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Ligament or Ligaments (contd.)—
plantar, 355, 357
long, 357

popliteal, 342}

posterior costo-transverse, 315
costo-sternal, 316

covering atlanto-epistropheal, 310
of elbow-joint, 324
radio-ulnar, 327
sterno-clavicular, 318
pterygo-spinous, 313
pubic, anterior, 337
arcuate, 338
posterior, 337
superior, 337
pubo-capsular, 340
pubo-vesical, lateral, 493
middle, 493
pulmonale, 1086

of pylorus, 1174

radial collateral carpal, 331
radiate carpal, 330
of head of rib, 314
sterno-costal, 316
radio-carpal, 328
radio-ulnar, 326
round, of liver, 1197
development of, 1255

of uterus, 1319

surgical anatomy of, 1434
sacro-coccygeal, 308
sacro-iliac, anterior, 336
interosseous, 336
long posterior, 336
posterior, 336

short posterior, 336

sacro-spinous, 337
sacro-tuberous, 337

processus falciformis of, 337
of scapula, 320

of shoulder-joint, 321
spheno-mandibular, 312
development of, 158
spirale cochleæ, 849

of stapes, 841

of sterno-clavicular joint, 318

relation of, to movements of clavicle, 319
sterno-costal, 315

sterno-pericardial, 881

stylo-hyoid, 313

development of, 159

stylo-mandibular, 313, 1134

relation of, to parotid fascia, 1134

superficial transverse metacarpal, 384
metatarsal, 423

superior transverse scapular, 320
supraspinous, 308

suspensory, of clitoris, 1326

of fascia bulbi, 807

of lens, 819

of ovary, 1311
of penis, 1299
talo-calcaneal, 354-5

anterior, 354

interosseous, 355

lateral, 354

medial, 355

posterior, 355

talo-fibular, anterior, 352

posterior, 352

talo-navicular, 356

dorsal, 356

[blocks in formation]

triangular, 1196

left, 1196

of tubercle of rib, 315

of tympanic membrane, 834
ulnar collateral carpal, 331
utero-sacral, 1318

of uterus, 1318

bursa ovarica of, 1318
vaginal, 384

venæ cavæ sinistræ, 882
venous, of Arantius, 1196
ventricular, of larynx, 1067
of vertebral column, 305
vocal, 1067

volar accessory, 333
Ligamentum carpi dorsale, 383

transversum, 382
denticulatum, 675

gastro-colicum, 1162
gastro-lienale, 1162
hepato-colicum, 1162
hepato-duodenale, 1162
hepato-gastricum, 1162
ovarii proprium, 1312

patella, 408

pectinatum iridis, 810

suspensorium ovarii, 1312

teres hepatis, 1191

umbilicale medium, 1235, 1274

Limb-girdles, 295

Limb-plexuses, significance of, 753

Limbs, arteries of, morphology of, 1047

development of, 39, 1031

dorsal axial line of, 751

morphology of, 297

of muscles of, 495

of nerve-plexuses of, 741

nature of, 741

lower borders of primitive, 742

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[blocks in formation]


sphenoidalis, 134

Lip, rhombic, 554

Lips, 1108

commissures of, 1108
development of, 1244
frenulum of, 1108
glands of, 1109

surgical anatomy of, 1379
lymph vessels of, 1005
mucous membrane of, 1109
nerves of, 1109
philtrum of, 1108
structure of, 1109

sulcus mento-labialis of, 1108
naso-labial of, 1108
surgical anatomy of, 1379
tubercle of, 1109, 1379
vessels of the, 1109

Liquor folliculi, 1313

Lisfranc, ligament of, 1464

Lisfranc's amputation, 1464
joint, 1465

Lister's incision for excision of wrist, 1451

Liver, 1187

areolar coat of, 1198

arteries of, 1120

bile-ducts of, 1201

interlobular, 1201

capsule of Glisson of, 1190

cardiac depression of, 1190

caudate lobe of, 1192

cells of, 1199

in child, 1195

colic impression of, 1194
congenital irregularities in, 1195
coronary ligament of, 1195, 1196
development of, 47, 1254
duodenal impression of, 1194
excretory ducts of, 1201

development of, 1255
falciform ligament of, 1196
development of, 1252, 1255
topography of, 1415

fibrous coat of, 1198
fissures of, 1191

fixation of, 1195

form of, 1187

variations in, 1194

fossa ductus venosi, 1191

of gall-bladder, 1191, 1192

for ligamentum teres hepatis, 1191
sagittalis sinistra of, 1189
of umbilical vein, 1191
of venæ cavæ, 1191, 1192

