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[blocks in formation]

Notch, acetabular, of ischium, 232

variations in, 281

cardiac, of lung, 1095
of cerebellum, 574
ethmoidal, 116

greater sciatic, of ilium, 229
infra-sternal, 1397, 1407

intercondylic, of femur, 243
jugular, 107

mandibular, 156
nasal, 115
pterygoid, 137
pterygo-palatine, 151
radial, 211
of Rivinus, 834
of sacrum, 96
scapular, 201, 203
great, 202
sciatic, 229, 232
semilunar, 211
of spleen, 1352
supraorbital, 116
suprasternal, 107
ulnar of radius, 215
umbilical, 1191

Notochord, 23, 24, 290
formation of, 24
remnants of, 25
Nuchal furrow, 1395
lines, 166, 171

of occipital bone, 121

plane of occipital bone, 121

Nuck, canal of, 1319
Nuclear juice, 8

layer of retina, 816, 817
membrane, 8, 9

Nucleolus, 8, 9, 10

false, 8

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

of orbit, 453

action of, 454

nerve-supply of, 454

Obliterated umbilical artery, 936

[blocks in formation]

Occipital angle of parietal bone, 119

arteries, 895

bone, 120

architecture of, 270

basilar part of, 123

ossification of, 124

cerebral surface of, 121
condyles of, 122

ossification of, 124

connexions of, 124
foramen magnum of, 123, 172, 178
lateral parts of, 121
morphology of, 290

nuchal lines of, 121

plane of, 121
ossification of, 124

relation of, to sutures, 165, 171
squamous part of, 121

ossification of, 124

variations in, 277

condyles, 122, 182
third, 278

crest, external, 121

internal, 121, 182

fontanelle, 293
lobe, 660

topography of, 1360

lymph glands, 998

nerves, 688-690

plane, 118

point, 183, 285

protuberance, external, 121, 178

internal, 121, 182

sinus, 183, 974

abnormalities of, 1058

sulcus, 661

triangle, 1395

vein, 965, 967

Occipito-atloid joint, 309

movements at, 311

ligaments, 310

Occipito-epistropheal ligaments, 311
Occipito-frontal fasciculus, 650
Occipito-mastoid suture, 165, 171
Oculo-motor nerve, 683

connexions of, 604
development of, 683
morphology of, 798
nucleus of, 603

splanchnic efferent nucleus of, 604

sulcus, 603

Oculo-nasal sulci, 49
Odontoblasts, 1245

processes of, 1247

Esophageal arteries of aorta, 925

Obstetrical paralysis of Duchenne, 1395
Obturator artery, 940

abnormalities of, 1057

canal, 338
crest, 233

externus muscle, 413

action of, 414

nerve-supply of, 414

fascia, 489

foramen, 234
gland, 1017
groove, 234

abnormalities of, 281

internus muscle, 418

action of, 418

nerve-supply of, 418

membrane, 338

nerve, 722

of coronary, 929

of inferior thyreoid, 611
morphology of, 1046
groove of liver, 1189
of lung, 1094
opening of diaphragm, 473
orifice of stomach, 1163
plexus, 791
veins, 961

Esophagus, 1150

abdominal part of, 1152
cervical portion of, 1151

[blocks in formation]

topography of, 1449

Olfactory area, 500, 622

bulb, 622, 623

development of, 622
morphology of, 622

structure of, 623

bundle, 627

cells, 805

cleft, 1378

ganglion, 622

morphology of, 622

glands, 804

glomeruli, 623

groove, 140, 141, 179
hairs, 805

lobe, 624

development of, 624

relation of, to anterior cerebral commissure,


nerve, 767, 768, 805

central connexions of, 623

development of, 682

neurones, 625

organ, 799

for receptive impressions, 625

pits, 49, 682

sulcus, 666

tract, 622, 623

development of, 622

structure of, 623

triangle, 623

tubercle, 623

Oligolecithal ovum, 14
Olivary nucleus, 555

Olive of medulla oblongata, 547
Omental bursa, 1162, 1238
tuberosity of liver, 1193
of pancreas, 1206

