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Muscle or Muscles (contd.)—
popliteus, 429
action of, 429
nerve-supply of, 429
minor, 429

on posterior aspect of leg, 428
procerus, 450

action of, 452

pronator quadratus, 390

action of, 391

nerve-supply of, 391

pronator teres, 385

action of, 385

nerve-supply of, 385

psoas major, 410

action of, 411
nerve-supply of, 410
surgical anatomy of, 1459

psoas minor, 410

action of, 411
nerve-supply of, 410

pterygoideus externus, 455
action of, 457

nerve-supply of, 457

internus, 457

action of, 457

nerve-supply of, 457
pterygo-pharyngeus, 464
pubo-cavernosus, 488

pubo-coccygeus, 494

pubo-rectalis, 494

pubo-vesicalis, 1283

pyramidalis abdominis, 481
quadratus femoris, 418
action of, 418
nerve-supply of, 418
quadratus labii inferioris, 451
action of, 452
nerve-supply of, 452
quadratus labii superioris, 451
caput angulare, 451
infra-orbitale, 451
zygomaticum, 451

quadratus lumborum, 485
actions of, 485
nerve-supply, 485

surgical anatomy of, 1437

quadratus plantæ, 431
action of, 431
nerve-supply of, 431
quadriceps femoris, 406
action of, 409
nerve-supply of, 409

recti (of eye), 453
recto-coccygeus, 1229
recto-urethralis, 1229
recto-uterinus, 1238, 1318
recto-vesicalis, 1283
rectus abdominis, 481
capitis anterior, 468
action, 468
nerve-supply, 468
lateralis, 445, 470

action of, 445, 470
nerve-supply of, 445, 470

posterior major, 444
actions, 444
nerve-supply, 444
posterior minor, 444
actions, 445

nerve-supply, 445

rectus femoris, 407

Muscle or Muscles (contd.)-

rectus femoris (contd.), action of, 409
nerve-supply of, 409

rectus inferior of eyeball, 453
action of, 454

nerve-supply of, 454

rectus lateralis of eyeball, 453
action of, 454

nerve-supply of, 454

rectus medialis of eyeball, 453
action of, 454

nerve-supply of, 454

rectus superior of eyeball, 453
action of, 454

nerve-supply of, 454

of respiration, 470, 474
action of, 474
nerve-supply of, 474
rhomboid, action, 369

nerve-supply, 369

rhomboideus major, 368
action of, 369

nerve-supply of, 369
rhomboideus minor, 368
action of, 369
nerve-supply of, 369

of Riolan, 823
risorius, 451

action of, 452
nerve-supply of, 452
rotatores (dorsi), 445
action of, 445

nerve-supply of, 445
sacro-spinalis, 439

salpingo-pharyngeus, 465

nerve-supply of, 465

relation of, to salpingo-pharyngeal fold, 83
sartorius, 406

action of, 406
nerve-supply of, 406
topography of, 1459
scalenus anterior, 467
action of, 468
nerve-supply of, 468
medius, 467

action of, 468
nerve-supply of, 468
posterior, 467

action of, 468

nerve-supply of, 468

of scalp, 448

action of, 449

nerve-supply of, 449
semimembranosus, 420

action of, 421

nerve-supply of, 421
topography of, 1458
semispinalis capitis, 442

actions of, 442
nerve-supply of, 442
cervicis, 442

action of, 444

nerve-supply of, 444

dorsi, 442

semitendinosus, 419

action of, 420

nerve-supply of, 420

topography of, 1450

septi, 450

serratus anterior, 372

action of, 372
insertion, 372


[blocks in formation]

splenius capitis, 439

action of, 439

nerve-supply, 430

splenius cervicis, 439
action of, 439
nerve-supply of, 439

stapedius, 841
sternalis, 370

nerve-supply, 370
sterno-clavicularis, 372
sterno-cleido-mastoideus, 372, 458
action of, 458
nerve-supply of, 458
sterno-hyoideus, 459
action of, 460
nerve-supply of, 460
sterno-mastoid, action of, 458
nerve-supply of, 458
surgical anatomy of, 1390
sterno-thyreoideus, 459
action of, 460
nerve-supply of, 460
stylo-auricularis, 830
stylo-glossus, 463

