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[blocks in formation]

constrictions of, 1151

development of, 45, 1249

diaphragmatic part of, 1152

distensibility of, 1407

glands of, 1155

relations of, 1151, 1152, 1153

structure of, 1153

surgical anatomy of, 1407

thoracic part of, 1152

variations in, 1153

vessels and nerves of, 1155

Olecranon, 210

fossa, 208

topography of, 1449

Olfactory area, 500, 622

bulb, 622, 623

development of, 622
morphology of, 622
structure of, 623

bundle, 627
cells, 805

cleft, 1378

ganglion, 622

morphology of, 622

glands, 804

glomeruli, 623

groove, 140, 141, 179
hairs, 805

lobe, 624

development of, 624

relation of, to anterior cerebral commissure,


of first order, 12

[blocks in formation]

superior, 655
temporal, 655

Ophryon, 285
Ophthalmic artery, 902

nerve, 767, 768, 805

central connexions of, 623

development of, 682

neurones, 625

organ, 799

for receptive impressions, 625

pits, 49, 682

sulcus, 666

tract, 622, 623

development of, 622

structure of, 623

triangle, 623

tubercle, 623

Oligolecithal ovum, 14
Olivary nucleus, 555

Olive of medulla oblongata, 547
Omental bursa, 1162, 1238

tuberosity of liver, 1193
of pancreas, 1206

Omentum, 1162

gastro-colic, 1162
gastro-hepatic, 1162
gastro-splenic, 1162

development of, 1253

relation of, to omental bursa, 1239

greater, 1162, 1241

development of, 1253

functions of, 1242

relation of, to duodenum, 1186

to omental bursa, 1239
to transverse colon, 1239

lesser, 1162, 1197, 1241

development of, 1253
relation of, to omental bursa, 1239

Omo-hyoid muscle, 459

action of, 394

nerve-supply of, 394

Ontogeny, 1

abnormalities of, 1054

nerve, 772

morphology of, 797

veins, 968
Opisthion, 178, 183

Opponens digiti quinti muscle, 393

action of, 394

nerve-supply of, 394
Opponens pollicis muscle, 392
action of, 393

nerve-supply of, 393

Optic axis, 807

chiasma, 541, 619

decussation in, 769

development of, 609, 682, 826

morphology of, 798

commissure, 619

cup, 682, 826

of optic disc, 815

disc, 815

foramen, 180

abnormalities of, 278

groove, 135

nerve, 541, 768

deep connexions of, 620
development of, 33, 609, 682
morphology of, 798

papilla, 815

in retina, 816

radiation, 620, 643, 658
recess, 618

stalk, 682, 825, 826

morphology of, 798

tract, 541, 619

central connexions of, 619
cortical connexions of, 620

vesicle, 825

pigmentary layer of, 825

Ora serrata, 815

structure of, 815

Oral part of the pharynx, 1144, 1145
Orbicularis oculi muscle, 450

Orbicularis oris muscle, 450

action of, 452

nerve-supply of, 452

culus ciliari


ciliaris, 812

Orbit, 160, 162

fascia of, 452
floor of, 162

lateral wall of, 162

medial wall of, 163

muscles of, 452

action of, 454

morphology of, 496

nerve-supply of, 454

oof of, 160
veins of, 968

Orbital artery of middle meningeal, 898
of superficial temporal, 897

Orbital (contd.), fossa, 160

gyri, 666
index, 287
margin, 115

sexual differences in, 193
part of frontal bone, 117, 162
plate of ethmoid bone, 140, 163
process of palate bone, 152, 162, 170
of zygomatic bone, 154

septum, 822
sulcus, 666
wings of sphenoid, 135
Orbito-maxillary-frontal suture, 279
Orbito-nasal centre, 150
Orbito-sphenoids, 135, 138
Orbito-tarsal ligaments, 1378
Organ of Corti, 849, 856

