Meynert, decussation of, 591 aquæductus cerebri of, 581, 584 fasciculus retroflexus of, 591 development of, 592 ganglion interpedunculare of, 591 lemniscus fibres of, 590 INDEX. medial longitudinal bundle of, 568, 570, 588 relation of, to Meckel's diverticulum, 1210, 1250 structures derived from, 47 Mid-sternal line, 1357 Middle-ear, 832 Migrations of nerve-cells, 554 Milk-teeth, 1121 eruption of, 1113 surgical anatomy of, 1381 heterotype, 11 homotype, 9 Mitral area, 1405 cells, 623 orifice, 876, 878 valve, 878 cusps of, 878 level of, 1442 topography of, 1405 Moderator band, 877 Morgagni, columns of (contd.), surgical anatomy of, 1431 Morphology, 2 of aorta, 1047 of aortic arches, 1047 of appendicular skeleton, 294 of cerebral nerves, 795 of posterior rami of spinal nerves, 691 of pudendal plexus, 748 of scapula, 203 of segmental arteries, 1044 of sympathetic system, 795 of teeth, 1248 of vascular system, 1043 Motor area of the brain, 663 for lower extremity, 1361 Mouth, 1106 angle of the, 1108 aperture of, 1106 buccal glands of, 1109 proper, 1107 corpus adiposum of, 1109 development of, 1242 floor of, 1107 labial glands of, 1109 molar glands of, 1109 mucous membrane of, 1111 plica sublingualis of, 1108 roof of, 1107, 1110 sublingual caruncle of, 1108 vestibule of, 1106 Movable joints, 300 kidney, 1425 Movements at ankle-joint, 353, 436 at atlanto-occipital joints, 311 of auditory ossicles, 842 at carpo-metacarpal joint of thumb, 332 at clavicular joints, 319 at elbow-joint, 325 of fingers, 401 of head, 446, 464 of the hip-joint, 342, 421 of hyoid bone, 464 at the joints of the foot, 361 of the joints of the hand, 334 in leaping, 437 in locomotion, 436 of lower limb, 436 of pelvis, 446 Muscle or Muscles (contd.)— arrectores pilorum, 861 nerve-supply of, 1077 nerve-supply of, 449 axial, 365, 437 superficial, 365 biceps brachii, 380 femoris, 418 action of, 420 biventer cervicis, 442 brachialis, 381 action of, 381 nerve-supply of, 381 nerve-supply of, 452 of buttock, 414 actions of, 415 caninus, 451 action of, 452 nerve-supply of, 452 action of, 442 nerve-supply of, 442 cleido-mastoid, 458 cleido-occipitalis, 458 coccygeus, 495 actions, 495 nerve-supply, 495 compressor bulbi, 487 hemispheriorum bulbi, 487 naris, 450 urethræ membranaceæ, 488 development of, 496 Muscle or Muscles (contd.)— constrictor, medius (contd.), action of, 467 nerve-supply of, 465 superior, 464 action of, 464 development of, 496 nerve-supply of, 465 surgical anatomy of, 1446, 1447 action of, 487 crico-arytenoidei, 1072, 1074 action of, 1072, 1074 dartos, 485 action of, 374 action of, 458 with double nerve-supply, 750 of ear, extrinsic, 449 intrinsic, 829 epicranius, 448 action of, 449 nerve-supply of, 449 epitrochleo-anconeus, 398 erector clitoridis, 488 penis, 488 extensor carpi radialis brevis, 396 action of, 396 nerve-supply of, 396 longus, 396 action of, 396 nerve-supply of, 396 ulnaris, 398 action of, 398 digiti quinti proprius, 398 nerve-supply of, 426 digitorum communis, 397 INDEX. Muscle or Muscles (contd.)