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[blocks in formation]

intermediate cutaneous nerve of thigh,

medial cutaneous nerve of thigh, 725

saphenous nerve, 726

branches of, 726

muscular branches of, 724

to femoral artery, 723

to femur, 724

to fibula, 734

frontal, 772

furcalis, 727,


variations of, 753

to gemelli muscles, 728

genital, of genito-femoral, 722

genito-femoral, 722

external spermatic branch of, 722

lumbo-inguinal branch of, 722

glossopharyngeal, 785

afferent fibres of, 785

root of, 597, 598
branches of, 785, 786
communications of, 786
course of, 785

deep origin of, 596, 598
development of, 796
efferent fibres of, 517
root of, 596, 598

in jugular foramen, 786

morphology of, 796

in neck, 786

nucleus of, 596, 598

relation of, to fourth ventricle, 596

petrous ganglion of, 786

roots of, 785

superficial origin of, 596

superior ganglion of, 785
tympanic nerve of, 786
gluteal, inferior, 729

of posterior cutaneous of thigh, 737
superior, 729

hæmorrhoidal, inferior, 738
to hamstring muscles, 728
of heart, 880

of hip-joint, 723, 724, 728, 729

Nerve or Nerves (contd.)-

of hip-joint (contd.), from femoral, 724
from nerves of sacral plexus, 729
from obturator, 723

to humerus, 705

hypogastric, 766

of aortic plexus, 765, 766
hypoglossal, 793

ansa hypoglossi of, 794
branches of, 794
communications of, 793
course of, 793

deep origin of, 594
descending branch of, 794
development of, 798
nucleus of, 594

recurrent branch of, 794

relation of, to fourth ventricle, 594

superficial origin of, 594

surgical anatomy of, 1392
ilio-hypogastric, 720

ilio-inguinal, 720
incisor, 780

infra-clavicular, 703

to infra-hyoid muscles, 794
infra-orbital, of facial, 777
of trigeminal, 776
infra-trochlear, 773
intercostal, 713

intercosto-brachial, 716
intermedius, 781, 782
development of, 683
origin of, 598

relation of, to chorda tympani, 782
to geniculate ganglion, 782
to vestibule, 1326

to interossei muscles of foot, 734, 735

of hand, 709

interosseous, of common peroneal, 731
interosseous, dorsal, 713

surgical anatomy of, 1453
interosseous, volar, 705
ischiadicus, 728

of knee-joint, from common peroneal, 729

from femoral, 724

from obturator, 724
from sciatic, 729

from tibial, 732

labial, 1324

anterior, 721
posterior, 739
lacrimal, 772

canals, 825

of large intestine, 1213, 1233
laryngeal, external, 788, 789
inferior, 789

morphology of, 797

internal, 788

in tongue, 1131
recurrent, 789

surgical anatomy of, 1389
superior, 788

morphology of, 797
surgical anatomy of, 1388
lateral cutaneous, of thigh, 722

of thorax, 716

to latissimus dorsi muscle, 713

to levator ani muscle, from perineal nerve,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

lumbo-inguinal branch of genito-femoral,


[blocks in formation]

to muscles of abdominal wall, 485

of arm, 381

of back, 439

of buttock, 418

of face, 452

of foot, 425

of forearm, 400

of hand, 400

of hyoid bone, 460

of iris, 814

of leg, 435

of lower limb, 718

of mastication, 457

of orbit, 454

of pectoral region, 369

of pelvis, 494
of perineum, 489

of pinna, 830
prevertebral muscles, 470

of shoulder, 375, 376, 377
of soft palate, 786, 788

of thigh, 418

of thorax, 474

of tongue, 463

between trunk and upper limb,


of upper limb, 700

[blocks in formation]

to obturator externus muscle, 723
internus muscle, 728
occipital, greater, 689

branch of posterior auricular, 783

occipital, small, 695
morphology of, 700

occipital third, 690

oculo-motor, 769

branches of, 770
communications of, 770
course of, 770
deep origin of, 603
development of, 796
morphology of, 796
superficial origin of, 769
œsophageal, from sympathetic, 760
from vagus, 789
olfactory, 767, 768, 805
development of, 622
morphology of, 797
origin of, 624, 628
termination of, 768
ophthalmic, 772
branches of, 772
frontal, 772
lacrimal, 772
supra-orbital, 772
supra-trochlear, 773

