Notch, acetabular, of ischium, 232 variations in, 281 greater sciatic, of ilium, 229 mandibular, 156 pterygoid, 137 pterygo-palatine, 151 radial, 211 of Rivinus, 834 of occipital bone, 121 plane of occipital bone, 121 layer of retina, 816, 817 Nucleolus, 8, 9, 10 false, 8 Occipito-epistropheal ligaments, 311 Occipito-frontal fasciculus, 650 Occipito-mastoid suture, 165, 171 connexions of, 604 development of, 683 morphology of, 798 nucleus of, 603 splanchnic efferent nucleus of, 604 sulcus, 603 Oculo-nasal sulci, 49 Odontoblasts, 1245 processes of, 1247 Esophageal arteries of aorta, 925 of coronary, 929 of inferior thyreoid, 611 opening of diaphragm, 473 veins, 961 Esophagus, 1150 abdominal part of, 1152 cervical portion of, 1151 constrictions of, 1151 development of, 45, 1249 diaphragmatic part of, 1152 relations of, 1151, 1152, 1153 vessels and nerves of, 1155 Olecranon, 210 development of, 622 of first order, 12 of second order, 15 Opening of subarachnoid part of brain, 1362 Opercula insulæ, 655 Ophthalmic artery, 902 abnormalities of, 1054 nerve, 772 morphology of, 797 veins, 968 Opisthion, 178, 183 Opponens digiti quinti muscle, 393 action of, 394 nerve-supply of, 394 Opponens pollicis muscle, 392 nerve-supply of, 393 Optic axis, 807 chiasma, 541, 619 development of, 609, 682, 826 morphology of, 798 cup, 682, 826 of optic disc, 815 disc, 815 foramen, 180 abnormalities of, 278 groove, 135 nerve, 541, 768 deep connexions of, 620 in retina, 816 radiation, 620, 643, 658 recess, 618 stalk, 682, 825, 826 morphology of, 798 tract, 541, 619 central connexions of, 619 pigmentary layer of, 825 Ora serrata, 815 structure of, 815 Oral part of the pharynx, 1144, 1145 nerve-supply of, 452 Orbiculus ciliaris, 812 Orbit, 160, 162 sexual differences in, 193 part of frontal bone, 117, 162 plate of ethmoid bone, 140, 163 process of palate bone, 152, 162, 170 wings of sphenoid, 135 of senses, 799 of taste, 854 vomero-nasal, of Jacobson, 802 Orifice, aortic, 878 topography of, 1405 internal, of uterus, 1317 mitral, 876, 878 level of, 1442 topography of, 1405 pulmonary, 878 topography of, 1405 tricuspid, 877 morphology of, 295 carpal, 280 carpi, 217 centrale, 280 morphology of, 295 clitoridis, 1326 coccygis, 99 cordis, 876 coxæ, 228 cranii, 115 cuboideum, 263 cuneiforme, first, 261 second, 262 third, 263 ethmoidale, 139 extremitatis inferioris, 228 superioris, 197 faciei, 146 fibulare, 295 frontale, 115 hamatum, 221 surface anatomy, 1451 variation in, 280 hyoideum, 158 ilium, 228 Incæ, 278 intercuneiforme, 282 Os or Ossa (contd.), ischii, 232 metacarpalia, 223 multangulum majus, 220 nasale, 145 naviculare, of the hand, 218 sustentaculi, 282 articulations of, 840 of laryngeal cartilages, 1065 Osteology, 3, 81 descriptive terms of, 82 Ostium abdominale tubæ uterina, 1314 lumbo-inguinal branch of genito-femoral, to obturator externus muscle, 723 branch of posterior auricular, 783 occipital, small, 695 occipital third, 690 oculo-motor, 769 branches of, 770 deep origin of, 603 development of, 796 morphology of, 796 œsophageal, from sympathetic, 760 course of, 772 development of, 796 optic, 768 development of, 825 morphology of, 797 retinal portion of, 815 orbital, of spheno-palatine ganglion, 778 anterior, 778 to parotid gland, 1137 patellar, 726 perforans coccygeus major, 738 perforating cutaneous, 737 perineal, 737 of fourth sacral, 738 of posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh, 737 to perineal muscles, 739 peripheral, development of, 679 superficial, 731 to peroneus brevis, 731 petrosal, deep, 758, 777 |