action of, 463
nerve-supply of, 463
stylo-hyoideus, 461
action of, 462
development of, 496
nerve-supply of, 461
stylo-pharyngeus, 465
action of, 467
development of, 496
nerve-supply of, 465`

subanconæus, 382

Muscle or Muscles (contd.)—
subclavius, 371

action of, 371
insertion, 371

nerve-supply of, 371

subcostal, 470

action of, 474

nerve-supply of, 474

subscapularis, 377

actions, 377

nerve-supply of, 377

minor, 377

supinator, 398

action of, 399

nerve-supply of, 399

supra-hyoid, 460

action of, 462

nerve-supply of, 457, 461

supraspinatus, 375

action of, 375

nerve-supply of, 375

suspensory, of the duodenum, 1187

temporalis, 455

action of, 458

nerve-supply of, 457
tensor fascia latæ, 415
action of, 416
nerve-supply of, 416
topography, of, 1459
suralis, 419

tarsi, 450

action of, 452

nerve-supply of, 452

tympani, 841

surgical anatomy of, 1368
veli palatini, 466

relation of, to auditory tube, 838
surgical anatomy of, 1385

teres major, 376

action of, 377

nerve-supply of, 377
relations of, 377

minor, 375

action of, 376

nerve-supply of, 376

thigh, on anterior aspect of, 405
of medial side of, 411

actions of, 411, 414
nerve-supplies of, 411, 414
on posterior aspect of, 418
thoracis, 470

actions of, 474
nerve-supplies of, 474
of thumb, 392, 393
actions of, 392, 393
nerve-supplies of, 392, 393
thyreo-arytenoideus, 1073
action of, 1076
nerve-supply of, 1077
thyreo-epiglotticus, 1075
thyreo-hyoideus, 460
action of, 460
nerve-supply of, 460
thyreo-pharyngeus, 465
tibialis anterior, 424
action of, 424
nerve-supply of, 424
topography of tendon, 1465
tibialis posterior, 431
action of, 431
nerve-supply of, 431
topography, 1465 -

[blocks in formation]

development of, 496

morphology of, 496
nerve-supply of, 463

surgical anatomy of, 1382

trachealis, 1081
tragicus, 829

transverse, of tongue, 463
transversus abdominis, 480
auriculæ, 830

perinei profundus, 488
superficialis, 487

actions of, 487

nerve-supply, 487

thoracis, 470

action of, 474

nerve-supply of, 474

vaginæ, 489

trapezius, 365

action of, 366

nerve-supply of, 366
topography of, 1437
triangularis oris, 451
triceps brachii, 381
actions of, 382
insertion, 381
nerve-supply of, 382
origin, 381

topography of, 1437

suræ, 428

of tympanic cavity, 841
of upper limb, 365
uvulæ, 466

nerve-supply of, 467

vastus intermedius, 408
action of, 409
nerve-supply of, 409

vastus lateralis, 407
action of, 409

nerve-supply of, 409
topography of, 1459
vastus medialis, 408
action of, 409
nerve-supply of, 409
topography of, 1459

verticalis linguæ, 463

vocalis, 1076

zygomaticus, 451

action of, 452

nerve-supply of, 452

Muscle-cells, 363

Muscle-plate, 30

Muscular process of arytenoid cartilage, 1065,

[blocks in formation]

Mylohyoid muscle (contd.), action of, 463

nerve-supply of, 461
nerve, 780
ridge, 156
Myocardium, 878
Myocœle, 29
Myology, 363
Myotomes, 495
cephalic, 496
cervical, 796
number of, 496
Myrtiform fossa, 146

