscle, 494
scapulæ muscle, 368

action of, 368
nerve-supply of, 368
veli palatini muscle, 466
action of, 467
nerve-supply of, 467

Levatores costarum muscles, 470

action of, 474

nerve-supply of, 474

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

bifurcate, 356, see Ligaments calcaneo-

navicular, calcaneo-cuboid

of Bigelow, 340

of bladder, 1280, 1283, 1303

broad, of uterus, 1238

surgical anatomy of, 1434
calcaneo-cuboid, 357
calcaneo-fibular, 352

calcaneo-metatarsal, 423

calcaneo-navicular, plantar, 355
part of bifurcate, 356
function of, 355

surgical anatomy of, 1464

capituli costa interarticulare, 1242

radiatum, 314

fibulæ, 350

capitulorum ossium metacarpalium trans-

versa, 333

metatarsalium transversa, 360

carpal, 329

carpo-metacarpal, 332

dorsal, 332

interosseous, 332

volar, 332

collateral, of metacarpo-phalangeal joints, 333

of patella, 404

colli costæ, 315

columnæ vertebralis et cranii, 305

conjugal, of ribs, 314

conoid, 319

function of, 319

tubercle, 198

oraco-acromial, 320

coraco-humeral, 322

relation of, to pectoralis minor muscle, 322

corniculo-pharyngeal, 1066

coronary, 1195, 1196

of knee, 348

costo-clavicular, 318, 319

relations of, to movements of clavicle, 319
costo-colic, 1220

costo-coracoid, 369

of costo-sternal joints, 316

of costo-transverse joints, 314
costo-vertebral, 313

costo-xiphoid, 316
cotyloid, 340

of cranium, 313

crico-arytenoid, posterior, 1066
crico-thyreoid, 1067

cruciate of atlas, 311

genu, 346

relation of, to movements at knee, 348
cruciatum anterius (of knee), 346

posterius, 347

cruris, 423

cruciform, of atlas, 311
cuboideo-navicular, 357
cuneo-cuboid, 358
cuneo-metatarsal, 359
cuneo-navicular, 357, 358
of apex of, 311
of dens, 92, 311
deltoid, 352
denticulate, 518
of elbow-joint, 323
epiglottic, 1067
falciform, 1196, 1235

development of, 1252

topography of, 1415

fibular collateral, 345

flava, 308

gastro-colic, 1162, 1170, 1242

gastro-lienal, 1162, 1170, 1236, 1240

gastro-phrenic, 1170, 1236

gleno-humeral, 322

glenoid, 322

glosso-epiglottic, 1067

of head of fibula, anterior, 350
posterior, 350

of heads of ribs, 313

hepato-duodenal, 1162, 1183, 1197
hepato-gastric, 1162, 1170, 1197
hepato-renal, 1197

of hip-joint, 339

hyo-epiglottic, 1068

hyo-thyreoid, lateral, 1066
middle, 1066
ilio-femoral, 340
ilio-lumbar, 337

ilio-trochanteric, 340

of incus, 840

inferior transverse scapular, 320
infundibulo-pelvic, 1435
inguinal, 477

reflex (Collesi), 478
interarticular, 302

development of, 304

of costo-transverse joints, 314
of head of rib, 314

of hip-joint, 339

of sacro-coccygeal joint, 308

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