Nerve or Nerves (contd.)-- petrosal (contd.), superficial, external, 782 lesser, 759, 782, 786 of glossopharyngeal nerve, 786 of spheno-palatine ganglion, 778 branches of, 699 communications of, 699, 702 to piriformis muscle, 729 surgical anatomy of, 1465 surgical anatomy of, 1465 posterior descending supra-clavicular, 696 to prevertebral muscles, 695 pudendal, 738 from sympathetic, 761 to pyramidalis abdominis muscle, 717 radial, 710 collateral branches of, 711 cutaneus brachii posterior, 711 dorsal cutaneous nerve of forearm, 711 ulnar collateral nerve, 711 course of, 711 deep ramus of, 712 dorsal interosseous, 713 superficial rami of, 712 surgical anatomy of, 1454 topography of, at elbow, 1450 in arm, 710, 711 variations of, 752 to radio-carpal joint, 705 to radius, 705 ramus anastomoticus peronæus, 730 of rectum, 1233 recurrens (vagi), 788 recurrent tibial, 730 to rhomboids, 702 sacral, 691, 727, 735 anterior rami of, 727, 735 visceral branches of, 736 posterior rami of, 691 sacro-coccygeal, anterior, 738 saphenous, 726 surgical anatomy of, in foot, 1465 in thigh, 1461 to scaleni muscles, 695, 697 to scalp muscles, 783 scapular, dorsal, 702 sciatic, 728 course of, 728 division of nerve to hamstrings, 728 nerve to short head of biceps, 728 scrotal anterior, 721 Nerve or Nerves (contd.)— to shoulder-joint, from axillary, 710 of small intestine, 1187 to sphincter ani muscle, 738, 739 spinal, 685 anterior rami of, 685 distribution of, general, 680, 687 gray rami of, 680, 681 of lumbo-sacral plexus, 719 of pudendal plexus, 719 of sacral plexus, 719 of thoracic nerves, 714, 716, 717 origin of, 522, 528 development of, 679 development of, 679 segmental disposition of, 687 somatic portion of, 680 development of, 681 of lumbar and sacral nerves, 719 of sacral plexus, 719 of thoracic, 714, 716, 717 spinosus, 778 splanchnic, 761 greater, 761, 764 lowest, 761, 764 stapedius, 782 to sterno-mastoid muscle, 696, 793 from accessory, 793 of stomach, 1177 to stylo-pharyngeus muscle, 786 to subclavius, 702 of sublingual gland, 1140 of submaxillary gland, 1138 INDEX. order of occurrence of, in spinal medulla, 533 of sensory, 532 in thoracic region, 759 non-medullated, 754 554, 682 central canal of, 564, 565 development of cerebral nerves from, 682 of spinal nerves from, 679 histological differentiation of walls, 35 limiting membrane of, external, 35, 502 mantle-layer of, 502 perforations in wall of, 37 Neurenteric canal, 23, 26 Neuroblasts, 36, 503 Neuro-central synchondrosis, 104 of spinal medulla, 527 medullated, 754 splanchnic, 754, 756 terminations of, 504, 509 of, 532 Neuron, 503 Wallerian degeneration Nerve-roots, 519 anterior, origin of fibres of, 528 development of, 519 cerebral, 592 spinal, 519 anterior, 519, 529 development of, 520 origin of, 529 relation of, to sympathetic, 754 posterior, 519, 533, 534, 536 development of, 520, 536 in posterior funiculus of spinal medulla, 533 relation of, to sympathetic, 754 Nervous system, 497 cerebro-spinal, 497 early stages of development, 30 Neuro-muscular spindles, 866 Neurone theory, 503 objections to, 504 Neuropore, 31 anterior, 31, 500 posterior, 31, 500 Neuro-tendinous spindles, 865 Nictitating membrane, 821 Nipple, 1337 Nodule of cerebellum, 571 development of, 571 Noduli aggregati of vermiform process, 1217 lymphatici aggregati, 1181 intestini recti, 1230 lienales, 1355 solitarii, 1181 valvularum semilunarium, 877 Nose, 799 of hydra, 497 ala of, 799 Notch, acetabular, of ischium, 232 variations in, 281 greater sciatic, of ilium, 229 mandibular, 156 pterygoid, 137 pterygo-palatine, 151 of Rivinus, 834 lines, 166, 171 of occipital bone, 121 plane of occipital bone, 121 layer of retina, 816, 817 Nucleolus, 8, 9, 10 false, 8 Occipito-epistropheal ligaments, 311 Occipito-frontal fasciculus, 650 Occipito-mastoid suture, 165, 171 connexions of, 604 development of, 683 morphology of, 798 nucleus of, 603 splanchnic efferent nucleus of, 604 sulcus, 603 Oculo-nasal sulci, 49 Odontoblasts, 1245 processes of, 1247 Esophageal arteries of aorta, 925 of coronary, 929 of inferior thyreoid, 611 opening of diaphragm, 473 veins, 961 Esophagus, 1150 abdominal part of, 1152 cervical portion of, 1151 |