Naboth, ovules of, 1320
Nail, 858
bed of, 859

development of, 41, 862
eponychium, 859
in fœtus, 78
lunula of, 859

matrix of, 859

papillæ of, 859
vallum of, 859
wall, 859

Nasal aperture, anterior, 163

arteries, 899, 900
bone, 145

ossification of, 145

relation of, to nasal aperture, 164

to nasal fossæ, 184

cartilages, 800
greater alar, 800
lateral, 800

lesser alar, 800
of septum, 800

processus sphenoidalis of, 801
vomero-nasal, 801

cavity, 801

agger nasi of, 803
atrium of, 803
basal cells of, 805
blood-vessels of, 805, 806
Bowman's glands of, 804
bulla ethmoidalis of, 803
cavernous tissue of, 806
development of, 50
epithelium of, 804, 805
fronto-nasal duct of, 804
hiatus semilunaris of, 803
inferior meatus of, 804
surgical anatomy of, 1378
infundibulum of, 803
lateral wall of, 802
limen of, 802

lymph vessels of, 806, 1004
middle meatus of, 803

surgical anatomy of, 1378
nerve-supply of, 805
olfactory cells of, 804

cleft of, 803

part of, 802, 803

mucous membrane of, 805
of Jacobson of, 802


orifices in, 801, 802, 803
ostium maxillare, 804

recessus naso-palatinus of, 802

spheno-ethmoidalis of, 802
respiratory part of, 802, 803
mucous membrane of, 804
sensory nerves of, 805
superior meatus of, 803
supporting cells of, 804

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[blocks in formation]

of hand, 218

surface anatomy of, 1451
variations in, 286
Naviculo-cuboid joints, 357
Naviculo-cuneiform joints, 357
Neck, abscesses of, 1385
anterior triangle of, 1390
arteries of, 888
carotid triangle of, 1391
deep cervical glands, 1392
lateral muscles of, 467
development of, 42, 47
digastric triangle of, 1391

surgical anatomy of, 1391
fascia of, 1386, 1389
fascial compartments of, 1385
infrahyoid region of, 1387, 1388
lymph vessels of, 1003
median line of, 1387
muscles of, 458

muscular triangle of, 1383
nuchal furrow of, 1395
posterior triangle of, 1390
sub-occipital triangle of, 1395
suprahyoid region of, 1387
surgical anatomy of, 1385
triangles of, 1390
Nelaton, line of, 1455
Neopallium, 624, 628, 645

Nerve or Nerves; Nervus or Nervi
abducens, 781

course and communications, 781


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

of blood-vessels, 870

of bones, 87

to brachial artery, 765

buccal branch of facial, 784

buccinator branch of trigeminal, 779

to bulb of urethra, 740
calcanean, medial, 734

canalis pterygoidei (Vidii), 777
cardiac, of vagus, 789

of recurrent left, 789
right, 789

inferior, of sympathetic, 759
of vagus, 789
middle, 759

of sympathetic, 757, 759
of vagus, 789
carotici externi, 757
carotico-tympanic, 759, 786

caroticus internus, 757
to carpal joints, 329

caudal, 691, 738

cells, 497, 506, 507

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

medialis, 710

posterior, 711

colli, 696

dorsalis intermedius, 731

lateralis, 730
medialis, 731
femoris lateralis, 722
posterior, 737
suræ lateralis, 730
deep peroneal, 730
descendens hypoglossi, 698, 794
co diaphragm, 699, 717
to digastric muscle, 780

digital, of foot, from deep peroneal, 731
from plantar, 734, 735

from superficial peroneal, 731
from sural nerve, 730
of hand, from median, 706
from superficial ramus of radial, 712
from ulnar, 709

to dilatator pupillæ muscle, 773
dorsal cutaneous nerves of the foot, 731
lateral, 731
medial, 731

dorsalis clitoridis, 740

penis, 740
scapula, 702
efferent, 504

of elbow-joint, 705, 709, 711
to epicranius muscle, 783
ethmoidal, anterior, 773
posterior, 773

of external acoustic meatus, 832

of eyelid, 824

facial, 781

in acoustic meatus, 782

afferent root of, 796

ascending part of, 599

auricular (posterior), branches of, 783
branches of, 782

central connexions of, 600

cervico-facial division of, 784

communications of, 781

course of, 781
deep origin of, 599
development of, 796

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