epibranchial, 796, 797

of lateral line, 796

of Ruffini, 865

of senses, 799

of taste, 854

vomero-nasal, of Jacobson, 802

Orifice, aortic, 878

topography of, 1405

external, of uterus, 1316
internal, of uterus, 1317
mitral, 876, 878
level of, 1442
topography of, 1405

pulmonary, 878

topography of, 1405
tricuspid, 877

level of, 1442

topography of, 1405

Orthocephalic skulls, 286
Orthognathous skulls, 287
Os or Ossa, breve, 82
calcaneus, 259
capitate, 221

n of muscles, 364

morphology of, 295
ossification of, 223

carpal, 280
carpi, 217

centrale, 280

morphology of, 295

clitoridis, 1326
coccygis, 99
cordis, 876

coxӕ, 228
cranii, 115
cuboideum, 263

cuneiforme, first, 261

second, 262
third, 263

ethmoidale, 139

extremitatis inferioris, 228

superioris, 197

faciei, 146

fibulare, 295
frontale, 115

hamatum, 221

surface anatomy, 1451

variation in, 280

hyoideum, 158
ilium, 228


Incæ, 278
interfrontale, 277
intermetatarsale, 282
interparietale, 277

Os or Ossa (contd.), ischii, 232

Japonicum, 279

lacrimale, 143

longum, 82
lunatum, 218

metacarpalia, 223
metatarsalia, 265

multangulum majus, 220

minus, 220

nasale, 145

naviculare, of the hand, 218

of the foot, 261

occipitale, 120
odontoideum, 275
orbiculare, 840
palatinum, 150
parietale, 118
penis, 1300
pisiforme, 219
pubis, 233
radiale, 295
sacrum, 96
sesamoidea, 269
sphenoidale, 133
subcapitulare, 280
sustentaculi, 282
suturarum, 145
tarsi, 254
temporale, 125
tibiale, 295
trigonum, 282
triquetrum, 219
ulnare, 295
Vesaleanum, 282
zygomaticum, 153
Osseous labyrinth, 843
Ossicles, auditory, 838

articulations of, 840

development of, 841
joints of, 840
ligaments of, 841

movements of, 842

epipteric, 146

of Kerkring, 124

Ossification of bones, 84

of laryngeal cartilages, 1065

Osteoblasts of bone, 85
Osteology, 3, 81

descriptive terms of, 82

Ostium abdominale tubæ uterinæ, 1314
maxillare, 804

pharyngeum tubæ auditivæ, 837, 838
tympanicum tubæ auditivæ, 837

uterinum tubæ, 1315

Otic ganglion, 781

branches of, 781

development of, 684, 796

roots of, 781

vesicle, 51, 853

Otoconia, 847

Ovarian artery, 928
fimbria, 1312, 1314

fossa, 1312
ligament, 1312
plexus, 765
vein, 1048

abnormalities of, 1058

morphology of, 1048

Ovary, 1311

bursa of, 1318

connexions of, 1312

corpora albicantia of, 1313


[blocks in formation]

centrosome of, 14
cone of attraction, 20
deutoplasm of, 14
eutelolecithal, 14
fertilisation of, 20
maturation of, 15
nucleus of, 14
oligolecithal, 14
in ovary, 1313, 1314
primitive, 1313, 1314
relation of, to decidua, 57
segmentation of, 15, 21
special characters of, 13
telolecithal, 14

Pacinian corpuscles, 864

Pad, 1110, 1111

infra-patellar, of knee-joint, 348
suctorial, 1109

Palate, 1110

aponeurosis, 466, 1111

arches of, 1111, 1112
arteries of, 1111

[blocks in formation]

primary hæmorrhage after removal of, 1384

surgical anatomy of, 1584

Palato-ethmoidal suture, 162
Pallium, 621

Palm, surgical anatomy of, 1454

Palmar arch, deep, 923, 924

bone, 150

horizontal part of, 151
orbital process of, 152.
perpendicular part of, 151
pyramidal process of, 152
relation of, to nasal fossæ, 183

to orbit, 162
to zygom zygomatic fossa, 168
sphenoidal process of, 152
ossification of, 153
development of, 49, 1379
foramen, greater, 151, 174