course of, 772

development of, 796

optic, 768

development of, 825

morphology of, 797
origin of, 658

retinal portion of, 815

orbital, of spheno-palatine ganglion, 778
palatine, 778

anterior, 778
middle, 778
posterior, 778
palpebral, 824

to parotid gland, 1137

patellar, 726

perforans coccygeus major, 738

perforating cutaneous, 737
pericardiac, 791

perineal, 737

of fourth sacral, 738

of posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh, 737
superficial, 739

to perineal muscles, 739

peripheral, development of, 679
peroneal anastomotic ramus, 730
peroneal, deep, 730

superficial, 731

to peroneus brevis, 731
longus, 731

petrosal, deep, 758, 777

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Nerve or Nerves (contd.)——

petrosal (contd.), superficial, external, 782
greater, 782

lesser, 759, 782, 786
pharyngeal, 778, 1150

of glossopharyngeal nerve, 786

of spheno-palatine ganglion, 778
of sympathetic, 756


vagus, 788
phrenic, 699

branches of, 699

communications of, 699, 702
surgical anatomy of, 1393
of pinna, 830

to piriformis muscle, 729
plantar, lateral, 734

surgical anatomy of, 1465
medial, 734

surgical anatomy of, 1465

posterior descending supra-clavicular, 696
morphology of, 700

to prevertebral muscles, 695
to psoas major muscle, 720
of pterygoid canal, 777
pterygoid, external, 779
internus, 778
pudendal, 738
pulmonary, 1096

from sympathetic, 761
from vagus, 789

to pyramidalis abdominis muscle, 717
to quadratus femoris muscle, 728
lumborum muscle, 720

radial, 710

collateral branches of, 711

cutaneus brachii posterior, 711


dorsal cutaneous nerve of forearm, 711

ulnar collateral nerve, 711

course of, 711

deep ramus of, 712

dorsal interosseous, 713

superficial rami of, 712

surgical anatomy of, 1454

topography of, at elbow, 1450

in arm, 710, 711

variations of, 752

to radio-carpal joint, 705

to radius, 705

ramus anastomoticus peronæus, 730

of rectum, 1233

recurrens (vagi), 788

recurrent tibial, 730

to rhomboids, 702

sacral, 691, 727, 735

anterior rami of, 727, 735

visceral branches of, 736

posterior rami of, 691

sacro-coccygeal, anterior, 738

posterior, 691

saphenous, 726

surgical anatomy of, in foot, 1465
in leg, 1463

in thigh, 1461

to scaleni muscles, 695, 697

to scalp muscles, 783

scapular, dorsal, 702

sciatic, 728

course of, 728

division of nerve to hamstrings, 728

nerve to short head of biceps, 728
surgical anatomy of, 1456


scrotal anterior, 721

Nerve or Nerves (contd.)—
scrotal (contd.) posterior, 739
segmental, of head, 796
to semicircular ducts, 785
sensory ganglion of, 510
to short head of biceps, 729
muscles of little finger, 709
of thumb, 706

to shoulder-joint, from axillary, 710
from supra-scapular, 703
of skin, 858

of small intestine, 1187
spermatic, external, 722
spheno-palatine, 775

to sphincter ani muscle, 738, 739
pupillæ muscle, 814

spinal, 685

anterior rami of, 685
classification of, 678
development of, 679

distribution of, general, 680, 687
to limb-muscles, 687
to skin of limbs, 687
formation of, 680
ganglia of, 685

gray rami of, 680, 681
of brachial plexus, 700
of cervical plexus, 694

of lumbo-sacral plexus, 719

of pudendal plexus, 719

of sacral plexus, 719

of thoracic nerves, 714, 716, 717
morphology of rami, 681, 691, 741
number of, 678

origin of, 522, 528
posterior rami, 687, 691
recurrent branches of, 686
relation of, to meninges, 686
to vertebræ, 1442, 1443
roots of, 519
anterior, 519

development of, 679
posterior, 519

development of, 679

segmental disposition of, 687
size of, 678

somatic portion of, 680
splanchnic portion of, 680
visceral branches of, 680
white rami of, 687