Omentum, 1162

gastro-colic, 1162
gastro-hepatic, 1162
gastro-splenic, 1162

development of, 1253

of first order, 12

of second order, 15

Oogonia, 12, 15

Oolemma, 13

Opening of subarachnoid part of brain,

Opercula insulæ, 655


orbital, 655

superior, 655

temporal, 655

Ophryon, 285

Ophthalmic artery, 902

abnormalities of, 1054

nerve, 772

morphology of, 797

veins, 968

Opisthion, 178, 183

Opponens digiti quinti giti qu
action of, 394

muscle, 393

nerve-supply of, 394

Opponens pollicis muscle, 392

relation of, to omental bursa, 1239

greater, 1162, 1241

development of, 1253

functions of, 1242

relation of, to duodenum, 1186

to omental bursa, 1239
to transverse colon, 1239

lesser, 1162, 1197, 1241

development of, 1253

relation of, to omental bursa, 1239

Omo-hyoid muscle, 459

action of, 394

nerve-supply of, 394

Ontogeny, 1

action of, 393

nerve-supply of, 393

Optic axis, 807

chiasma, 541, 619

decussation in, 769

development of, 609, 682, 826

morphology of, 798

commissure, 619

cup, 682, 826

of optic disc, 815

disc, 815

foramen, 180

abnormalities of, 278

groove, 135

nerve, 541, 768

deep connexions of, 620

development of, 33, 609, 682

morphology of, 798

papilla, 815

in retina, 816

radiation, 620, 643, 658
recess, 618

stalk, 682, 825, 826

morphology of, 798

tract, 541, 619

central connexions of, 619
cortical connexions of, 620

vesicle, 825

pigmentary layer of, 825

Ora serrata, 815

structure of, 815

Oral part of the pharynx, 1144, 1145
Orbicularis oculi muscle, 450

Orbicularis oris muscle, 450

action of, 452
nerve-supply of, 452

Orbiculus ciliaris, 812

Orbit, 160, 162
fascia of, 452
floor of, 162
lateral wall of, 162
medial wall of, 163

muscles of, 452

action of, 454

morphology of, 496

nerve-supply of, 454

roof of, 160
veins of, 968

Orbital artery of middle meningeal, 898

of superficial temporal, 897

Orbital (contd.), fossa, 160

gyri, 666
index, 287
margin, 115

sexual differences in, 193
part of frontal bone, 117, 162
plate of ethmoid bone, 140, 163
process of palate bone, 152, 162, 170
of zygomatic bone, 154

septum, 822
sulcus, 666
wings of sphenoid, 135

Orbito-maxillary-frontal suture, 279
Orbito-nasal centre, 150
Orbito-sphenoids, 135, 138
Orbito-tarsal ligaments, 1378
Organ of Corti, 849, 856

epibranchial, 796, 797

of lateral line, 796

of Ruffini, 865

of senses, 799

of taste, 854

vomero-nasal, of Jacobson, 802

Orifice, aortic, 878

topography of, 1405

external, of uterus, 1316
internal, of uterus, 1317
mitral, 876, 878
level of, 1442
topography of, 1405

pulmonary, 878

topography of, 1405
tricuspid, 877
level of, 1442

topography of, 1405

Origin of muscles, 364
Orthocephalic skulls, 286
Orthognathous skulls, 287
Os or Ossa, breve, 82
calcaneus, 259
capitate, 221

morphology of, 295
ossification of, 223

carpal, 280
carpi, 217

centrale, 280

morphology of, 295

clitoridis, 1326
coccygis, 99

cordis, 876

coxӕ, 228
cranii, 115
cuboideum, 263

cuneiforme, first, 261

second, 262
third, 263

ethmoidale, 139

extremitatis inferioris, 228

superioris, 197

faciei, 146

fibulare, 295
frontale, 115

hamatum, 221

surface anatomy, 1451

variation in, 280

hyoideum, 158
ilium, 228
Incæ, 278
intercuneiforme, 282
interfrontale, 277
interparietale, 277


[blocks in formation]

occipitale, 120
orbiculare, 840
palatinum, 150
parietale, 118
penis, 1300
pisiforme, 219
pubis, 233
radiale, 295
sacrum, 96
sesamoidea, 269
sphenoidale, 133
subcapitulare, 280
sustentaculi, 282
suturarum, 145
tarsi, 254
temporale, 125
tibiale, 295
trigonum, 282
triquetrum, 219
ulnare, 295
Vesaleanum, 282
zygomaticum, 153
Osseous labyrinth, 843
Ossicles, auditory, 838

articulations of, 840
development of, 841
joints of, 840
ligaments of, 841

movements of, 842

epipteric, 146

of Kerkring, 124

Ossification of bones, 84

of laryngeal cartilages, 1065

Osteoblasts of bone, 85
Osteology, 3, 81

descriptive terms of, 82

Ostium abdominale tubæ uterinæ, 1314
maxillare, 804

pharyngeum tubæ auditivæ, 837, 838
tympanicum tubæ auditivæ, 837

uterinum tubæ, 1315

Otic ganglion, 781

branches of, 781

development of, 684, 796

roots of, 781

vesicle, 51, 853

Otoconia, 847

Ovarian artery, 928
fimbria, 1312, 1314

fossa, 1312
ligament, 1312
plexus, 765
vein, 1048

abnormalities of, 1058

morphology of, 1048

Ovary, 1311

bursa of, 1318

connexions of, 1312

corpora albicantia of, 1313

[blocks in formation]

of arm, 381

of back, 439

of buttock, 418

of face, 452

of foot, 425

of forearm, 400

of hand, 400

of hyoid bone, 460

of iris, 814

of leg, 435

of lower limb, 718

of mastication, 457

of orbit, 454

of pectoral region, 369

of pelvis, 494

of perineum, 489

of pinna, 830

prevertebral muscles, 470

of shoulder, 375, 376, 377

of soft palate, 786, 788

of thigh, 418

of thorax, 474

of tongue, 463

between trunk and upper limb,


[blocks in formation]

perforans coccygeus major, 738

perforating cutaneous, 737

of upper limb, 700

pericardiac, 791

perineal, 737

of fourth sacral, 738

of posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh, 737

superficial, 739

to perineal muscles, 739

peripheral, development of, 679

peroneal anastomotic ramus, 730

peroneal, deep, 730

superficial, 731

to peroneus brevis, 731

longus, 731

petrosal, deep, 758, 777

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