surgical anatomy of, 1384
lesser, 152, 174

glands, 1110
hard, 174, 1107, 1110

surgical anatomy of, 1384
incisive pad of, 1110, 1111
lymph vessels of, 1112
mucous membrane of, 1111
muscles of, 466

development of, 496
nerves of, 778, 1112
papilla palatina of, 1110

abnormalities of, 1055
morphology of, 1055
surface anatomy of, 1454

superficial, 923, 924
morphology of, 1047
surface anatomy of, 1454

fascia, 384

ligaments of carpal joints, 328
of carpo-metacarpal joints, 330
of metacarpo-phalangeal joints, 332

Palmaris brevis muscle, 382
longus muscle, 386
action of, 386

nerve-supply of, 386

Palpebræ, 821

Palpebral arteries, 823
fissure, 821

ligaments, medial, 822

surgical anatomy of, 1376

nerves, 824

raphe, lateral, 822

veins, 824

Pampiniform plexus, 983
Pancreas, 1203

accessory, 1207

body of, 1203, 1206
characters of, 1207
development of, 47

ducts of, 1206, 1207, 1255

termination of, 1186, 1203, 1207

accessory, 1207

head of, 1203, 1204
lesser, 1207

lymph vessels of, 1207
margin, anterior, 1206

inferior, 1206
superior, 1206
neck of, 1203, 1205
nerves of, 1208

omental tuberosity of, 1206

parts, 1203

peritoneal relations of, 1206

position, 1203

processus uncinatus of, 1203

[blocks in formation]

Pancreatico-duodenal arteries, 930, 932, 1205,


vein, 1208

Panniculus adiposus, 364

carnosus, 364

Papilla or Papillæ, bile, 1186, 1203, 1207

conical and filiform, 1127

corii, 857

dentis, 1244

duodeni, 1186, 1203, 1207

fungiform and lenticular, 1127

of integument, 857

of kidney, 1265

lacrimal, 821

lenticular, 1127

lingual, 1126
mammæ, 1337

of nail, 859

of optic nerve, 815

pili, 860

renal, 1265

of skin, 857

vallate, 1127

Paracentesis of the pericardium, 1405

of pleura, site for, 1402

of tympanic membrane, 1368

Paracentral lobule, 664, 666
Parachordal cartilages, 290
Paradidymis, 1287
origin of, 1335
Paraduodenal fossa, 1185
Paraflocculus, 571
Paramastoid process, 278
Parametrium, 1318, 1319
Paranephric fat, 1425
Parapophysis, 284
Parapyramidal fissure, 573
Pararectal fossa, 1227, 1238
Parasinoidal sinuses, 974
Parasternal line, 1397
Parathyreoid bodies, 44
glands, 1348

blood-vessels of, 1349
development of, 1349
number of, 1349
position of, 1349

structure of, 1349

surgical anatomy of, 1388

Para-urethral duct, 1285, 1309
Paravesical fossa, 1238, 1280
Paraxial mesoderm, 27
Parenchyma testis, 1288

Paries carotica of tympanic cavity, 834

jugularis, 832


mastoidea, 834
membranacea, 834

tegmentalis, 832

[blocks in formation]

Pars or part abdominalis of œsophagus, 1152

et pelvina s. sympathici, 761

analis recti, 1228

basilaris ossis occipitalis, 123

pontis, 565

cavernosa urethræ, 1308
centralis of lateral ventricle, 634
cephalica et cervicalis s. sympathici, 750
cervical of the œsophagus, 1151
ciliaris retinæ, 815

development of, 826
convoluta of kidney, 1265
dorsalis pontis, 567
flaccida membranæ tympani, 835
frontalis capsulæ internæ, 642
operculi, 655
iridica retinæ, 813, 815
development of, 826
lacrimalis of orbicularis oculi, 450
laryngeal part of pharynx, 1147
mamillaris hypothalami, 609
membranacea of the urethra, 1307
nasal of the pharynx, 1142
occipitalis capsulæ internæ,
optica hypothalami, 609
retinæ, 815