development of, 681

of lumbar and sacral nerves, 719
of pudendal plexus, 719

of sacral plexus, 719

of thoracic, 714, 716, 717

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

development of, 683

variations of, 700, 752

supra-trochlear, 773

surgical anatomy of, 1358

sural, of common peroneal, 730

lateral, of posterior cutaneous nerve of

thigh, 737

medial, of tibial, 732

sympathetic, 753

of taste, 598

temporal, of auriculo-temporal, 780

deep, 779

of facial, 783

topography of, 1359

to tensor fascia latæ muscle, 729
tympani muscle, 835

veli palatini muscle, 786, 788

tentorii, 772

to teres minor muscle, 710

terminalis, 608

thoracic, 713

anterior rami of, 713

cutaneous branches of, 714

of first, 714

of second, 714

of twelfth, 717

communications of, 714, 716, 717, 719

muscular branches of, 703

of first, 714

of second, 714

of twelfth, 717

posterior rami of, 690

cutaneous branches of, 690

first, 713

lateral anterior, 703

long, 702

medial anterior, 703

[blocks in formation]

morphology of, 796

nuclei of, 600

development of, 683

of mesencephalic root of, 602
in pons, 602

semilunar ganglion of, 771

sensory root of, 600

development of, 683
morphology of, 796

spinal tract of, 601
development of, 602

superficial origin of, 600, 771
trochlear, 770

communications of, 771
course of, 770
deep origin of, 602
development of, 683
morphology of, 798
nucleus of, 602

superficial origin of, 602, 770
tympanic, 786, 836

morphology of, 796

to ulna, 705

ulnar, 708

course of, 708

surgical anatomy of, in arm,

[blocks in formation]

abdominal branches of, 789

afferent fibres of, 596

root of, 795

branches of, 789

cardio-inhibitory fibres of, 793

communications of, 788, 789

deep origin of, 596
development of, 795
efferent fibres of, 596

root of, 795
ganglion nodosum of, 788
in jugular foramen, 786
jugular ganglion of, 788
left, in thorax, 786
morphology of, 797
in neck, 788

nucleus of, 597


relation of, to fourth ventricle, 551
right, in thorax, 786

roots of, 596

development of, 795

morphology of, 796

superficial origin of, 786

surgical anatomy of, 1393

termination of, in coats of stomach, 1177

in thorax, 786

viscero-motor fibres of, 793
vesical, 766

vestibular, 853

connexion of, with cerebellum, 604

deep origin of, 604

descending root of, 605

nucleus of, 604, 605

relation of, to fourth ventricle, 551

zygomatic, of facial, 773, 775

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]


order of occurrence of, in spinal medulla,

[blocks in formation]

relation of, to sympathetic, 754

posterior, 519, 533, 534, 536

development of, 520, 536

in posterior funiculus of spinal medulla,


relation of, to sympathetic, 754

Nervous system, 497



early stages of development, 30
elements of the, 497

of hydra, 497

[blocks in formation]

554, 682

central canal of, 564, 565

development of cerebral nerves from, 682

of spinal nerves from, 679
differentiation of, 33
ependymal layer of, 502
fate of spinal portion, 35
flexures of, 514

floor-plate of, 402, 520

germinal cells of, 35

histological differentiation of walls, 35

limiting membrane of, external, 35, 502
internal, 35, 502

mantle-layer of, 502
marginal layer of, 502
myelospongium of, 503
neuroblasts of, 503
perforations in wall of, 37
roof-plate of, 402, 520
sulcus limitans of, 36

Neurenteric canal, 23, 26
Neurobiotaxis, 554
Neuroblasts, 36, 503

Neuro-central synchondrosis, 104
Neuroglia of brain, 511
of spinal medulla, 527
Neurolemma, 508
Neurology, 3

Neuro-muscular spindles, 866

Neuron, 503

Neurone theory, 503

objections to, 504

Neuropore, 31

anterior, 31, 500

posterior, 31, 500

Neuro-tendinous spindles, 865

Nictitating membrane, 821

Nipple, 1337

Nodule of cerebellum, 571

development of, 571

Noduli aggregati of vermiform process, 1217

lymphatici aggregati, 1181

intestini recti, 1230

lienales, 1355

solitarii, 1181

valvularum semilunarium, 877

Nose, 799

ala of, 799

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