— nerve-supply of, 425 additional slips of, 426 pollicis longus, 400 of eye, action of, 454 of eyeball, morphology of, 452 of face, 450 development of, 496 action of, 387 nerve-supply of, 387 caudæ, 494 digiti quinti brevis of hand, 394, 435 of foot, action of, 394, 435 action of, 433 nerve-supply of, 433 action of, 397 nerve-supply, 397 longus, 430 action of, 430 nerve-supply of, 430 profundus, 388 action of, 389 nerve-supply of, 389 action of, 431 action of, 390 gastrocnemius, 428 action of, 429 nerve-supply of, 429 topography of, 1462, 1463 gemellus inferior, 418 action of, 418 superior, 418 action of, 418 nerve-supply of, 418 genio-glossus, 462 surgical anatomy of, 1383 genio-hyoid, 461 action of, 416 minimus, 416 action of, 417 | gracilis, 411 action of, 411 of head, 448 of heart, 878 action of, 463 iliacus, 410 action of, 411 ilio-capsularis, 410 ilio-coccygeus, 494 ilio-costalis, 439 cervicis, 440 dorsi, 439 lumborum, 439 Muscle or Muscles (contd.)— ilio-psoas (contd.), action of, 411 infracostal, 470 infrahyoid, 459 nerve-supply of, 460 action of, 375 -intercostal, external, 470 nerve-supply of, 474 action of, 474 nerve-supply of, 474 nerve-supply of, 435 action of, 395 nerve-supply of, 395 interspinal, 445 intrinsic, of tongue, 463 ischio-cavernosus, 488 female, 488 actions of, 488 nerve-supply of, 488 on lateral side of leg, 426 action of, 368 nerve-supply, 494 action of, 453 action of, 474 nerve-supply of, 474 of limbs, development of, 41 of little finger, 393 longus capitis, 468 colli, 468 action of, 468 INDEX. Muscle or Muscles (contd.)— longus colli (contd.), nerve-supply, 468 lumbricales, 389, 430 of foot, 430 action of, 430 nerve-supply of, 430 of hand, 389 action of, 389 nerve-supply of, 389 masseter, 454 action of, 458 nerve-supply of, 457 of mastication, 454, 457 action of, 457 mentalis, 451 action of, 452 nerve-supply of, 452 morphology of, 495 of Müller, 454 multifidus (spinæ), 442 mylo-hyoid, 461 action of, 463 mylo-pharyngeus, 464 of nose, 450 actions of, 452 nerve-supply of, 452 obliquus abdominis externus, 476 action of, 484 nerve-supply of, 484 internus, 487 action of, 484 nerve-supply of, 484 auriculæ, 830 capitis inferior, 444 action of, 444 nerve-supply of, 444 superior, 444 action of, 444 nerve-supply of, 444 action of, 414 nerve-supply of, 414 internus, 418 action of, 418 nerve-supply of, 418 occipitalis, 448 omohyoid, 459 action of, 460 nerve-supply of, 460 surgical anatomy of, 1391, 1394 opponens digiti quinti, 393 action of, 394 nerve-supply of, 394 opponens pollicis, 392 ciliary bundle of, 450 Muscle or Muscles (contd.)— orbicularis oris (contd.), action of, 452 superior incisive bundle of, 451 of orbit, 452 action of, 454 development of, 496 nerve-supply of, 454 orbitalis, 454 origin of, 364 palmaris brevis, 382 action of, 386 papillares (of heart), 877, 878 structure of, 879 pectinati, 874 action of, 411 nerve-supply of, 411 of pectoral region, 369 action of, 371 nerve-supply of, 371 of pelvis, 493 of perineum, 486 externus, 427 peronæus accessorius, 427 action of, 427 additional slips of, 427 of tendon of, 1464, 1465 digiti quinti, 427 action of, 427 of tendon of, 1464, 1465 tertius, 425 action of, 426 nerve-supply of, 426 topography of, 1465 peroneal, 427 pharyngo-palatinus, 465 action of, 418 nerve-supply of, 417 plantaris, 429 action of, 429 platysma, 448 |