Liver (contd.), fossa vesicæ felleæ, 1191
gall-bladder, 1201

gastric, impression of, 1193
hepatic duct of, 1201

impressio colica, 1194
duodenalis, 1194

gastrica, 1193

oesophagea, 1189, 1192
renalis, 1194
suprarenalis, 1192
incisura umbilicalis, 1189
vesicæ felleæ, 1189
inferior margin of, 1189
surface of, 1193
interlobular ducts of, 1200
left sagittal fissure of, 1191
ligaments of, 1196
lobes of, 1191

left, 1191
right, 1191

topography of, 1415
lobules of, 1198

lobus caudatus, 1191, 1192
quadratus, 1191, 1192, 1193
lymph vessels of, 1201
margin, inferior, 1189
posterior, 1189
nerves of, 1201

notch of gall-bladder of, 1191, 1192
œsophageal groove of, 1192
omental tuberosity of, 1193
parietal surface of, 1188
peritoneal relations of, 1195
physical characters of, 1187
pons hepatis of, 1191
porta hepatis, 1190, 1196
portal canals of, 1200
position of, 1194

variations in, 1194
posterior surface of, 1192
processus caudatus, 1191, 1192
quadrate lobe of, 1193, 1194
relation to peritoneum, 1195
renal impression of, 1194
Riedel's lobe of, 1195
round ligament of, 1196
development of, 1191
serous coat of, 1196
shape of, 1188

size of, 1188

variations in, 1194

and weight of, 1188
structure of, 1198

suprarenal impression of, 1192
surface markings, 1194, 1415

surgical anatomy from the back, 1439
tuberculum papillare of, 1192
tuber omentale of, 1193
umbilical fissure of, 1191
notch of, 1191

uncovered area of, 1192, 1196

variations in form and position, 1194
veins of, 980, 990

central, 1198, 1200

interlobular, 1199, 1200

sublobular, 1198, 1200

vessels of, 1199

visceral surface of, 1193

weight of, 1188

Lobe or Lobus, anterior of hypophysis, 616

azygos of lung, 1096

caudate, of liver, 1192

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Lung (contd.), oblique fissure, surface markings | Lymph glands (contd.), external iliac, 1017
of, 1398


root of, 1096

sinus of, 1093

constituent parts of, 1096

level of, 1403

relations of, 1096
topography of, 1403
structure of, 1098

sulcus subclavius of, 1093
superior lobe of, 1095.

surgical anatomy of, 1398
units, 1098

variations in, 1096

Lungs and pleuræ, surgical anatomy of, 1398

Lunula unguis, 859

Lunulæ valvularum semilunarium, 877

Lymph, 993

capillaries, 994

channels, perivascular, 994

cords, 995

corpuscles, 993

development of lymph vascular system, 1043

duct, right, 993, 998

abnormalities of, 1059

follicles, 906

glands, 993

of abdomen, 1015, 1019

abdominal wall, 1015

aggregated, 1181
ano-rectal, 1015

anterior auricular, 998

surgical anatomy of, 1376

appendicular, 1020

auricular, 1020
posterior, 998

axillary, 1008

anterior, 1008
posterior, 1008

surgical anatomy of, 1446

biliary, 1020
blood-vessels of, 995
brachial, 1007

bronchial, 1012

broncho-pulmonary, 1012
buccinator, 999
of cæcum, 1020
cervical, anterior, 1000
deep, inferior, 1001, 1003
superior, 1002
inferior lateral, 1392
medial, 1392
superficial, 1000

superior anterior, 1392
lateral, 1392

surgical anatomy of, 1392

circumflex iliac, 1015
cœliac, 1019

colic, 1021

of colon, 1021

epicolic, 1021

paracolic, 1021

suprapancreatic, middle, 1021

common iliac, 1017
cubital, 1006

deep, 1006

superficial, 1006

delto-pectoral, 1009

diaphragmatic, 1011, 1013, 1014
of digastric triangle, 1000
epigastric, inferior, 1015
superior, 1015

[blocks in formation]

right, 1020

gluteal, 1017
hæmal, 995

of head, 998
hepatic, 1020

hypogastric, 1017
ileo-cæcal, 1020

ileo-colic, anterior, 1028

posterior, 1020

iliac, common, 1017

external, 1017

of the inferior extremity, 1013
infra-clavicular, 1009

infra-orbital, 998
infra-umbilical, 1015

inguinal, 1013

surgical anatomy of, 1459
intercostal, 1010, 1013
inter-iliac, 1017

interpectoral, 1009

intertracheo-bronchial, 1012
lateral aortic, 1012
axillary, 1008
lingual, 999, 1130
of lower limb, 1013
lumbar, 1021

of the mamma, 1008, 1009
mediastinal, anterior, 1011
posterior, 1012
mesenteric, 1020
mesocolic, 1021
of the neck, 1000

nodules of spleen, 1353
obturator, 1017
occipital, 998

para-aortic, 1021
para-cardial, 1019

left, 1019

posterior, 1019

right, 1019

[blocks in formation]
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