oral of pharynx, 1144
orbitalis operculi, 655
parietalis operculi, 655
prostatica of the urethra, 1305
radiata of kidney, 1265
squamous of occipital bone, 121
temporalis operculi, 655

tensa membranæ tympani, 835

Pars or part (contd.), thoracalis of the œsophagus,


s. sympathici, 759

triangularis operculi, 655

Patella, 245

apex of, 245

articular surface of, 245

base of, 245

fracture of the, 1460

ligaments of, 344

relation of, to fascia lata, 404, 409, 422
to quadriceps (extensor) femoris, 409

ossification of, 245
topography of, 1460

Patellar plexus, 726
Pecten ossis pubis, 233
Pectinea fascia, 403
Pectineal line, 231

Pectineus muscle, 411

action of, 411

of, 411

Pectiniform septum of penis, 1300

Pectoral fascia, 369

girdle, 203, 270

lymph glands, 1008

muscles, nerve-supply of, 704
region, fascia, 369

muscles of, 369

ridge, 206

Pectoralis major muscle, 369

action of, 370

nerve-supply of, 370

minimus, 371

minor muscle, 371

action of, 371

nerve-supply of, 371

Pedicles (O.T.) of vertebræ, 89, 90, 93, 95
Peduncles of cerebellum, 577

of cerebrum, 34

of corpora mamillaria, 615
olivary, 556

of pineal body, 614

development of, 614
Pedunculi cerebri, 541, 542, 583
basis pedunculi of, 583
origin of, 517
sulcus lateralis of, 584
n. oculomotorii of, 584
tegmentum of, 583

Pelvic colon, 1222

topography of, 1423
diaphragm, 493
fasciæ, 489
floor, 490
girdle, 228, 273

morphology of, 295

mesocolon, 1223

part of sympathetic, 762
plexus, 766

Pelvis, 235

articulations of, 335

axis of, 237

cavity of, 489

conjugate diameter, 237, 238
diameters of, 237, 238

dolichopellic, 288

fasciæ of, 489

female, surgical anatomy of, 1434

growth of, 238

inferior aperture of, 237

sexual differences in, 237

ligaments of, 336

Pelvis (contd.), lymph vessels of, 1015

major, 235

measurements of, 238

mechanism and movements of, 338

mesatipellic, 288

minor, 236

muscles of, 493

oblique diameter of, 237
peritoneum of, 1237

planes of, 238

platypellic, 288
position of, 237
renal, 1268

calyces majores of, 1268
minores of, 1268
development of, 1331
sexual differences in, 237
superior aperture, 236

sexual differences in, 237
transverse diameter, 237
white line of, 491

Penis, 1298

artery of, 1300

bone of, 1300

bulbus urethræ of, 1299
corona glandis of, 1298

corpora cavernosa of, 1299

structure of, 1300

corpus cavernosum urethræ of, 1298

structure of, 1300

crura of, 1299

development of, 1336

dorsal vein of, 897

dorsum of, 1298

fascia of, 1300

frænulum præputii, 1299
glandulæ præputiales, 1299
glans of, 1298

development of, 1336

hemispheria bulbi urethræ of, 1299
ligamentum suspensorium of, 1299
nerves of, 740

præputium, 1299
root of, 1299

bulbus urethræ of, 1299

crura of, 1299

septum of, 1300
structure of, 1300
suspensory ligament of, 1299
tunica albuginea of, 1300
vessels and nerves of, 1300

Perforated substance, 624
Perforating arteries, 950
cutaneous nerve, 737
Pericardiac nerve, 791
Pericardiaco-phrenic artery, 913
Pericardial area, 27, 65
arteries, of aorta, 925

of internal mammary, 913

Pericardium, 880

development of, 72, 74
fibrous part of, 880
great oblique sinus of, 882
paracentesis of, 1405

serous, 881

sinuses of, 882
structure of, 882

transverse sinus of, 882

vestigial fold of, 882

Perichondrium, 85
Pericranium, 1357
Perilymph, 846

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